Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 429: What Zhu Yuanzhang did behind the scenes

Chapter 429: What Zhu Yuanzhang did behind the scenes
Chapter 429: Zhu Yuanzhang's Secret Actions

Beat him, he must be beaten.

Although Mr. Hu is full of cards, he is just a minister.

How could any minister's son sleep with the princess out of nowhere? !
Thinking of this, Hu Weiyong looked at his rebellious son faintly.

"Renbin, I realize now that you are much better than dad!"

"Dad can only go to a brothel or a brothel to do some hard work. It's better for you. You usually seem to be quiet, but you're going to be ruthless when you suddenly strike!"

"Princess...tsk tsk..."

Hu Renbin was so embarrassed by his father's words that he simply squatted down with his face covered.

Seeing the unlucky appearance of his traitorous son, Mr. Hu also lost his joke and turned to look at Hu Renbin seriously.

"Renbin, if you think about it again, did you really pick up the bride at Li's house in the Imperial Academy yesterday?"

"Don't go the wrong way or enter the wrong door!"

Mr. Hu was still a little unwilling to give up, so he couldn't help but ask more questions.

Hu Renbin frowned and recalled hard for a while, then looked at Mr. Hu with a bitter face and said.

"Dad, I thought about it again and again, I really didn't go the wrong way!"

"If you think about it, you will know that the people living in that city are old masters, and they have long been famous."

"I've been hanging out with Yingtian Mansion for so many years, so I can't even think of Fangshi wrongly!"

"Besides, there are still so many people in my wedding team. We can't all admit that we are going the wrong way, right?"

As soon as Hu Renbin said these words, Mr. Hu was completely speechless.

In fact, he can only fight if he has dates or not.

Obviously, the pole hit nothing.

"However, if there is a real problem, I encountered something on the way..."

Hu Renbin watched his father thinking hard there. He hesitated for a moment and then told him about the little accident that happened on the road.

Master Hu listened to Hu Renbin's intermittent narration, and the more he listened, the more surprised he became.

After hearing the end, Mr. Hu slapped the table directly.


"I bet our family is being plotted!"

Mr. Hu said that it was something he had eaten before, and he knew it just after thinking about it for a moment.

There is a 10% chance that my family is being plotted here.

Just think about it and you know that the person being carried in the sedan chair must be Princess Anqing who is currently lying on the bed of her son-in-law.

And only Zhu Yuanzhang could not only let the princess leave the palace without telling her, but also arrange an identical sedan chair in advance.

The key point is that the people carrying the sedan were obviously from their own family, but in the end everyone said out loud that they were carrying the wrong sedan.

Needless to say, there is an insider fishing in troubled waters.

And who can arrange a spy in his Hu Mansion, except Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor who holds a royal guard?
It can be said that each of these incidents is almost clearly indicating that Zhu Yuanzhang arranged this matter.

But...at this point, what else can Mr. Hu do?
To put it bluntly, the princess has been slept with by her treasonous son, and she is still lying in his treasonous son's new house.

Is it possible to return it?
Damn, this is the real cooked rice.

And it’s the kind where the rice is cooked right into the crispy rice!

What can he do now?

You can't kill your relatives out of justice. For this reason, you still don't recognize your daughter-in-law, and then you will be killed by the clan together with your rebellious son!
Despite Mr. Hu's previous certainties, he was certain that if he refused to recognize his daughter-in-law, his whole family would be gone.

Zhu Yuanzhang will never be polite at all.

No matter what old brother or founding hero, at this time, it will not work!
Mr. Hu leaned back dejectedly, looked at Hu Renbin and said.

"It seems you have figured it out!" "That's right, it's most likely that Princess Anqing fell in love with you, and then the two of us were tricked by His Majesty!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Hu was still a little unhappy.

"Damn it, we two are so shameless!"

"His Majesty calculated it like this!"

When Mr. Hu said this, he suddenly remembered something.

He hurriedly told Hu Renbin, "First go and admit your mistake to your princess wife and get on well with her."

"I have something to do outside!"

Hu Renbin nodded blankly.

He was still confused at the moment.

Of course, he has experienced many things in Shangyuan County.

But he has never seen the calculations between the monarchs and ministers in the court.

Now, just a little movement between his father and His Majesty made him feel the difference in the world.

This world is not what he thought at all!
At the moment, Mr. Hu has no control over what his rebellious son thinks.

He is in a hurry to go out now.

After changing his clothes and getting into the carriage, Mr. Hu went straight to Chongwenfang.

This place is where Hu Renbin received his bride yesterday.

Arriving at a gate that still smelled of firecracker smoke, hung with red lanterns and had the word "happy" on it, Mr. Hu pursed his lips.

The servants of the Hu family who were driving the car quickly went up and knocked on the door.

I have to say that Mr. Hu’s signature is really tough.

Even entering the palace courtyard, you have to directly scan your face to enter, let alone a home where the Imperial Academy offers wine.

That's right, Mr. Hu came straight to this "in-laws".

Because, in Mr. Hu's opinion, this guy is most likely an insider.

I even knew it early.

Otherwise, the marriage was clearly agreed upon, but instead of marrying into the Hu Mansion, her daughter went to who knows where.

In the end, she didn't even come to the Hu Mansion to cause trouble. What a devil.

Sure enough, when they first met, Li Jijiu wanted to hesitate and cover up, but Mr. Hu suddenly became angry.

"I know that you are doing this because of His Majesty's majesty and don't want to offend His Majesty."

"But, Li Jijiu, have you ever thought about it? You have finished the matter that His Majesty has assigned you, but my face, Hu Weiyong, has been trampled on by you."

"Of course I'm no longer the prime minister. I haven't come out much in the past two years, haha."

Mr. Hu grabbed the lapel of Li Jijiu's clothes, pulled him in front of his eyes, and spoke word by word.

"But do you believe that I only need a few two-foot-long notes to kill your family without a burial place?"

Li Jijiu looked at Mr. Hu with a cold face and was completely frightened.

Because he knew that what Mr. Hu said was so right.

Although he, Hu Weiyong, was depressed on the surface, no matter how depressed he was, it was not something that an ordinary sacrificial wine person like him could offend.

What's more, as Mr. Hu just said.

He sent out a few small two-foot notes. Who knows how many old disciples he could contact?
None of those people had the guts to charge at the emperor.

But not only do they have the guts to bully an Imperial College student, they are also very brave.

(End of this chapter)

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