Chapter 435: Family background gradually revealed

Chapter 435: Family Background Gradually Revealed

In the side room, the servant of the Hu family who had just drank a cup of tea and complained about the lack of tea was named Hu Zhi.

He is also a relative of the Hu family.

It's just a relationship with Mr. Hu who has been on the fifth server.

On the contrary, he is closer to Hu Yi, the housekeeper of Hu Mansion.

It has been more than ten years since I came to Hu Mansion.

It can be said that he has seen the ups and downs of Hu Mansion.

Although in today's Hu Mansion, Mr. Hu seems to be less majestic than when he was the prime minister in the past.

But in fact, servants like Hu Yi and Hu Zhi, who were born in the Hu family, know very well what kind of cards Hu Mansion has in Yingtian Mansion.

For Hu Zhi, our Hu Mansion is just a little low-key.

How do you say that word?

Oh, keep a low profile!

This is our master's low profile!

However, my master keeps a low profile, but this does not hinder our family's reputation.

On weekdays, they go out to do errands, no matter which yamen they belong to, but if they hear that they are from Hu Mansion, who will be rude?

But in the end, he just came out to help his young master take a formal leave, and this bullshit county magistrate still forced him to do it?
This made Hu Zhi somewhat unhappy.

So, after he heard the greeting from the newly appointed Magistrate Xing, he came over and asked directly without being polite at all.

"Why, Magistrate Xing, is this done?"

"Then give me the leave document. I'm in a hurry to go back and bring it to the young master!"

Magistrate Xing was so speechless by this straightforward question that he couldn't even spit out a mouthful of blood.

He couldn't help it anymore and knocked on the table directly.

"You are just a servant. As the eighth-grade county magistrate, I am a high-ranking official of the Ming Dynasty. How do you, a commoner, talk to me like this?"

"Do you understand the rules?"

When Hu Zhi heard this, not only did he not feel nervous at all, but he actually laughed.

"Hahahaha, I'm telling you, Magistrate Xing, did you wake up early in the morning?"

"Why else would you say such nonsense?"

Hu Zhi didn't care how the other person's face changed, he straightened his back and said extremely arrogantly.

"This Magistrate Xing, you also said that you are just an eighth-grade magistrate."

"Did you know that even the fourth- and fifth-grade officials in my house were there to serve tea and water?"

"What's more, I am indeed a commoner, little man, just a servant running errands."

"But as the old saying goes, when you beat a dog, it depends on the owner!"

"I, the villain, am blessed with a good master. I can really support the villain."

Speaking of this, Hu Zhi suddenly looked at the two of them as if he had a sudden realization.

"Oh, I understand, villain, you want benefits!"

"You should have told me earlier!"

As soon as Hu Zhi said these words, the expressions of Magistrate Xing and Zhang Jiyuan, the county magistrate who had also just taken office, changed instantly.

How can you say this directly and on the spot?

Isn't this nonsense?

Not to mention that they wouldn't take advantage of such a small thing at all.

If we really wanted it, we wouldn't put it forward so openly.

Isn't this just making yourself uncomfortable?
But it was unclear whether Hu Zhi really didn't understand or was pretending not to understand, so he spoke before the two of them. "Well, let me think about it!"

"Well, the position of county magistrate had already been decided by my young master before, and the official documents were issued. In the end, it was my master who stopped him."

"Otherwise, the county magistrate would be just a county magistrate now!"

"Xing County Magistrate can go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs and inquire about this matter."

"You are eating my Hu family's meal, and it's a bit unethical to get benefits from such a trivial matter!"

Hu Zhi suddenly broke the news, which really shocked Magistrate Xing.

He instinctively didn't believe this.

But the other party's confident words and his determination to go directly to the official department to inquire were too bluffing.

He really didn't dare to say that he didn't believe it at all.

After Hu Zhi finished quarreling with Magistrate Xing, he turned to look at Magistrate Zhang who was standing aside.

"As for Zhang Xiancheng, I am lucky enough to know that you are here through the relationship of your clan uncle from the Ministry of Rites."

"In this case, you have just arrived and it is not convenient for you to be promoted or transferred. Why don't you let your uncle move?"

"I'm just a fifth-grade servant. It doesn't matter whether I'm sent out or promoted to a half-level."

"How about it? If you think it's okay, I'll tell the housekeeper when I get back later."

"It won't take more than half a month to get it done!"

"Since then, can you two approve this leave letter?"

Hu Zhi's words made Zhang Xiancheng feel bad.

To be precise, his heart was almost numb.

I can't feel the pulse of the other person at all, and I don't know the origin of the other person at all.

But as for the other party, he revealed everything about himself with just one mouthful.

What's even more shocking is that the other party not only knows about his clan uncle, but can also help his clan uncle to be transferred or transferred? ? ?
You know, this is the transfer of a fifth-rank official.

If he were transferred out, he would be at the level of a feudal official.

You are properly in charge.

As a result, for such an official transfer, the other party only had to go back and tell his housekeeper?
Isn't this a bit too scary?
But they didn't know that Hu Zhi was just pretending to be powerful.

After all, forget it on weekdays.

This time he is here to deliver a message on behalf of Mr. Hu. If he can't even handle this, wouldn't it mean that the Hu family is too shameless?
But the result was that as soon as Hu Zhi's words came out, the county magistrate and county magistrate stopped talking.

Although the two of them were still a little dissatisfied with Hu Zhi's backhanded and arrogant attitude, on the other hand, it was this attitude and these words that made their scalps tingle.

Neither the county magistrate Xing Sheng nor the county magistrate Zhang Jiyuan looked very good at this time.

Because the content of Hu Zhi's words always made them unable to help but think about it.

What an awesome family background to be so arrogant.

The county magistrate Xing Sheng no longer had any of the momentum he had before. Facing the aggressive Hu Zhi, he could only whisper "it's against the rules" for a while!
But who would have thought that after Hu Zhi heard this, he said confidently with a smile on his face.

"Fortunately, Magistrate, you can rest assured that even if His Majesty knows about it, it will be fine!"

"Don't worry, my master is very concerned about the young master's education."

"If you think about it, you will know that if the young master is really that kind of unreasonable, arrogant and domineering person, why would he come to ask for leave and just skip work? Who can take off his official clothes?"

As soon as these words came out, the county magistrate and the county magistrate became more and more confused.

Damn, what is Hu Renbin’s background?

In the end, the two of them dutifully signed and sealed the two copies of the leave letter.

After Hu Zhi left, the two of them got together and began to take stock of the high-ranking dignitaries in Yingtian City.

Then, the two of them thought of Mr. Hu almost at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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