Chapter 203 Hu Weiyong is giving up his job

Chapter 203: Hu Weiyong is giving up his choice

In the Ming Dynasty, Yingtian Mansion, Kunning Palace.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the Hongwu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty who was usually murderous and serious, did not look like an emperor at all at this time.

Like a lazy man, he was lying on the bed, with a blanket covering his chest and abdomen, but his big feet were raised high.

He was crossing his legs, swaying back and forth without saying anything, and humming an unknown tune.

There was an enthusiastic smile on his face, and in his hand was a copy of Yingtian Mansion's now famous Ming Dynasty Weekly.

"Tsk, tsk, queen, look, these people will definitely get together to rebel."

At this time, he was dressed in home clothes, with no hairpin rings on his head, only a wooden hairpin tied around him, sitting upright on the edge of the bed, squinting his eyes while embroidering a handkerchief.

Regarding Zhu Yuanzhang's careless appearance, Empress Ma just raised her eyelids and glanced at him and didn't care.

"What's going on? Are you reading a story and thinking about the rebellion?"

"Didn't you tell me before that they were just random stories?"

"Why is it involved in the rebellion?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was scolded by Empress Ma in front of her, but he didn't show any signs of being angry, and instead replied with a smile.

"Haha, yes, it is indeed a reckless story, but he wrote this story well!"

"The best part is that he doesn't mince words like those old sour scholars. He doesn't seem to have any trouble talking, and it's quite interesting."

"Hahahaha, as for why we can tell from this story that he will rebel in the future, that's because we also started out as rebels back then!"

"We can't forget this old skill!"

"So, we can see at a glance that this story will inevitably lead to rebellion!"

"It's just a matter of time!"

Empress Ma listened to the firm words of her stunning husband without any doubt, but finally stopped what she was doing and turned her head to look at Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Then... according to this story, shouldn't Chongbaqian be banned?"

"After all, we're talking about rebellion. Then won't it mean that people's thoughts will be moved and bad things will happen?"

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and shook his head.

"Queen, don't panic, Weiyong has actually arranged for someone to inform us about this matter long ago."

"Even if these people rebel, they will be recruited and then become loyal ministers and good generals and sacrifice their lives for the country!"

"With such a result, it is naturally not a banned book!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's smile faded and he sneered.

"Wei Yong has a saying that is particularly good!"

"Some people don't need anyone to teach them, they just have a good heart and can't see bad things;"

"But there are some people, even if no one tries to tease or seduce them, they can still come out and cause trouble to the Ming Dynasty!"

"Therefore, as long as the vast majority of people don't be in chaos, then the Ming Dynasty will not be in chaos!"

When Queen Ma heard these words, she nodded slightly.

"This is quite true!"

"To put it bluntly, you are good if you can take care of most people. How can you possibly cover everything?"

"These ten fingers are even longer than normal!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was also quite emotional at this time.

"Speaking of this, we admire Wei Yong even more."

"Queen, what do you think he is thinking?"

"If you look at the newspaper, it seems inconspicuous. Not only does it spread our policies throughout the world, but it also has stories like these that attract people to read."

"If there is only news from the imperial court, then the common people will stop listening once they hear someone read it once in a while!"

"After all, it sounds boring and boring!"

"But it's different with this story. In order to listen to this story, they have to pay attention to see if there is any other news in the newspaper!"

"Look! By doing this, won't our policies be spread to the ears of the people?"

"In this way, if a bastard somewhere wants to fool the people, then the people will have something to say!" "After all, they have heard the news from the newspapers. Our Ming Emperor personally wrote the inscription, and the Ming Dynasty's former prime minister The newspapers you produced must not be deceptive!"

"But if our newspaper didn't lie to people, then it would be clear who did!"

Queen Ma turned around and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang in surprise.

"Is this the idea behind Weiyong's creation of this newspaper?"

"I thought he just wanted to start a small business. I heard that this business is quite profitable now."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his expression changed instantly and he said rather coquettishly.

"We were negligent in this matter!"

"We used to think this matter was a burden. When we saw Weiyong patting his chest and saying we didn't need to worry about it, we left the matter to him."

"We didn't say anything else, we just allowed him to use the money he earned to meet expenses."

"I never thought that this accident would lead to a big deal!"

"We heard from Jin Yiwei that with this business, Weiyong can still have tens of thousands of taels left over for a year's expenses!"

Empress Ma couldn't help but clapped Zhu Yuanzhang's hand.

"You are just a money addict. What happened to tens of thousands taels?"

"Ten thousand taels is just because Yong Yong has the ability!"

"You are just thinking that Weiyong can create such a big industry without you paying any money, and can help you so much, you have to admire him."

"Besides, as Wei Yong said, this money is just for expenses!"

"Then won't this money be spent in the future?"

"Why are you so anxious?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard what his queen said, he smacked his lips and thought about it, and it seemed that it was true.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to take care of it. Wei Yong is in charge anyway, so just let him have his way."

The couple were chatting when suddenly a chamberlain came to report that Hu Weiyong asked to see them.

Without even thinking about it, Zhu Yuanzhang asked Song Li to bring the people to Kunning Palace.

If it were other ministers, they would naturally go to the palace where government affairs were discussed.

But now that Hu Weiyong is here, things will naturally be different.

Not only are they old friends of the couple, but they are also the in-laws of their children.

With such an identity, there is naturally no need to avoid taboos, and Kunning Palace is not out of the question!

Hu Weiyong was not surprised at all that he was taken to Kunning Palace.

After all, Zhu Yuanzhang really loves his wife.

The relationship between the couple is really good.

Therefore, when he came to Kunning Palace and saw the Emperor and Queen of the Ming Dynasty wearing ordinary clothes, Hu Weiyong also didn't think at all.

After all, no one in the Ming Dynasty could treat the emperor and empress as ordinary people better than him.

"Your Majesty, Hu Weiyong, has met your Majesty and the Queen!"

After meeting Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma in a proper manner, Hu Weiyong was stunned as soon as he sat down and opened his mouth.

"Your Majesty, I came here today for only one thing!"

"Then I'm resigning from my post at the Ming Weekly Newspaper. I hope your majesty will give me your permission!"

"What do you say?"

When Lao Zhu heard this, he stood up immediately.

No, what are you doing?

You quit?

Why don't you stop doing it?

If you don’t do it, who will?

(End of this chapter)

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