Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 172 Mr. Hu poses another abstract test question

Chapter 172 Mr. Hu poses another abstract test question

Chapter 172 Mr. Hu poses another abstract test question

For Mr. Hu Weiyong, the current situation is certainly a bit irritating.

But...don't panic!

Not without a chance!

Mr. Hu actually knows that he is more or less fooling around.

But, hell, I don’t know if I was brainwashed by those online novels in my previous life, or if I’m overdoing it.

Anyway, in his eyes, being an official under Zhu Yuanzhang was a tough job with a narrow escape from death.

All things like getting ahead, becoming famous, and leaving a name in history are all fake!

Just one goal, survive!

Therefore, Hu Weiyong, who appears to be bohemian on the surface, is really lying flat.

But in fact, he didn't dare to do nothing at all.

Because, if there is really no value or movement at all, will Lao Zhu remember it one day and raise the butcher's knife?

After all, just the name "Hu Weiyong" represents original sin when placed with Lao Zhu.

That's right, just because you are Hu Weiyong, you are guilty.

Because Hu Weiyong is the banner of the Huaixi Party;

Because Hu Weiyong was the former prime minister of the Ming Dynasty;

Because Hu Weiyong once had disciples all over the world;

Because Hu Weiyong was once so powerful...

Even these things related to Hu Weiyong are in the past.

Then they had already left a deep mark on Zhu Yuanzhang's heart.

But unfortunately, Hu Weiyong couldn't wash away these things even if he tried his best.

He hid in the mansion, worried that Zhu Yuanzhang would identify him as dormant;

He was so dissolute that he was worried that Zhu Yuanzhang would judge him as an idiot;

He has neither party nor friends, and is worried that Zhu Yuanzhang will think that he is secretly plotting against Chen Cang and others.


Therefore, Hu Weiyong could only be careful to refresh his presence from time to time within the scope allowed by Zhu Yuanzhang, but not too much.

The main thing is that I will do the job you give me, but I can't do it perfectly.

At the same time, I have to be lazy and live my own little life leaning on the red and green trees.

Moreover, he has to make several achievements and so on!

In this way, by slowly becoming invisible and retreating behind the scenes, we can almost wait until Lao Zhu is offline.



But being born under Zhu Yuanzhang's hands, this was already the best way of life he could think of.

At least on the surface, he was still lying flat on his face.

I don’t know how many people have drooled over my little life!

Forget it, let’s find a way to figure out the questions for this provincial examination.

In any case, other aspects are easy to say, but the reputation among the scholars is really not worth it at all.

That thing always involves cronies and factions.

Oh my god, you're all looking for death.

So, come out with the questions for the provincial examination!

The next day, Master Hu strolled to the Ministry of Rites again.

He didn't wait for anyone else to ask, but took the initiative to come up with his own question.

"Here, this is the question I want to put at the end of the provincial examination!"

"Everyone take a look and remember to keep your mouth shut!"

For all the officials of the Ministry of Rites, it was inevitable that Mr. Hu would ask an inappropriate question.

However, even though they had thought about it for a long time before, when they actually faced the question asked by Mr. Hu this time, they were still confused.

Can this thing really be used as a test question?

"No, what about that, Mr. Hu, is this...appropriate?"

An impatient official asked on the spot.

Don't blame him for being reckless, it's just that he can't hold it back. This question is too outrageous!

In his opinion, it was not considered a test question at all, but rather a particularly outrageous joke.

That’s right, it’s extremely excessive, very controversial, and may even cause a commotion!

It wasn't just this official. Although the others didn't have time to speak, their expressions clearly meant the same thing.

Hu Weiyong smiled slightly when he saw this.

Ha, you are so disgusted, it seems that I got this question right.

If all of you really raised your hands to welcome me, wouldn't all my efforts have been in vain?

However, Mr. Hu is not too proud at the moment.

He has to continue to work hard. Only when he finally prints this question on the provincial examination paper and makes all the students jump to their feet, curse and cry, will he be considered "successful"!

Yes, it’s that simple and crude!

"Well, everyone, this question may seem unfair, but that's all appearances!"

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, you will know that the content of this question is actually very interesting!"

"Of course I like to joke, but I will not joke about a student's future or the important matters of the imperial examination!"

Mr. Hu sounds serious, but in fact, he is just seeking death.

After all, if he didn't say that, how could this question be printed on the provincial examination paper?

But a specific explanation is not necessary.

Let these officials figure it out on their own!

This way you can save yourself some brain cells!

The officials who responded were speechless to the extreme when they heard Mr. Hu's words.

This means...do you plan to print it directly?

Oh my god, you dare to ask this question and we don’t dare to answer it!

You, the old man, hold a high position of authority, are His Majesty's confidant, and are deeply trusted by His Majesty. Naturally, you are not afraid of His Majesty's blame.

But what should we do?

If something goes wrong in the provincial examination, we will all be implicated!

When they thought that they would be demoted or even demoted because of the provincial examination questions, the officials couldn't wait any longer.

How could they endure this when it was about personal interests?

Immediately, he no longer cares about face or not. They simply swarmed up to Mr. Hu and began to complain.

There is an eighty-year-old mother on the left one, and a young son waiting to be fed below the right one...

Anyway, the main theme is about a man whose family is in a miserable situation and whose future is bleak. He can't help but Mr. Hu is so tossing.

There is only one request. Mr. Hu is so talented. Please change the test questions.

This is too abstract!

They are afraid that if they get out, even if they pass His Majesty's test, they will not be able to pass the test of Shilin in the world.

This bitch is really notorious.

You, Mr. Hu, can't just die without saving me.

But no matter what everyone said, Mr. Hu insisted that this matter was settled and would not change.

Mr. Hu's tricks completely broke everyone's defenses.

How did they know that this was actually Mr. Hu's purpose?

If you don't break the defense and don't object, how can the future infamy be focused on us?

But what he didn't expect was that the officials who had no choice but to protect themselves decided to sum up and sue Zhu Yuanzhang directly.

That's right, after much deliberation among the officials, the only one who can really control Mr. Hu is His Majesty.

It's useless for the prince to come forward.

After all, the prince will become Master Hu's junior.

The minister is even more useless.

After all, the position of Ren Shangshu was promoted by Mr. Hu in the first place!

The only thing I can do is find Your Majesty!

(End of this chapter)

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