Chapter 417 Some outrageous answers

Chapter 417 Some outrageous answers
"An Qing, since you have an idea, my mother will help you explore it!"

"Anyway, our eldest daughter doesn't have to worry about getting married!"

"Let's just take our time and explore. No matter what, we can't wrong our Anqing!"

Empress Ma hugged her daughter with a loving expression and promised confidently.

This is really no exaggeration!
After all, Anqing is still a princess no matter what.

Not only the direct lineage, but also the appearance, temperament and other aspects are also outstanding.

Therefore, Queen Ma's words were really confident.

Faced with her mother's self-proclaimed pride, Princess Anqing could not speak. Of course, all she could do was look red with embarrassment.


"Oh, okay, okay, okay, my mother won't say anything anymore!"

Seeing the shy and coquettish look on her little girl's face, even Queen Ma had to smile and comfort her.

After all, who can resist a caring, sensible, beautiful and coquettish little cotton-padded jacket?

After getting the letter from Princess Anqing, Queen Ma acted vigorously and resolutely.

It only took less than three days to get several portraits of the descendants of the Xungui family that he thought were suitable.

By the way, they also checked the reputation and past of these noble disciples.

The harem cannot interfere with politics, but Queen Ma spoke up, thinking about her daughter's marriage.

So, using the Jin Yiwei is a waste of time?
Is it possible that Mao Xiang really had the guts to reject Empress Ma on the basis of the so-called reason that "the harem cannot interfere in politics"?

Then he was afraid that he would be killed by Zhu Yuanzhang if he couldn't make it through that night.

Therefore, in just one day and one night, not even two days, the most detailed information on these noble children who were selected by Queen Ma in the "primary election" was placed on Queen Ma's desk.

Queen Ma looked at them carefully, then turned to look at the portraits, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Then, holding these portraits, he excitedly came to Princess Anqing's palace again.

"Anqing, come quickly, come and see, the queen mother has chosen the right man for you!"

"These are all good ones. Their origin, appearance, and character all meet your requirements!"

"You choose one of them, and mother will take care of the rest!"

Hearing Queen Ma's overjoyed tone, Princess Anqing blushed and walked to Queen Ma's side to look at the portraits.

But as she looked at it, her expression started to change.

In the end, she looked at Queen Ma with disappointment.

"Mother, there is no daughter here who likes you!"

"Trouble mother!"

"My daughter felt a little unwell, so she went to rest first!"

After saying that, after a slight blessing, he turned around and took small steps into the back hall without hesitation.

Queen Ma felt bad looking at her daughter's fluent behavior.


Do you really look down on any of these good men?
But these people are all first-class suitable candidates.

Just like what she just said, family background, character, appearance and other aspects are quite consistent.

After all, this mother-in-law can't cheat on the flesh that falls off her body.

But...if these people are not satisfied yet, then what kind of person should we find? ?

Queen Ma felt really melancholy for a moment.

As a result, during lunch, Queen Ma seemed to be in a state of indifference.

Even after finishing her meal, she was still thinking about it.

At this moment, Princess Chongning strolled over to pay her respects to her mother. Looking at her mother's appearance, as a daughter, Princess Chongning naturally has to care about her even if she is not a legitimate mother.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?"

"What makes you so sad?"

"Can I talk to my daughter?"

"My daughter won't help you solve your problems, but she can at least share the burden!"

What Princess Chongning said was so considerate that after Empress Ma woke up from her depressed mood, she hugged Princess Chongning with a loving face.

"Alas, it's not the queen mother's fault that makes you worried, Chongning!"

"Don't worry, it's just a matter of family matters. Mother can handle it well!"

As soon as he heard that it was a family matter, Chongning became more and more curious.


"Can Chongning listen?"

"Our own family's affairs are not considered harem politics, right?!"

Chongning's words made Empress Ma click her forehead angrily.

"You damn girl, what weird things are you saying?!"

"The so-called harem is not allowed to interfere with politics. That is just an ambush laid by your emperor because he is afraid that the concubines in the harem will interfere with the emperor and the court in the future!"

"Doing politics?"

"Hmph, I am the founding empress of the Ming Dynasty, so why should I be involved in politics?"

"If your father hadn't been begging for help from time to time, would you be willing to help him deal with those messy matters in the court after becoming a mother?"

What Queen Ma said was extremely domineering.

The founding empress of the People's Republic of China was a couple who had known Zhu Yuanzhang since they were young, so they kept a low profile on their daily lives.

But in fact, the arrogance and pride in his bones are no less than those of others.

"Okay, okay, the queen mother is still the best!"

Princess Chongning also coaxed her mother with big eyes full of envy. She really envied her mother's demeanor.

"Mother, why don't you tell me what you are worried about?"

As soon as she mentioned this, Queen Ma's complexion suddenly became gloomy, and she felt quite depressed.

"Oh, it's not your sister An Qing!"

"I asked her what kind of husband she wanted. As a result, I found a suitable son according to the conditions she mentioned."

"In the end, she didn't like any of them. I was surprised. What on earth is she going to do?"

When Chongning heard this, he burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Queen Mother, it turns out you are doing this!"

"Other people really don't know about this matter, but what a coincidence, my daughter happens to know about it!"

"Oh, Chongning, please tell me quickly. I'll help Anqing prepare for the wedding, but I still have to do some work for you. I'll definitely find you a perfect husband by then!"

When Chongning heard this, he felt happy. This promise was too heavy.

With the support of his mother, he might be able to find a suitable husband in the future.

Thinking of this, Chongning sold his sister without hesitation.

"Anqing, she has a sweetheart. She has fallen in love with the young master of Mr. Hu's family."

Queen Ma was stunned when she heard this.

The eldest young master of Mr. Hu’s family?
Isn't that Hu Renbin? the eldest girl of the Hu family is already the princess.

As a result, this time, my daughter fell in love with their eldest young master again?
Will the Hu family have to be transformed into a royal family in the future?
This is somewhat outrageous? ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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