Chapter 455: Students' Conditioned Reflexes
Chapter 455: Students' Conditioned Reflexes

The last imperial examination was the one with the most complications since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

The academy examination, the provincial examination, the metropolitan examination, the palace examination…

It has been a very exciting journey.

The main problems were concentrated on the weird test questions given by Mr. Hu.

Is there any violation?

But it was these test questions, which did not contain any violations, that made all the examinees feel extremely excited!

There were so many people cursing Mr. Hu and the Ministry of Rites.

Not only that, after each exam, a large number of candidates collapsed on the spot.

The look on his face was so heartbreaking that anyone could see or hear it and cry.

Obviously, he would be a gifted child in his hometown, but after taking the examination, his faith completely collapsed.

Among the candidates who failed the exam, at least half of them were made to doubt what they had learned because of the questions asked by Mr. Hu.

What's even more ridiculous is that, thanks to His Majesty's protection and Mr. Hu's power and reputation, Mr. Hu was able to secure the position of chief examiner.

No matter how noisy the candidates were, Master Hu just calmly trained them over and over again.

It can be said that among those who passed the imperial examination and became a Jinshi in the last session, none of them failed to burn incense and worship Buddha.

Because they themselves admit that talent is one aspect, but luck is more important.

Otherwise, they won’t know how they passed the exam.

I thought this was just a nightmare and it would pass.

But I never thought that news would come from the court that Master Hu would still be the chief examiner!
The mentality of the students who had experienced the last imperial examination was completely broken.

It really collapsed!
If you haven't experienced it, you may just have a vague idea in your mind, after all, you've only heard others talk about it.

But for those who have experienced it, especially those who have gone through two imperial examinations, it was even more like ecstasy.

Because they have experienced an ordinary and normal imperial examination and know what a serious imperial examination is like.

Then, these ambitious people were hit hard by Master Hu and became unconscious.

Now, let me tell them the good news: they will be hit hard again this year!

This is simply a nightmare come back to life!

Who isn’t scared!
Who wouldn’t collapse!

You have to know that throughout the Ming Dynasty, at that time, the imperial examination was the only channel for upward mobility.

That’s right, the one and only one.

There is no other way to go except this one.

Countless students study hard and need support from their families, just to be able to advance through this channel.

Only then can it in turn drive the family's rise.

But now, the big devil is back.

These disciples of the sect had already been seriously injured by the Great Devil once, and now they had to face the Great Devil again?

It’s such a rebellion!
That's right!

The students, especially those who had experienced the beatings by Master Hu in the previous class, could no longer bear it.

However, they also knew that the uproar over the last imperial examination did not do anything to Master Hu, which meant that the so-called criticisms were completely useless.

Well, we have to find a solution quickly while the examiner has not been decided yet.

Then, they started recruiting people.

"Brother, come here, please sign this joint letter!"

An older student grabbed a younger brother from the same college and stuffed a large piece of paper filled with words into his hand.

The young man was stunned by this sudden scene, and was horrified when he saw the joint letter in his hand.

"No, Brother, nothing will happen if we do this, right?"

"Jointly requesting a change of chief examiner, isn't this disrespectful to the court?"

"What if the emperor gets angry and cancels all our achievements?" The younger brother's question hit the nail on the head.

They all achieved the title of scholar.

They don't care that much about life or death.

But if the person is still alive but has lost his fame and reputation, then that would be a big problem.

Might as well be dead.

The older student curled his lips, sneered twice, and patted the other person's shoulder.

"Canceling your honor is bullshit!"

"You have seen the questions from Thief Tiger before. Do you think you still have a chance to pass the Autumn Examination this year if you suddenly encounter questions like that?"

"I'm telling you straight, if you don't replace the thief tiger, we'll all be left with nothing in this autumn's imperial examination and the next spring's!"

"Therefore, students like me can only use surprising tactics and give it a try!"

"Don't worry, you also know the principle that the law cannot punish everyone!"

"Also, the chief examiner hasn't made an official decision yet, so the court won't lose face. They're just disqualifying Thief Tiger, not replacing him on the spot!"

"It's not a big problem!"

After some persuasion from the older student, the young man finally signed his name and put his fingerprint on the paper that was already filled with names.

This scene not only happened in this college, but also in many other places.

As fellow students, especially those who had suffered together in the previous class, almost all of them started doing this without any prior agreement.

To put it bluntly, they have no other options left and have to fight.

One joint letter after another was sent directly to the Ministry of Rites.

Although the wording and sources are different, the requirements are the same inside and out.

Anyone can come, but we can’t let Mr. Hu be the chief examiner!
Many people even suggested that it would be best if this person did not appear in matters related to the imperial examination.

Nothing else, I just saw Master Hu and the others coughing.

Oh, by the way, Master Hu now has a specific code name among the students.

Thief tiger!

A variation of the homophonic pun, it's a roundabout way of insulting someone without being too harsh.

These are typical little tricks of literati.

The Minister of Rites was very upset by the students' behavior.

What’s the point of writing a joint letter to me?

Is this something I can decide?
After pointing his finger at the sky and cursing for a long time, the Minister of Rites finally had no choice but to lower his head and write the memorial obediently.

Let Your Majesty worry about this matter!

He can't do anything about it anyway!

Then, a thick memorial containing several joint letters was urgently delivered to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Then, Lao Zhu also felt numb.

Wei Yong has really offended the students.

Has it come to this?
Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the memorial in his hand and the joint letter with densely written names and handprints, his expression changing from gloomy to bright.

In the end, Zhu Yuanzhang sighed.

"Forget it, Weiyong should just stay out of this!"

"That's just what he wanted. He really wanted to do this!"

Zhu Yuanzhang also felt particularly awkward when he felt this.

Why is this Mr. Hu always different from others?

Can't you just be honest?

These students are not good at all!

Humph, wait until these people enter the court, and then slowly deal with them!
(End of this chapter)

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