Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 415 Lao Zhu is also worried about his children

Chapter 415 Lao Zhu is also worried about his children
Chapter 415: Lao Zhu is also worried about his children
"Tsk, if you didn't tell me, I would have ignored this matter!"

"Well, don't worry, I'll look for one for you!"

"This is about marrying a virtuous wife. If someone has a bad temperament, our family will not be able to live in peace in the future!"

"So, don't worry, little boy, let me think about this matter carefully first!"

As the head of the Hu family, Mr. Hu naturally will not turn a blind eye since he is aware of the problem.

But listening to his father's words, Hu Renbin felt particularly worried.

It's no secret that he thought about it for a long time before speaking, and found many reasons for his father.

In the end, there was no reason at all.

My father really forgot about this.

When Hu Renbin thought of this, he felt bad.

Why is it like this?

Is it possible that his identity as the eldest son of the Hu family is fake?

He is not Mr. Hu’s biological son, but he was picked up from outside?
Otherwise, why are you so nice to your cousin and so indifferent to yourself?

For a moment, even though Mr. Hu had promised to help him find a suitable wife, Hu Renbin still felt cold in his heart.

It has the sour and painful feeling of "bitter wine is hard to enter the throat".

too difficult!
Mr. Hu felt a little embarrassed when he saw his rebellious son like this.

After all, people in this era usually start a family and start a career early.

Logically speaking, as the eldest brother, Hu Renbin should get married earlier than Hu Xinyue.

As a result, Hu Xinyue is now the princess and is already pregnant with a child.

If Hu Renbin hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have thought of it at all.

This is still somewhat inappropriate.

Of course, Mr. Hu cannot be entirely blamed for this matter.

After all, in his previous life, he hated urging marriage the most.

In my previous life, I was tortured a lot, so as the old saying goes, "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you"!
If you have been caught in the rain, you must hold an umbrella for others.

It’s definitely not that I forgot, it’s just a kind intention!
After Mr. Hu quickly and accurately re-established his self-confidence, he turned to look at Hu Renbin with a dejected face and began to think about it.

"Renbin, as for our family, at this point, we no longer care about being well-matched."

"After all, your father and I, right, your sister, right..."

"Now that we've reached this point, what else do we have to think about?"

"Then instead of finding a well-matched pursuit that will make you progress and end up living an uneasy life, why not find someone you like who is down-to-earth!"

"So, if you have any favorite little lady, tell me about it, and I will help you check it out!"

After hearing this, Hu Renbin raised his head and looked at his father with horror on his face.

"No, Dad, do you want to listen to what you are saying?"

"You don't care if you are a good match?"

"Besides, I am going to work as a county captain or an errand, so how can I have the chance to meet any young lady!"

"If I really did that, I'm afraid everyone's heads would be chopped off by His Majesty right now!"

"Dad, I still have to count on you for this matter!"

Seeing Hu Renbin's hurried explanation, Mr. Hu smacked his lips in regret.

"Well, okay, it seems like I really have to do this!"

Mr. Hu immediately felt that this was really a pity.

Why do you have to think about getting married for this rebellious son?

And just when Mr. Hu was filled with melancholy, in the palace, Mr. Hu's close comrade-in-arms and the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, was also thinking about the marriage of his children with Queen Ma. "Sister, what are you talking about in Anqing? How can we arrange it?"

"We looked around, but we didn't see anyone suitable!"

"We cannot harm our own children!"

Although Zhu Yuanzhang held Zhu Biao and Zhu Xiongying in high regard, he seemed a little indifferent to his other children.

But in fact, as a father, how could he completely ignore it?

No, during the Chinese New Year, just the appearance of his daughter made him miss her.

Even other things were put aside for the time being, and he hurriedly took Queen Ma to discuss it.

Queen Ma was also worried at this moment.

This was her biological daughter. How could she ignore the flesh that fell from her body?

However, how can marriage be a trivial matter?
Ordinary families still think over and over again when it comes to preparing their children to start a family and start a career.

People like them are more cautious.

You know, it seems like you just married a daughter.

But what if this daughter also has an identity called "princess"?
Then it's a matter between the two families.

Being a consort is indeed not a particularly powerful status.

But for the vast majority of people, it is as if the world has changed.

What's more, if the conditions at the other party's family are not good, wouldn't it be harming his own daughter?

Therefore, the two of them put aside the Chinese New Year and New Year's Eve, and had to get together to think about Princess Anqing's marriage.

Of course, it's up to the beholder to decide whether the couple wants to take this opportunity to escape their busy schedules.

In her previous life, Princess Anqing married the number one scholar Ouyang Lun.

In the end, Ouyang Lun was killed by Zhu Yuanzhang.

It's not that Zhu Yuanzhang must kill his relatives out of justice, but that Ouyang Lun has truly degenerated and corrupted too quickly.

Moreover, the attack was too harsh and had a huge impact, which made Zhu Yuanzhang intolerable and killed the person directly.

But in this life!
Damn it, Mr. Hu is in charge of the exams and setting the questions. The original "seed contestants" who are full of knowledge have been sent to who knows where.

Who is Ouyang Lun?

Faced with Mr. Hu's unconventional approach and his so-called knowledge gained through rote memorization, it is simply not enough.

Because of this, Ouyang Lun has no plans to "renew his relationship" with Princess Anqing.

Empress Ma was also looking at the list of school-age children on hand and worried.

"Chongpachi, should we discuss this matter with other people?"

"I've been looking here for a long time, but I still don't think any one is suitable for us in Anqing!"

"I have heard about many of these people of the right age and their deeds in the harem."

"If you say you're a dandy, you're just complimenting them!"

"People like this can't allow An Qing to come over. Wouldn't that harm An Qing for the rest of his life?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the names that Queen Ma tapped on the paper with her fingers, and nodded helplessly with a grimace.

Since Queen Ma knew all these things, how could he not know about it.

It was precisely because he knew that he was irritable.

There is really no one left.

Could it be possible that he didn't look for it from the homes of nobles and officials?
Who to look for?

(End of this chapter)

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