Chapter 458 The Most Reasonable Way to Reject

Chapter 458 The Most Reasonable Way to Reject

Don’t look at Hu Renbin for these years. He is either a good-for-nothing, disdainful playboy or someone who is hated by everyone.

Or, he would hide in Shangyuan County, hiding his identity and serving as a barely respectable county lieutenant.

It seems that he has not been seriously involved in official circles in recent years.

However, his background determined that even if he only listened occasionally, he knew more than more than 80% of the officials.

There's nothing we can do, he only has high-end games.

He was indeed a little Karami who stood secretly by and watched, and he wasn't even watching attentively.

But this high-end game is indeed high-end and the players’ level is indeed top-notch.

Therefore, when Hu Renbin saw the position of Yuanwailang on the imperial edict in his hand, his first reaction was "bad"!
The Ministry of Works seems to be just a low-key government office that does work.

Make weapons, build bridges and roads, dredge rivers, build dams, construct palaces...

If you only look at this introduction, the other works would be ashamed to be listed alongside the Ministry of Industry.

But in reality, the Ministry of Industry has enormous power.

The power of the Ministry of Works does not lie in promoting people, but in the money it controls!
Whenever water conservancy projects are being built, corruption cases are bound to occur in the Ministry of Works.

It’s just that depending on factors like the sophistication of the method, the degree of greed and other factors, the cases that are finally exposed will be somewhat different.

However, although the cases are different, there is definitely no lack of greed.

The truth is, the Ministry of Works handles too much money.

The key is that it is different from other tasks such as disaster relief.

It is very easy to find out about the purchase and distribution of grain for disaster relief.

Unless they use some dirty tricks like a fire dragon burning the warehouse or ghost soldiers borrowing food, we will find out the truth once we investigate.

However, the Ministry of Works’ large-scale projects cost more money than disaster relief, but in turn they are very difficult to track.

Because, among the six ministries, only the Ministry of Industry understands the issue of water conservancy.

At the same time, not to mention the fact that the project takes years to complete, the number of people involved is often tens of thousands.

There are so many things that can be tampered with here.

Unfortunately, it seems that the position of Yuanwailang is only of the fifth rank, and it seems that it is not even a Langzhong of the Qinglisi.

But it happened that this Yuanwailang, who was not at all noticeable in Yingtian Prefecture, would most likely be the dedicated on-site person in charge once the Ministry of Works had a project.

To put it bluntly, if there really is a water conservancy project, the Ministry of Works will send a team led by a Yuanwailang.

The power on the scene is basically in the hands of this official.

Not only was the appointment and dismissal of officials and the allocation of money and grain all decided by this Yuanwailang, but even the subsequent review had to be discussed with this Yuanwailang.

It is indeed a typical case of a low position but great power.

Logically speaking, this kind of official position would never be given to a prince consort like myself.

To be precise, the Ministry of Industry basically promotes from within.

Because this kind of official position requires a lot of professional qualities.

It's impossible that a official is sent to a construction site and ends up knowing nothing.

Wouldn't that be like groping in the dark?
Therefore, Hu Renbin quickly realized it.

Damn, this position is not meant for me at all.

In fact, it was directed at his own father.

When he thought of this, Hu Renbin subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But when he looked at the bright yellow silk with dragon pattern on it in his hand, Hu Renbin's mind froze.

This thing is called an imperial edict!

If I refuse, it would be disobeying the order.

When Hu Renbin thought of this charge, he was suddenly shocked.

'Forget it!'

"I don't have the ability of my father. Only my father can disobey the order and live a peaceful life! "I still need to discuss it with my father, and then find a suitable reason to refuse! "

'This job is impossible!'

After thinking it through, Hu Renbin obediently accepted the order and sent Song Li, who had been smiling from beginning to end, away.

Princess Anqing was originally delighted when she heard the imperial edict.

But when she saw Hu Renbin's sad face, her heart trembled suddenly, and she carefully pulled Hu Renbin and said.

"My husband, it is rare that the emperor values ​​you so much!"

"Why do I feel like you're not that happy about your promotion?"

"Is there something else going on here?"

Hu Renbin opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to confess.

"This matter, this position, is not actually aimed at me!"

"My father-in-law, the emperor, suddenly entrusted me with an important task. I'm afraid he wanted to tie me to this position and indirectly get my father to do the work!"

After listening to Hu Renbin's explanation, Princess Anqing suddenly burst out laughing.

“Ha, so that’s how it is!”

"You know what, this really seems like something my father would do!"

"But don't be nervous, husband. When your father-in-law comes back, you can discuss this with him!"

"As far as I know, my father and my father-in-law are old brothers who have fought against each other for many times."

"Since the emperor is targeting my father-in-law, let them do whatever they want!"

Hu Renbin suddenly understood after hearing this.


My rank is not high enough, so let my dad take over!

It’s all about relying on one’s dad. Although I haven’t done this business for several years, I’m familiar with it!

Two days later, Master Hu came back leisurely.

Hu Renbin and Princess Anqing came to pay their respects first.

After the two sides exchanged pleasantries, Princess Anqing found an excuse and left, leaving the space to the Hu father and son.

After listening to Hu Renbin express his thoughts and concerns, Master Hu felt somewhat relieved.

This silly son, facing the cake that was delivered to him, was already thinking about things, and even thinking about whether to resign...

It seems that my teaching over the past few years has not been in vain!

However, no matter how satisfied I am, this matter still needs to be resolved.

Thinking of this, Master Hu smiled faintly and nodded: "Well, I know about this matter!"

"Well, it's not convenient to talk here, let's go to another place!"

Upon hearing this, Hu Renbin followed Master Hu with a serious face and came to the Hu family ancestral hall with all his gossip.

This place is quiet and remote enough, and is perfect for certain confidential matters.

However, when Hu Renbin looked at the rattan placed in the main hall of the ancestral hall, he felt a dull pain in his body.

Master Hu was not vague. After walking around for a while, he picked up the vine and waved it twice, then smiled at Hu Renbin.

"If you want to refuse to take office, or refuse to take office openly, it's actually very simple!"

“It just takes some hard work!”

As soon as Master Hu said this, Hu Renbin felt his scalp tingling instantly. He felt as if a disaster was about to happen.

Then he found that he was right.

Master Hu didn't hold back at all and beat Hu Renbin to death on the spot.

Mr. Hu’s method is very simple.

Hu Renbin was injured, really injured, so it’s reasonable to refuse!
No problem!
(End of this chapter)

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