Chapter 432 Gifts and Arrangements after Wedding
Chapter 432: Post-wedding gifts and arrangements

After the young couple spent a long time scribbling in the new house, Princess Anqing finally woke up from the pink bubble atmosphere.

"Husband, today is the first day after our wedding, and I haven't gone to offer tea to my father-in-law yet!"

Hu Renbin was originally immersed in the sweetness of the young couple and couldn't extricate himself.

When he suddenly heard this, he froze.

"Uh, yes, I forgot about this!"

"Yes, yes, you have to go see my dad quickly!"

"He has such a bad temper!"

After saying that, he hurriedly handed clothes and jewelry to his princess-in-law, and the main thing was that he was in a state of shock.

To be honest, Princess Anqing is also panicking now.

You know, as the favorite princess of Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma, she often eats with them.

Because of this, they heard a lot of news about their father-in-law.

Her father and mother had a very high opinion of Mr. Hu.

Not to mention, Mr. Hu's reputation in the outside world has already skyrocketed.

In the past, Princess Anqing would not have cared about these things.

As a foreign minister, is it possible that you can manage a princess like me who is in a deep palace?

But it’s different now, I have a new identity, father-in-law!

Now that she has married into the Hu family, there is no reason why she only recognizes Hu Renbin as her husband and not Mr. Hu as her father-in-law.

But when she thought about having to face Mr. Hu directly later, Princess Anqing was still a little nervous.

He hurriedly called the little girl who came to marry him, or let's just say the palace maid, and quickly combed his hair, washed, changed clothes, and dressed up.

As for Hu Renbin, he had to clean up quickly so that he could look serious when he took his wife to visit his father.

After more than half an hour, the young couple finally packed up.

I came to Mr. Hu belatedly.

Mr. Hu has now changed into home clothes and is sipping tea with his legs crossed.

As a result, when Leng Buding saw Hu Renbin walking over with a girl in his hand, Mr. Hu was still stunned.

Then he remembered.

There is an extra person in the house!
She is still my daughter-in-law, so embarrassing!
However, there is something even more embarrassing right now.

That's what happens next.

According to folk customs, Hu Renbin and his newlywed wife should be kowtowing to Mr. Hu and serving tea at this moment.

And after Mr. Hu drank this cup of tea, he completely recognized his daughter-in-law, and they became a family from now on.

But Princess Anqing is a princess.

No matter how high Mr. Hu's status and reputation are, he can't compare to this golden royal princess.

Except for her father and mother, she had always been the only one to salute to her, so she didn't have to salute to others.

Mr. Hu reluctantly pursed his lips and couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

'Damn, this is the embarrassing part! '

'You're not just married to a daughter-in-law, you've got an extra ancestor! '

'What a bad luck! '

'It's all Zhu Chongba's fault! '

No matter how much Mr. Hu criticizes in his heart, rules are rules after all.

He reluctantly stood up and saluted.

But before his butt could leave the stool, Princess Anqing suddenly pulled Hu Renbin and knelt down with a thud.

"My father-in-law, my daughter-in-law Anqing has married into the Hu family since yesterday."

"Now, I am not only the Princess Anqing of the Ming Dynasty, but more importantly, I am the daughter-in-law of the Hu family, the Hu Zhu family!" "Therefore, please accept our greetings, sir!"

After saying that, he grabbed Hu Renbin and kowtowed three times.

Hu Yi, the chief steward of the Hu Mansion, appeared quietly from the side and cleverly took the opportunity to deliver two cups of tea on a tray.

Princess Anqing nodded to Hu Yi with satisfaction, then picked up a bowl of tea with both hands and brought it to Mr. Hu respectfully.

"Father-in-law, please have tea!"

Mr. Hu raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this, and then took the bowl of tea with a smile.

He lifted the tea lid, then put it to his lips and took a sip.

Then came Hu Renbin, who was belatedly thinking about it. He also held a tea bowl in both hands and handed it over.

"Dad, you have tea!"

Even if Xiao Hu is now a married man, his wife is still by his side.

But Mr. Hu always felt that he didn't like this kid.

No, if it weren't for this kid, why would he be eliminated and laughed at by Lao Zhu?

I feel aggrieved just thinking about it.

However, for the sake of my daughter-in-law, I was embarrassed to attack the traitor directly on the spot.

Forget it, this tea is still interesting.

Mr. Hu dipped his lips very perfunctorily, maybe he didn't even have time to wet his lips, and then quickly put it down.

Mr. Hu also has something to say about this.

Before these two people came, he had been drinking tea, and his stomach was filled with most of the water.

There is no reason to continue drinking, as long as it doesn't make sense.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Mr. Hu blinked at Hu Yi who was standing aside.

Hu Yi is indeed able to serve as the housekeeper of Hu Mansion for many years. He knows what to do without Mr. Hu having to ask.

He then brought out a tray covered with red silk.

Above, a complete set of jewelry including hostas, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets, crystal clear and full of green.

Mr. Hu looked at Princess Anqing in front of him and said.

"Anqing, since we are a family from now on, let's not say any polite words."

"You are a sensible person. From now on, you will be in charge of the affairs between you and me. Don't listen to this kid messing around."

"This set of jewelry is not an old item that has been passed down in an orderly manner, but it can still be called a treasure."

"You must have been given many good things by your father and mother in the past, but those things may seem too serious when worn on certain occasions."

"These are perfect for you to wear!"

Princess Anqing looked at the set of jewelry on the tray that looked so delicate against the red silk, and her eyes seemed to have stars popping up on the spot.

Who wouldn't like these things in a daughter's house?

As for Mr. Hu's words, Hu Renbin might not understand, but Princess Anqing didn't understand.

To put it bluntly, it means that the things in the palace are too expensive and noble, and wearing them out will make you look intimidating.

These are just some of the wealthier gadgets. Wearing them gives you face and doesn’t make others feel ashamed.

Pretty good!

The daughter-in-law has made arrangements and seems quite satisfied with it, so the next step is the rebellious son of the family.

Looking at Nizi who was full of expectations, Mr. Hu sighed.

"Hey, you better move to the princess's mansion quickly! Ah! Don't wait too long!"

ah? ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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