Chapter 438 Mr. Hu resigned again
Chapter 438: Master Hu Resigns Again
Hu Renbin didn't say this just to show off in front of his father-in-law.

He truly believed it and lived it.

Moreover, he thinks that the progress is not bad.

From the young playboy who roamed the streets and drove drunk, to the poor young man who was kept at home by Mr. Hu and whipped every day.

From the young master of the Hu family who was forced to study while kneeling at the door of the ancestral hall, to the Shangyuan County captain who gradually understood the reality of the world, learned to cultivate, and made progress.

It can be said that along the way, Hu Renbin was whipped by Mr. Hu to keep moving forward.

But at the same time, why not just move forward on your own?
It is said that a man's maturity lies in that moment, whether it is suffering, shock, a flash of inspiration, or head-scratching thinking.

At least for Hu Renbin, now he just wants to go on in a down-to-earth manner.

Not vain, not aggressive, not unruly, not inferior...

In this way, maybe decades later, looking back on the past, it will be considered worthy of Mr. Hu’s teachings and his own life.

Zhu Yuanzhang was very satisfied with Hu Renbin's answer and performance.

The Hu family father and son are becoming more and more low-key now.

It's not the kind of low-key that is put on and very purposeful for a certain purpose.

This father and son really like this kind of life.

Mr. Hu will not say it anymore. He is the kind of person who gets bored when he sees the work coming and feels bored when he hears the orders.

I wish I could just use my salary every day and do nothing, even if it makes me happy.

And what about Hu Renbin?
He is obviously the son of the prime minister, and his father's disciples are all over the government and the public, but he accidentally became a low-ranking county captain.

The key is, his father blocked his promotion order, but he still got used to it?

It seems that just being a county lieutenant is quite good?

It's hard not to feel reassured by such a father and son!
Looking at the boy in front of him who was missed by his daughter and then tried his best to finally marry her, Zhu Yuanzhang secretly praised him in his heart.

If Hu Renbin can keep going like this, then at least he, the father-in-law, will never make things difficult for him.

Even if we find a suitable opportunity in the future, we can even give him a promotion.

After all, Hu Renbin's official reputation and political achievements could actually have promoted him a long time ago, but he was stopped by Mr. Hu.

When he thought of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart moved.

Then he looked at Princess Anqing and said with a smile.


"We thought about it and decided it would be better to transfer Renbin to Huitian."

"We can't let you two be separated into two places!"

"In this case, we also understand Renbin's situation, so why not go to Dali Temple and become the chief registrar!"

"The level has just been raised one level, from seventh level!"

"With Renbin's age and ability, it's quite good to do this!"

"Anqing, Renbin, how do you two feel?"

Before Hu Renbin could say anything, Princess Anqing cheered first and shouted calmly: "Thank you, Father!"

Hu Renbin also smiled and quickly saluted: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Neither of them actually thought this promotion was anything special.

One is the princess of the Ming Dynasty, and the other is the son of the prime minister. They have seen many officials and nobles since they were young.

It was only the seventh rank, what was so great about it. What they were concerned about at the moment was that they were newlyweds, and it was a good opportunity for them to be together and not be separated.

This is what makes them happiest.

But they were both happy, but when Mr. Hu learned the news, he couldn't be happy anymore.

Lao Zhu, are you trying to stab me in the back?

Why do you keep attacking one after another?
Originally, because his son, maid, or a pair of sons and daughters were all married to the royal family, the old Hu family had already become too conspicuous.

That is no longer something that the word "prominent" can describe.

Many people are now blowing the old Hu family to the sky.

The key is that I was once a very human minister.

How embarrassing is this identity!
Mr. Hu always feels like he is about to be in disaster.

Especially when he went out to ride around in a carriage today, he accidentally passed by the former Korean government palace.

That is Li Shanchang's mansion!
Looking at the thick dust accumulated on the door and the creepers that had gradually spread due to no one taking care of them, Mr. Hu felt his scalp numb.

Mom, is this a warning from God?

Although Mr. Hu believed it, Lao Zhu definitely believed in himself at this time.

I don’t have so many taboos about this old salted fish!
But people can change!
Especially Lao Zhu, who is getting older and more suspicious. At that time, he was in full health, right? !
That was really a killing spree!

Isn’t that what Lao Zhu was like in history?

Tens of thousands to kill!
Mr. Hu was particularly worried at this moment, don't become that "Quack", and then Lao Zhu would kill indiscriminately!
When he thought of this possibility, Mr. Hu wanted to jump on his feet and curse!

Lao Zhu is missing a great virtue!
Why are you just cunningly plotting against me and deceiving all my treacherous sons into becoming your consort?

This is a fire, put me on it and roast it!
Forget it, I'm hiding!
The next day, Mr. Hu, who had not gone out seriously for a long time, came to the Ministry of Rites when there were the most people.

Then, amidst the dumbfounded looks of everyone waiting, he fell down at the gate of the Ministry of Rites with his left foot and right foot extremely slowly but extremely resolutely.

"Oh, my legs are dripping!"

"Oh, my waist is dripping!"

"Hu Yi, help me take a leave of absence, and then help me go back home to rest!"

Since Mr. Hu has rushed to start the performance in front of a large audience, he has naturally been mentally prepared for it.

Not that he was confident in his acting skills.

But he learned a skill from the little fresh meat of later generations.

Firmly believe, as long as you think you are doing a good job, it doesn't matter whether others are embarrassed or not!
Not to mention, relying on this "firm belief", Mr. Hu climbed onto the carriage with "difficulty" with the help of Hu Yi.

Then he drove home without looking back!
Immediately afterwards, in less than half an hour, a sincere and firm resignation letter was sent to the Ministry of Personnel.

It's the same thing inside and out. I'm jealous of talents. I was a dignified former prime minister and a relative of the emperor, but I accidentally fell and was seriously injured.

There is so much desire to serve the country but not enough!

Therefore, resign!
Moreover, this resignation was particularly thorough. He resigned from all official positions and casual titles, even "interesting" positions such as Jiaofang Secretary.

Anyway, the main focus is on one, Master, I have to stay in seclusion to recuperate.

See you next time!
As soon as this resignation letter was sent, the people in the official department were immediately stunned!

Is Mr. Qi Hu's resignation something that mere mortals like them can write?
Can they decide whether to approve or not?

(End of this chapter)

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