Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 49: Reunion with Fang Xiaoru and Xie Jin after the imperial examination!

Chapter 49: Reunion with Fang Xiaoru and Xie Jin after the imperial examination!
Chapter 49 Make an appointment with Fang Xiaoru and Xie Jin to meet again after the imperial examination!

What a joke!
Become sworn brothers with different surnames from a tough-headed kid like Fang Xiaoru?

Not to mention Hu Weiyong, a "spoiler party" who knew Fang Xiaoru's ending, even a few students from the city would not make such a presumptuous request to become sworn sworn sworn sworn friends.

Only a young boy like Jie Jin, who doesn't know the heights of the world, would say this.

You know, whether it is a sworn sworn relationship or a discipleship, it is something that requires a long time of consideration.

After all, once the relationship is connected, it's not that easy to break it off.

These days, when homes are confiscated and clans are exterminated, these are all things that have to be taken into account.

Xie Jin looked at Hu Weiyong in surprise, waiting for the explanation from "Brother Chen".

Hu Weiyong smiled and found a random reason.

"Brother Fang, brother Xie, it's not because of my brother, but actually because my brother is older and you are too much."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. My eldest son is a few years older than you, brother Xie."

"Since we are reunited by fate and have a good rapport, why should we care about such false courtesy?"

"Is it possible that without sworn vows, we can't get together and talk?"

Xie Jin usually discussed knowledge, poetry, etc. with others, and was not good at these "mundane affairs".

Now, he encountered Hu Weiyong's move of "treating him with his own medicine". Fortunately, he didn't succeed on the spot, so he quickly waved his hand and changed the subject.

"No way!"

"Since Brother Chen said it's inconvenient, just don't mention it."

"However, Xie has another suggestion. Why don't we meet at Qixia Temple after the exam to talk about the exam and the exam questions?"

At this point, before the other two could answer, Xie Jin gave a reason with a grimace.

"It's not about anything else, it's mainly because I was really scared by Mr. Hu's weird question this time."

"Both brothers are highly intelligent, and they will surely be able to help a certain staff officer when the time comes."

"In Jie's opinion, Mr. Hu's questions will become more and more tricky in the future. If there are not a few capable brothers to study together, Jie will be at a loss when the time comes!"

Fang Xiaoru had not spoken much before, but when he heard Xie Jin talk about meeting again at Qixia Temple to discuss exam questions, he came to talk.

"If it's to discuss exam questions, then Fang is willing to participate!"

"Master Hu's question... although there is some cleverness in it, it is really a bit deviant."

"Fang feels that if he continues to think in the same way as before, Fang will definitely fail the exam!"

"Alas, Mr. Hu's move is too harsh on students like us!"

Listening to Fang Xiaoru complaining about himself, Hu Weiyong simply pretended not to hear.

Because he knew that for a strict and traditional scholar like Fang Xiaoru, just saying that he was deviant was the most peaceful way of saying it.

Where I don't know, I don't know how harshly others scold me.

But Hu Weiyong didn't care.

You guys love to scold me, sir, can I lose a tael of silver or a tael of meat?
As long as Zhu Yuanzhang and his son do not come to trouble me, I will definitely stick to the path of ruining my reputation.

However, what Hu Weiyong didn't expect was that before he even spoke, Xie Jin on the side put forward a different opinion.

"Brother Fang, Mr. Xie feels that Master Hu's move cannot be called deviant."

"In fact, Jie felt that Mr. Hu didn't ask enough questions!"

Upon hearing Xie Jin's words, Hu Weiyong suddenly became interested.It's rare, darling, this is the first time that Hu Weiyong has heard a student say that he did a good job on the question.

"Hey, Sir (Xie Jin's pseudonym), there is something in his words. Come on, let me hear your opinion!"

Xie Jin was really not messing around. He looked at the two people in front of him seriously, raised his chin slightly and said with arrogance.

"Brothers, in Jie's opinion, this scientific examination only covers the Four Books and Five Classics, and there is no difference between them."

"It's just an explanation of the meaning of the scriptures that I was able to read and recite thoroughly before I was ten years old. Just taking a test of the Four Books and Five Classics will not show my ability."

"From Jie's point of view, it's best to come up with the question in a different way like Mr. Hu did. Although it's a little strange and a little biased, it shows your ability!"

"In Jie's opinion, this imperial examination should not be passed by a bunch of idiots and mediocre people who only know how to study."

"So, Jie feels that it is not enough for Mr. Hu to ask just one question!"

"Of course, it would be better if other examiners could give some questions on history, agriculture, and miscellaneous studies!"

"Otherwise, how can we show Xie's ability?"

Hu Weiyong was stunned!

Could this be the self-confidence of a top student?

You feel that the exam is not difficult enough and you cannot close the gap with the bad students behind you, so you ask the teacher to make it more difficult?
Tsk, tsk, awesome.

But Xie Jin didn't tell lies. He was the kind of student who took the test with a score of [-] just because his score on the paper was only [-].

If you give him a roll worth one thousand points, he can let go.

Hu Weiyong thought it was right, but Fang Xiaoru's face looked a little ugly.

"Sir, your words are a bit extreme!"

"So what if I read and recite the Four Books and Five Classics in full? Fang could do it when he was young."

"But the more I studied after that, the more I felt that the knowledge inside was as deep as the ocean, and that it can actually be understood by simply reading and reciting it?"

"In Fang's opinion, rather than letting Mr. Hu continue to ask such deviant questions, it is better to make the classic questions more difficult."

"In this way, it is not only in line with the correct path for my Confucian disciples to study, but also can distinguish the well-educated people from the people who are just trying to learn."

Well, Hu Weiyong didn't expect that Fang Xiaoru also felt that the question was not difficult enough.

However, Fang Xiaoru and Xie Jin have completely different optimization directions.

In layman's terms, Fang Xiaoru hopes that the depth will increase and the scope will remain unchanged, while Xie Jin hopes that the breadth will increase and the depth will not matter.

Combined with the historical evaluation of the two, Hu Weiyong deeply agrees.

One of these two people is called Tietouwa, Nerd, and the other is called Guangbo Bachelor. These nicknames are really correct.

Watching the two people arguing back and forth, Hu Weiyong hid aside with a smile, which seemed quite interesting.

To be honest, this feeling of concealing one’s identity and making friends with historical celebrities is a little bit funny, but it’s also quite refreshing!
Not long after, seeing that the time was getting late, it was finally time for the three of them to part ways.

Before leaving, the three of them agreed to meet again at Qixia Temple the day after the results were released, high-fived each other, and then separated.

Hu Weiyong saw the two of them leaving, and then strolled around with his hands behind his back to join Hu Xinyue.

Looking at Hu Xinyue's complexion and demeanor that are obviously different from before, does it mean that the marriage lottery she is looking for today seems to be good?

Thinking of this, Hu Weiyong smiled and pulled the person into the carriage and headed back home.

After all, he hadn't had time to slap Hu Renbin today, so he had to go back and make up for it!
(End of this chapter)

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