Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 184 Li Shanchang and his party attack Yang Xian

Chapter 184 Li Shanchang and his party attacked Yang Xian

Chapter 184: Li Shanchang and his party attack Yang Xian

"Prime Minister Li, don't you care about Yang Xian's behavior?"

"Prime Minister Li, I know that you have always been generous, but some people really don't deserve your generosity."

"Yang Xian is a wolf-hearted guy. Even if you let him go once, he will come back and bite you a second time in the future."

Li Shanchang was sitting in the study room of the Korean government, holding a tea cup and listening to the constant advice of his close subordinates, but his face remained calm.

For a long time, after all his subordinates had finished expressing their opinions, he put down the teacup and said in a deep voice.

"Actually, from the time His Majesty appointed Yang Xian as the Right Prime Minister, I knew that there was incompatibility between me and Yang Xian!"

"It seems that we are fighting for power, and the two parties are fighting back and forth in the court, but in fact..."

"You all know in your heart that I have never asked you to use your full strength!"

"Because, as long as we use our full strength, Yang Xian will definitely be defeated, and he will not be able to stay in the court at all!"

Everyone nodded in unison.

Those present here include members of the township party who were born in Huaixi, as well as students who were slowly attracted by Li Shanchang.

It can be said that no one except himself knows how many "Li Party members" there are in this court!

He even disliked the lot of things Hu Weiyong left behind, and felt that it was delaying his great career as a protégé, so Li Shanchang also gathered a lot of them.

Therefore, in terms of real strength, Prime Minister Li Shanchang is truly the number one in the dynasty.

It's just that it wasn't made too obvious for Zhu Yuanzhang and others to discover.

And today, Li Shanchang is finally going to reveal the purpose of his actions.

"I actually knew from the beginning that Yang Xian was raised up by His Majesty specifically to compete with me in the ring."

"As the Prime Minister, if you really stick to your word in court, your Majesty's life will be uneasy."

"Therefore, His Majesty needs his ministers, especially the leading ones, to fight."

Having said this, Li Shanchang took a sip of tea proudly and gave his subordinates below him some time to react.

"I believe that both Yang Xian and you have already understood this."

"Everyone is just pretending to be stupid. Your Majesty wants to see us fight, so let's fight!"

"But I'm different from you guys!"

"You just thought of one, but the old man did two, thought of three!"

Having said this, even someone as profound as Li Shanchang felt quite proud.

"Haha, of course I know that His Majesty wants us to fight, so should we go ahead and do it?"

"Of course not. I obeyed His Majesty's instructions and opposed Yang Xian in every way. This is what I mean by doing what I said!"

"As for saying three?"

"Haha, this is what I ask of you on weekdays."

"When it comes to national affairs, as long as what Yang Xian proposes is beneficial to the country, I will immediately admit defeat."

"And if I propose a policy that is beneficial to the country, or a policy that His Majesty is satisfied with, Yang Xian leads his people to oppose it..."

"I will make you hibernate and admit defeat, and finally make Yang Xian's group proud!"

Having said this, the officials sitting below could no longer hide the horror on their faces.

"Hahaha, seeing how surprised you all look, I am very proud!"

"That's right, it's just what you think, I did it on purpose!"

"His Majesty wants us and his ministers to fight, but in fact fighting is not what he wants. What he wants is that the court is under his control. What he wants is for the Ming Dynasty to prosper!"

"But the result is that both Yang Xian and you have only seen the first floor!"

"You don't care at all whether the result is good for Daming. Anyway, you just fight for the sake of fighting. It seems that you just need to step on the other side."

"But how can your Majesty be so narrow-minded?"

"Therefore, Yang Xian offended His Majesty unknowingly!" At this point, Li Shanchang sneered.

"Who does Yang Xian think His Majesty is?"

"He is a ruthless man who can quell wars and establish orthodoxy in troubled times. Would he be afraid of me and others joining forces?"

"The Honorable Huaixi may seem to be extremely powerful, but is it not because of His Majesty's trust?"

"This kind of hero, does he need any other factions from other places to restrain us?"


"Your Majesty does not need this at all. He is just taking this opportunity to lay the foundation for the prince's future succession!"

"But Yang Xian just can't understand it!"

"Huh, it's okay now, it's messed!"

Yes, Li Shanchang has always been aware of the little tricks Yang Xian did in private.

It doesn't matter if you complain or throw dirty water on others.

He does this kind of thing occasionally.

But he knew better that this time Zhu Yuanzhang really would not tolerate people like Yang Xian anymore.

After all, Zhu Yuanzhang, to put it bluntly, was just asking people to come up and work for him.

As a result, you, a "permanent worker", stopped working and focused on fighting among yourself, and even made it difficult for other people to do their jobs.

How can Zhu Yuanzhang, who is the "master of the family", endure this?

Therefore, in Li Shanchang's opinion, the time is ripe to overthrow Yang Xian!

It is precisely because of this judgment that today's gathering was held.

Li Shanchang planned to finish his work in one battle and give Yang Xian a fatal blow.

After the "unification of thought" just now, everyone understood.

It turns out that my boss sees it so clearly.

Then there is no fear that this man will get mad and confront His Majesty.

This is too safer.

There is also a lot less pressure on what to do next.

Everyone immediately became familiar with the distribution targets, impeachment content and cooperation.

Even who the other party will stand up and probably say, these things are also planned by this group of people.

There is no way, for these people, the other party is actually just some little trash who is unlikely to be on the stage.

Usually it was just Li Shanchang who told him to keep it. Otherwise, they would have killed him with just a few hands.

Why wait until this time?

Two days later, Li Shanchang's party suddenly broke out at the court meeting.

Listing Yang Xian's twenty major crimes, each one has evidence, and each one has witnesses and testimonies.

It can be said that according to this statement, if Yang Xian is launched now and killed immediately, then he is definitely not unjust.

But although Lao Zhu, who was sitting high up, looked a little ugly, he didn't say anything yet.

Until Li Shanchang came to the end in person and impeached Yang Xian for committing adultery...

Not only did Yang Xian's expression change, but Lao Zhu finally had some reaction!

"Yang Xian, we have listened and thought for so long, but we find that we have nothing to say to you!"

At this point, following Zhu Yuanzhang's words "nothing to say", Yang Xian was directly arrested and imprisoned!

At this point, a generation of powerful minister Yang Xian fell!

(End of this chapter)

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