Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 443 Zhu Yuanzhang’s Journey to Hu Mansion

Chapter 443 Zhu Yuanzhang’s Journey to Hu Mansion
Chapter 443: Zhu Yuanzhang's Trip to Hu Mansion

Lao Zhu just asked a simple question, but Hu Renbin and his wife were confused by the direct question.

However, Princess Anqing was really confused, and Hu Renbin was extremely annoyed.

After all, Princess Anqing had just arrived and had not been dealing with Master Hu for long, so she had no idea how outrageous her father-in-law was.

But if others don't know it, how can Hu Renbin still don't know it?
My father must have felt bored staying at home, and then went out to have fun.

But can you say this?
After much thought and seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang's expression was wrong, he bit the bullet and said.

"Your Majesty, my father did not tell me the details of his absence this time."

"But I guess my father is probably out looking for a famous doctor to treat his illness and injuries!"

"Of course, this is just my guess, it can't be accurate!"

"After all, I haven't seen my father for a while!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Hu Renbin, who looked nervous, and smacked his lips speechlessly.

I want to say something.

But when he saw his daughter beside him, his heart couldn't help but soften.

never mind!

This stupid boy probably wouldn't dare to say a word in front of his dad.

It seems that I really don't know where Weiyong has gone.

Damn, it seems like I came here for nothing today!
As for what Hu Renbin said just now about his father going to "find famous doctors," Zhu Yuanzhang just regarded it as fart.

According to the news from Jin Yiwei, as far as Mr. Hu is concerned, he suffered a slight sprain.

In most cases, it should be malingering.

After all, according to Zhu Yuanzhang's understanding of Master Hu, if that guy was really injured, he would definitely lie at home motionless.

Nothing more than fear of death!

Now that you can go out for a walk in such a quiet manner, you must have no problem.

When Old Zhu thought about his little kid crying because Master Hu wasn't there to go to class, while Master Hu was happily strolling around, he felt a pain in his head.


Don’t talk about martial ethics!
Is there any tacit understanding between the monarch and his subjects?
Are you really that afraid of me?

After Zhu Yuanzhang was angry for a while, he finally reconciled with himself.

It's impossible not to reconcile.

After all, Mr. Hu is not in front of him, but in front of him is his most beloved daughter and his somewhat annoying son-in-law.

He couldn't take it out on these young couple.

Simply, since they are already here, let the young couple lead the way and take a stroll around the Hu Mansion.

Otherwise, it would be in vain.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang was really curious.

Was Mr. Hu really so happy at home in the past?
How many fun things have you prepared for yourself?

We're here, why don't we take a good look?
After hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's request, Hu Renbin and Princess Anqing did not think there was anything wrong with it.

Hu Renbin had an even more frank look on his face!

Because Master Hu had told him this a long time ago, even before Xiaoyueer married into the palace.

"As long as your Majesty is here, you can look at me however you want. There is nothing shameful about our family!"

Those words were said with such certainty that Hu Renbin still remembers them vividly.

The first place to go is the small garden at the end.

Looking at the pond here, Zhu Yuanzhang asked with interest.

"Renbin, is this where your father usually goes fishing?"

"We heard that he can sometimes fish for a whole day?"

Hu Renbin nodded: "That's right! When the weather is right, my father likes to go fishing here the most!"

Zhu Yuanzhang stood here and looked around, and found that this place was shaded by green trees, with a gentle breeze, and lotus leaves in the middle of the pond.

Looking at it this way, it is certainly much simpler than his huge imperial garden.

But if you just look at it this way, it seems to be quite comfortable. When Zhu Yuanzhang thought about how Master Hu took his salary and did nothing but lie here leisurely fishing, his face darkened instantly.

The more I watched, the angrier I became, so I stopped watching!

After taking a look in the back garden, I strolled to the main house in the backyard.

This is where Mr. Hu normally lives.

His study, bedroom, etc. are all here.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard that it was Mr. Hu's study, he immediately became interested.

He wasn't worried that Mr. Hu would make some counter-proposal or something.

He was simply curious!

After all, men of this age like to do something in the study.

Then what is Mr. Hu hiding?

Can't you take a good look at this?
Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to see it, so naturally Hu Renbin couldn't stop him.

What's more, this was not the first or second time he had entered and exited this study.

He really didn't think there was anything taboo here.

As a result, when he pushed open the door, he was stunned.

"Hey, this is quite big!"

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't mean to be polite at all. When he saw Hu Renbin push open the door, he walked straight in.

But upon entering, Zhu Yuanzhang also shouted in surprise.

It turned out that Mr. Hu actually removed the walls of the two rooms on both sides of the study while he was silent.

From the outside, it seems that there is only one study room, but when it is opened, it turns out to be a large room covering an area of ​​three rooms.

But at this time, there were many things in the large study room that Zhu Yuanzhang and Hu Renbin did not recognize.

Putting aside everything else, Zhu Yuanzhang walked to the most eye-catching desk first and sat down on the usual seat of Mr. Hu.

But unexpectedly, on the desk at this time, there was a pile of books that were obviously very different from the books on the market, and they were sitting there in a mess.

Pick up a copy.

As soon as he got started, Zhu Yuanzhang felt something was wrong.

"Hiss, why is this book so neat?"

"Good guy, this paper is probably different from what we usually see!"

As the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang was also well-informed.

Suddenly, when he saw that Mr. Hu had a book here that he had never seen before, he really became interested.

As a result, when I changed another book, it still had the same paper, and when I changed another book, it was still the same.

He couldn't help but be interested.

Open it and take a look.

Oh, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!

He has read this story.

However, if it could be as well printed and exquisite as the one in his hand, he had never read it before.

In fact, if Mr. Hu knew what was happening, he would probably break out in a cold sweat.

You know, earlier, there was a copy of Jin Ping Mei on top.

These books are actually rewards from the system.

Mr. Hu didn't take it seriously and just left it here.

I usually just treat it as a little pastime for myself.

After all, in his opinion, these books are nothing special.

It's just that the paper is better and the printing is more exquisite.

There is neither any information that shouldn’t be there nor any “banned books”!
He was worried that Jin Ping Mei would be seen, but he was just worried that his vest would be lifted.

Besides that, what's there to be afraid of?
(End of this chapter)

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