Chapter 464: Master Hu’s Brothel Selection

Chapter 464: Master Hu’s Brothel Selection

Mr. Hu has always had an awareness.

That is, coming to a brothel is like going to a nightclub or a spa in a previous life.

It is normal to spend a lot of money, and getting something for free is just luck.

As soon as you walk in the door, be prepared to pay.

Otherwise, don't come!
After all, on the surface, this is a place where people shout "brother, sister, dear, husband, wife" all the time.

But in reality, it's just a business.

In this place, it might not be a big deal to treat it as a social occasion, but what if you want to have a relationship with these girls or get free sex with them?
Haha, it’s basically impossible!

It's just like "Wan Ru" and "Ru Shi", it seems like Mr. Hu got it for free.

But in fact, they explained it afterwards.

He hesitated for a long time, thought and thought, and analyzed carefully for a long time before he placed his bet on Master Hu.

Then make a fortune.

Mr. Hu is not in the mood to play any tricks today.

Just spend money!

The simplest, most direct, but most effective!

The madam approached Master Hu with a smile on her face and asked in a low voice.

"Master, how about three hundred taels for our courtesan Yi Yi?"

Master Hu glanced at the madam who was almost sticking to him and raised his eyebrows.

“The price is okay!”

"But, is your courtesan worth this price?"

Seeing that Mr. Hu agreed to the price without blushing or breathing heavily, the madam's chest swelled a little.

"Master, don't worry!"

"My dear Yiyi, you think I'm just bragging no matter what I say, so why don't I take you to see it!"

"You will know when you see it, these three hundred taels are absolutely worth it!"

Master Hu nodded without comment, and then turned around and waved at Xie Jin and Fang Xiaoru.

After that, he ignored the two boys and followed the madam's footsteps, walking towards the back in twists and turns.

It was only after walking around the screen wall behind the main hall that Master Hu discovered it.

Wow, this brothel really took a lot of thought.

Look, these pavilions and waterside pavilions are built.

It is obviously a brothel, but this small building, which is located by the water and offers a panoramic view of the Qinhuai River through the window, is exceptionally elegant.

Tsk tsk, just for this small building, this Xiaoxiang Pavilion must have cost a lot of money.

Turning to the first floor, as soon as I walked in, I saw a girl sitting on the soft couch by the window, with her chin supported by one hand, leaning against the window frame and looking at the river.

After hearing the noise, he turned his head lazily.

But it was this one glance that made Mr. Hu, without saying a word, take out three hundred silver notes from his pocket and slap them into the hand of the madam.

"It's done. I've paid the money and the person is mine!"

The madam laughed and rubbed her fingers together to make sure that the banknote was genuine. Then she walked out and said with a smile.

"Master, please chat with Yiyi for a while. I will help you prepare the boat!"

Mr. Hu was too lazy to even answer the question at this moment. Instead, he smiled and looked at the beauty opposite him.

"I didn't expect that I would encounter a surprise when I came back to Xiaoxiang Pavilion today!"

No wonder Mr. Hu felt emotional.

To be honest, it was the first time he saw such a beautiful and unique girl in Ming Dynasty.

First of all, she is tall. Even though the girl didn't stand up, she was just leaning on the soft couch.

Just by looking at her slender, white legs sticking out from her skirt, one can tell that this girl is probably 1.7 meters tall. In this era, girls who are 1.7 meters tall are very rare.

Secondly, it’s the figure.

I don’t know if the girl didn’t notice it or if she is naturally charming.

The hairpins on her head were loose, and the clothes on her shoulders were baggy.

But this half-covered room allows people to feel the extremely hot body up close.

It's true that she has a protruding front and a curvy back and long legs.

If it were just these two points, perhaps Mr. Hu would not have been so decisive in paying the money.

What really made Mr. Hu feel interesting was the other person's face.

It was a melon-shaped face, not very big.

Not too skinny to look mean, nor too plump to look cute.

With her fair skin and a pair of half-closed, slightly narrow peach blossom eyes, Master Hu recognized her almost at first sight.

If a fox spirit were to appear in the world, it would look like this.

Although he didn't say anything, his half-closed eyes looked like little hooks.

Scratching and scratching on his heart!
It's not the kind of coquettishness that comes from acting coquettishly and pretentiously, but rather a kind of natural and gifted charm.

"Oh, sir, I feel embarrassed for looking at you!"

She was clearly acting coquettishly, but when the other person spoke, she spoke in a lazy, mature lady's voice.

That lazy voice and seductive tone completely aroused Mr. Hu's interest.

"It's okay. If you're sorry, you can just close your eyes!"

"I watch mine, you play with yours!"

Master Hu had seen and experienced a lot, so naturally he wouldn't blush because of a joke or two from a beautiful woman.

Just kidding, this experienced pervert, even if he wants to blush, he has to drink a few glasses of wine before he can do that.

Master Hu's answer made the girl named Yi Yi's mouth curl up slightly, and then she twisted her slender waist and turned over from the bed.

She was not wearing any shoes, just a pair of slender feet bare, and she walked lightly in front of Master Hu.

She stretched out her jade arm, hooked it around Master Hu's neck, moved her pretty face close to Master Hu, and spoke coquettishly with a sweet breath.

"Master wants to see it, so Yiyi will naturally let Master take a good look at it!"

"How about this, Master, carry Yiyi to the boat and take a look at it slowly, okay?"

it is good!
So great!
There was no need to answer at all. Master Hu simply grabbed the beauty with both hands and held her firmly in his arms.

Yiyi was still hooking her arms around Master Hu's neck, but her pair of little feet were swaying delicately on Master Hu's arm, so white and dazzling.

Once you go out of the door, there will be a servant to show you the way to the boat.

Along the way, as expected, he met Fang Xiaoru and Jie Jin.

The two men were stunned when they saw the beauty in Master Hu's arms.

And then there was a look of regret.


No Money!
Now they are all little Karamis who live on salaries.

But how much is the salary in the Ming Dynasty?
To the extent that, they now choose to write poetry for free.

At first they didn't think there was anything wrong.

But now after seeing Mr. Hu’s choice, they feel jealous.

Only then did they truly feel it.

It’s so damn good to be rich!
At the same time, the reason why the oiran is called oiran is that she can truly outshine all the other beauties.

Of course, the girl they chose to write poetry at this time was also a beautiful woman with a perfect figure and appearance.

But compared with Mr. Hu’s courtesan, there is a huge gap!
Damn, I'm so jealous!

(End of this chapter)

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