Chapter 85 Mr. Hu returns to daily life
Chapter 85 Mr. Hu returns to daily life
Hu Fu.

Listening to Hu Renbin's miserable howls, everyone in the Hu residence finally let out a long sigh.

"It still smells familiar and feels comfortable!"

For the people in the Hu family, it was quite unaccustomed to Hu Weiyong's sudden absence from the family in the past few days.

Especially after the screams that used to sound on time every day suddenly disappeared, I felt a little unaccustomed to it.

This time they finally heard the noise, and everyone suddenly felt as if a bucket of cold water was poured over their heads in the dog days of summer, which was not too pleasant.

After beating Hu Renbin and seeing the boy running to the ancestral hall with his teeth bared, Hu Weiyong comforted his niece Hu Xinyue a few words, and then the uncle and nephew drank a cup of tea and chatted peacefully before parting ways.

Looking at Hu Xinyue leaving, Hu Weiyong nodded with satisfaction.

No wonder there were daughter slaves everywhere in my previous life.

This girl just wants to worry less than that bastard boy!
Look at Hu Renbin's agreeable nature, even a single glance makes him feel annoyed.

Well, I still have to think carefully about how to choose a suitable husband for Hu Xinyue.

After thinking about trivial matters for a while, Hu Weiyong strolled to the backyard with his hands behind his back.

As soon as he came over, he fell into a pile of makeup and powder. A group of people from Yingying Yanyan coaxed him and dragged him in.

Hu Weiyong was so surprised that he didn't get scared.

These little girls have grown hairy on their guts. They really don’t treat us as masters anymore!

But after hearing the weeping complaints of several concubines, Hu Weiyong's face turned red for a rare moment.

Oh, it turns out I was jealous.

It's not that Hu Weiyong is not allowed to go out and be cool, let alone concubines like them, even if the wife of the wife is still alive, she doesn't have the guts to say that Hu Weiyong is not allowed to have any trace of meat.

What they complained about was that Hu Weiyong stayed for three or four days at a time without even reporting, and he never came back.

They are afraid!

What they were afraid of was not that Hu Weiyong went out to hang out, but that Hu Weiyong would forget about them after hanging out.

You know, they don't even have any children by their side now.

Well, after Hu Weiyong listened to the cuckoo's cries of blood-crying complaints from all the beauties, he sighed sadly.

Yes, the fault for this is really yours.

It cannot be said that there is something wrong with the other party's idea, but in this era, this kind of idea is the mainstream.

This is not something he can change with just a few words.

They are not fools, even the emperor has a place called the Cold Palace in his harem.

How can you place all your hopes on a promise?

Therefore, Hu Weiyong stopped talking too much now.

I just put the hundred or so kilograms here, and you can arrange them as you like.

I never thought that these concubines were really considerate.

Not only did she not feel arrogant about being favored, but she seemed to have already agreed upon it and took a nice bath for Mr. Hu first.

Then, Fang Yi sat down, shoulder-squeezing, leg-beating, tea, snacks, singing, dancing...

Good guy, the division of labor should not be too clear.

What makes people more comfortable is that no matter which aspect he is most familiar with and comfortable with.

Tsk tsk, Mr. Hu was finally convinced.

These little bitches were actually using this method to tactfully tell him that it was better to stay at home.Mr. Hu nodded slightly in understanding, recognizing the good intentions of all the beauties, but next time it's time to sneak out and have a wander, he probably has to do it.

After all, a great old man can only achieve so much.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the fun in the evening.

As if they want to make up for the emptiness that Mr. Hu has been away from home these days, all the beauties, regardless of their previous temperament, turned into female fairies in Pansi Cave at night. That's called a lively scene. ah.

When Mr. Hu got up from the bed the next day with a sore back and back, he looked at the warblers and swallows surrounded by jade arms, smacking his lips and not daring to say anything.

He just sighed silently, "My little girl is so powerful when she goes crazy!"

Then he packed up, finished breakfast, and wandered onto the way to work.

During the past few days of hanging out in Zui Feng Tower, he took a leave of absence.

But all fools know that his fake name is actually just a name. To put it bluntly, he is just hiding in his house or somewhere to have fun.

Now that the holiday has finally passed, an official from the Ministry of Rites discovered that this gentleman was openly late again.

But what can they do?
Apart from being full of envy and jealousy in my heart, I can only pretend that I didn't see it.

After all, they know very well that what this man focuses on now is to have no desires and no demands.

Not to mention, if Daming is regarded as a company, then Hu Weiyong is an old employee of the founding team who received the original shares.

After these people go public, they fish without making any noise. If the big boss doesn't care, who has the qualifications to take care of it?
I didn’t see this man. He came to the Ministry of Etiquette at all times every day for three days. He had not been seen for several days before. But in the end, the Minister of Rites didn’t even fart?
If other people dare to be so presumptuous in the Ministry of Rites, it will be strange if the Minister of Rites can tolerate it!
After all, being presumptuous in the Ministry of Etiquette just means that he is not taken seriously.

But facing Mr. Hu Weiyong, how could he, the dignified Minister of Rites, open his mouth?
You can only pretend you didn’t see it!
If you don't speak to a minister, then others are even less qualified.

Therefore, Hu Weiyong was obviously late and walked in grandly from the main entrance, but what he saw was everyone constantly saying hello.

Mr. Hu simply ignored the envy and resentment that could not be hidden in other people's eyes. He simply turned a blind eye.

There's nothing I can do about it, the salty fish boss is just so cool.

At this point, Hu Weiyong himself is quite proud.

Now that potatoes are also offered, he, who is already a salty fish, becomes more and more confident.

As a result, I felt a little more noisy when I walked.

But as he walked, he felt something was wrong.

No, is something wrong today?

Is this still the Ministry of Rites?

Why are so many monks coming to the Ministry of Rites today?
Hu Weiyong had nothing to hide, so he grabbed the clerk who was passing by and asked casually, and then he found out.

Oh, it turns out that it was Zhu Yuanzhang who caused the problem again.

Perhaps Lao Zhu did not want to forget his roots or be called ungrateful because he had been a monk and had just enough food and clothing.

So, he built something very new.

He ordered that all monks in all temples in the world who were proficient in Confucianism could come to the Ministry of Rites to take the examination.

Those who stand out can be directly employed by the court as monk officials.

Tsk tsk, Master Hu was happy when he heard the news.

Oh, this is fun to watch.

Is the monk proficient in Confucianism?
take an exam?

Would you like Mr. Hu to help you with the questions? Mr. Hu is very good at this!

(End of this chapter)

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