Chapter 467 The Miserable Fang Xiaoru
Chapter 467: The Miserable Fang Xiaoru

Chu Yiyi felt like she was in trouble today.

She was like a puddle of mud, lying there for half an hour, too lazy to move a finger.

She felt as if fireworks were going off in her head.

After struggling for a long time, there seemed to still be a flash of golden light in my mind.

This made it seem as if she had to use all her strength to utter a complete sentence.

Of course, Master Hu was a little out of breath at this moment.

After all, this is heavy physical labor.

It is impossible for a tall and long-legged lady to weigh only a few dozen pounds.

So when you hold such a big beauty in your arms and do all kinds of poses, isn't that like carrying a heavy load?

After taking a few breaths, Chu Yiyi managed to turn over, and lay on Master Hu's chest and asked curiously.

"Master, your body is not good, is it?"

"I've really never heard of anyone like you!"

"This extraordinary talent is too scary!"

Master Hu laughed out loud when he heard this indirect compliment.

There is no man who doesn't like this kind of compliment.

Master Hu gently stroked Chu Yiyi's back, which was as smooth as silk.

It feels very smooth, without any effort on your part, as gravity allows you to smoothly slide along the curve.

Especially when it reaches the lowest point, the place called the "beauty nest", any slight movement of the hand will always elicit a few moans and complaints from the beauty.


Of course, if the beauty is unhappy, or has other ideas.

Then you can continue moving forward along the beauty's nest.

But now we have to "climb the mountain" again.

This mountain can be described with various words such as straight, plump, round, etc.

But in Mr. Hu's grasp, the first word he could think of was full.

The peach that seems to be ripe as can be, full of juice, with thin skin and rich fillings, is perhaps the most realistic metaphor for this kind of fullness.

It feels so full that water will come out if you apply a little force.

Oh, by the way, Mr. Hu has tried it before, and this "peach" does produce water.

However, the peach is tired now and the water is almost dry.

Maybe when I come next time, I will have recovered and will be able to continue to discharge water.

However, Mr. Hu has always been a person who loves beauty.

He wouldn't do anything to insult others, and he certainly wouldn't just keep teasing someone.

After all, at Mr. Hu’s level, he doesn’t have to worry about not being able to meet beautiful women.

Therefore, Master Hu, who had just been working hard, now kept talking while holding the delicate and weak beauty in his arms.

Especially outside the half-open window, the Yingtian City illuminated by the lights aroused Mr. Hu's interest in talking.

Perhaps he has no interest in talking about serious academic matters.

But if you talk about various wild histories, interesting stories or even jokes, then he will get excited.

Look, whenever Chu Yiyi opens her mouth to say something, he can explain everything.

The key point is that he is not the kind of pretentious guy who only cares about his own pleasure and lets beautiful women serve as his supporting actors.

In his previous life, he could have persuaded a singing girl to get a free meal, so how could he forget his skills when facing Chu Yiyi?

Look, there are all these flirting tricks, some sweet words, some dirty jokes about driving suddenly...

Combined with the fact that the two of them were naked and whispering to each other, Chu Yiyi, the top courtesan of Xiaoxiang Pavilion, was completely fascinated. Even after the cruise ship circled Yingtian and returned to the dock, she still stayed in the arms of Master Hu with shining eyes.

Just rub it!

Just rub it hard!
What should I do if I get angry?
What else can we do? Of course we have to grit our teeth and fight even if we know we can’t win!
In the end, as the sky turned white, Chu Yiyi, who could no longer bear it, finally succumbed to a soft moan.

Master Hu smacked his lips in satisfaction, thinking that the three hundred taels were worth it.

The next day, or really the next day, after all, the sky was slightly white when Master Hu closed his eyes.

By the time he opened his eyes, the sun was already overhead.

After yawning, Master Hu slowly sat up, and then without any hesitation called for people to come in and serve him.

It would be fine if the little girl who came in just looked at me, but why does she have such serious dark circles under her eyes?

Is the workload of maids so intense these days?

Of course, Mr. Hu kept all these complaints to himself.

If the little girl who had been waiting outside the room for most of the night and whose scalp was tingling from listening to what happened really knew about this, she would probably grimace.

After the maid helped Master Hu and Chu Yiyi to pack up, she quickly trotted away.

This left both Mr. Hu and Chu Yiyi a little confused.

However, obviously this is not the most important thing at the moment. The most important thing for them right now is to go downstairs and eat something.

After all, both of them exercised too much last night.

Although there is a kitchen and food on the bed, the ingredients are not complete and nothing suitable can be made.

Anyway, we are already back to the dock and we have the conditions, so of course we have to eat well.

It just so happened that Mr. Hu was going to find out about the situation of Fang Xiaoru and Xie Jin.

After all, he is an amateur artist who came out with me.

After this great war, of course we have to exchange our experiences.

Otherwise, wouldn’t this be in vain?

But in the end, when Mr. Hu walked into the lobby from the dock, he saw Fang Xiaoru sitting in front of a desk with a haggard face.

Not to mention the brush in his hand, there was a pile of papers filled with writing scattered on the desk in front of him.

The wine glass in his other hand and several overturned wine bottles beside him all indicate that this guy is drinking alone.

Besides, I'm afraid he's been drinking for most of the night.

Seeing Xiao Fang's haggard face, Master Hu turned his head and chuckled twice.

Then he came up to Xiao Fang with a concerned look on his face and asked.

"Xiao Fang, what's going on with you?"

Fang Xiaoru looked up at Master Hu in silence.

That look was just like a dog that had been wandering for a long time seeing its owner who loved him the most in the past.

It is so sad that anyone who sees it will cry.

Fortunately, Mr. Hu was neither a witness nor a hearer; he was the person involved.

So when faced with this gaze, he just felt confused.

"what happened?"

"Is there anything you can't say?"

"By the way, where is the gentleman? Why are you sitting here alone looking so miserable?"

After being stabbed several times by Master Hu, Fang Xiaoru was completely speechless.

He gave up all his previous thoughts and told the truth with a gloomy face.

In short, in one sentence, I don’t have the ability to write poetry and I failed to get anything for free!

(End of this chapter)

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