Chapter 440 System Rewards
Chapter 440 System Rewards
For Wanru and Rushi, these days as an outside room are the most comfortable days in their lives.

You don't have to worry about "Mom" scolding you, you don't have to put on a smile to deal with guests, and you don't have to worry all day long about whether you will suddenly encounter nightmares if you offend the princes and nobles.

Food and drink, yard, jewelry, clothes, servants...

It can be said that Mr. Hu's arrangement means that Rushi and Wanru don't have to worry about the common things around them at all.

After all, Mr. Hu is so extravagant, how can he deduct soso from the expenses of his own woman?
It’s not like he can’t afford it!
The most important thing is that Mr. Hu is so handsome!

With Mr. Hu's current appearance, no matter whether it was in this era or a previous life, he was a capable enough existence.

He is not the most handsome man in the world.

But if you talk about a middle-aged handsome guy, personable, etc., it definitely doesn't contain the slightest bit of water.

The above conditions combined really made Rushi and Wanru feel at ease in the beginning.

But slowly, they felt that something was wrong in the outer room.

That is, my sweetheart never comes.

After what happened at the beginning, Rushi and Wanru might still feel that it was actually quite good to just live their own lives idle like this.

However, due to various things going on during this period, Mr. Hu's delay was a little longer.

Then, these two girls couldn't stay any longer!

The outer chamber, what is the outer chamber?

A family raised outside!

Is it possible that this person can also be called home?

If the mainstay of the family doesn't come to visit, why do you still call me home?
Moreover, after all, it is a delicate flower that has been completely developed by Mr. Hu. It is in its youth, and of course it is eager to water it.

But unfortunately Mr. Hu is really busy during this period.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about Hu Renbin's rebellious son getting married during this period, it took him a month to deal with it.

Among them, it is more ups and downs, thrilling, and the main theme is a hard-working person.

In this case, not to mention the small courtyard here in Rushi, even Mr. Hu has no intention of going to the backyard.

Things are different now.

The trouble with Nizi has been solved.

Annoying official position, resigned.

If you don’t wave at this time, when will you wave?

No, people are coming!

Then, after a night of fish and dragon dancing, Mr. Hu felt comfortable, and so did Ru Shi and Wan Ru.

Early in the morning, Mr. Hu woke up from being wrapped in jade arms.

Looking at the mess on the bed and the jade body that could not be covered by the thin fur, he smacked his lips in satisfaction, feeling particularly comfortable.

He really didn't expect that the outbreak of longing for the two little girls would have such a terrifying bonus.

Even Wan Rui, who could only speak loudly in the past, this time burst out with unimaginable enthusiasm.

That's called initiative, that's called lingering, that's called being desperate.

To be honest, even Ru Shi, a person who usually got along day and night, was a little frightened by Wan Ru.

After that, Rushi felt a little embarrassed about being compared, and then she tried her best to catch up.

Of course, the one who will benefit in the end must be Mr. Hu.

This evening, I couldn't be happier.

After such a night of venting, there was really no irritation left.

In the morning, the three of them were finally able to calm down and sit down to have breakfast together.

At this time, the two girls had the opportunity and time to have a heart-to-heart talk with Mr. Hu.

I was too busy last night to talk.

But while they were chatting, the two women secretly talked about the issue of their heirs.

Master Hu was quick to notice their little thoughts and consoled them with a wry smile.

"It seems that you didn't listen at all to what I said to you last time!"

"Didn't I tell you last time that there is really nothing we can do about the heir's problem for the time being?"

Although these words are a bit hurtful, Mr. Hu is not the kind of character who hides things.

He has always been straightforward.

Therefore, even though he knew that saying it would make people uncomfortable, he still said it.

"You must also know by now that the traitorous son of my family is now the prince-in-law."

Having said this, Mr. Hu directly spread his hands without any concealment.

"Perhaps you are like ordinary people, thinking how powerful I am, how honorable I am, how prominent the Hu family is, and so on."

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth!"

"After the marriage was finalized, I immediately fell down and found a reason to resign!"

The two girls looked at Mr. Hu in surprise, obviously they didn't know anything about what happened next.

Who was Rushi braver, so she asked directly.

"Master, do you have to do this?"

"Is it necessary? Remove the word "?"

Mr. Hu really planned to give these two little girls a good talk this time.

After all, even if it is an outer room, it is still the outer room of his Mr. Hu Weiyong. He can't be too stupid, right?

Wouldn't it be very unfair if he really got into trouble because of his stupid behavior?

Mr. Hu is a professional when it comes to lying down and laying waste.

He would never allow something like this to happen that might affect his career.

Therefore, he carefully told the inside story of this matter to the two little wives.

And then... no more.

How could the two little girls, who had only heard some bragging gossip from the guests, know that the court was so dark and dangerous.

Mr. Hu felt relieved when he saw that they had been frightened.

But he didn't make people lose hope completely, he comforted them instead.

"Don't worry, I'm not telling you not to have children in your life these past few years."

"This is absolutely not possible in the past few years!"

"If you think about it for a moment, you will know that my two children have just become the Crown Princess and the Prince Consort, and how many more children will they have?"

"Even if you have an outside wife, when the time comes to give birth to an heir, do you believe there will definitely be countless people coming over to want to get married to our family?"

"So, we have to wait a few years. After a few years, things will calm down and it will be fine."

"At that time, your and my children will be able to be born safely, and then live peacefully for the rest of their lives!"

What Mr. Hu said was unreasonable, but both girls believed it.

Moreover, they don't have any other thoughts, they just think about having children and having a companion when they grow old.

Now they finally see hope, even if it is just a little bit of hope, they are happy.

Then Mr. Hu's life became easier and easier.

As a result, the salted fish system that had not bubbled up for a long time appeared.

[If a person is not romantic, it is a waste of youth, a waste of youth, and a waste of middle age! 】

[Obviously, the host knows the true meaning of romance! 】

[The system is very pleased and hereby rewards god-level medical skills! 】

[Care for the health of you and your loved ones, come on, host! 】

(End of this chapter)

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