"I wonder if Mr. Lu Rong can solve this red giant problem."

At Yangcheng Scientific Research Institute, Wei Anguo's face was full of sorrow.

When humans observe space, they can observe many red giant stars.

But when it comes to contact, I have never been in contact.

The first is that human technology is limited and it is impossible to reach the place where the red giant appears.

The second is that a red giant is a star that is about to explode. Even if a spacecraft can approach it, it cannot withstand that kind of temperature.

The destruction of this kind of explosion would be catastrophic to several nearby galaxies.

Wei Anguo could not think of any way to solve this crisis.

We can only hope that Lu Rong can find a solution.

The earth changed its course and wanted to move away from the red giant star.

The audience saw that the red giant star was getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, the global siren sounded the alarm.

"The temperature of the earth is too high. Cool the earth immediately."

The earth immediately appeared on the screen.

At this time, the earth is still a blue planet.

Soon, the earth's surface was covered with a layer of frost.

Seeing this, people around the world were dumbfounded.

"Is this cooling down?"

"Is this the earth's protective shield turned on?"

"Earth shield cooling?"

"The earth shield can be charged and cooled. It is multi-functional."

"Why don't I feel it?"

"We have always been well protected, otherwise we would have been scorched."

"Why did we happen to encounter this damn red giant star?"

"The red giant seems to have expanded just now. Whether we can stay away from it is really unknown."


As the earth moved away, a planet appeared in front of it.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this planet.

"Here I go, isn't this the moon?"

"Why did the moon come here, and we caught up with it?"

"Haha, I didn't expect to be able to see the moon again while wandering in the universe. I thought I would never see it again."

"Good guy, there is a planetary engine on the moon."

"I think it's better to let Mr. Lu Rong take the moon to the moon so that the earth can have a companion."

"How can you bring it with you? If you can bring it to the earth, it's already good. Don't put more burden on Mr. Lu Rong."

"That's right, with the Earth, Mr. Lu Rong has done so much work that he doesn't even have time for his wife and children."

"Anyway, I'm very happy to see the moon again. It's like meeting an old friend I haven't seen for many years."

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on, it feels like I haven't seen you for a long time."

"No, I have to take a photo. After this meeting, we may say goodbye forever."

"That's right, take a photo as a souvenir. This opportunity may never come back again."

Many people took out their mobile phones to take photos.

At this time, a huge mechanical arm appeared on the right side of the earth.

The volume of this arm is one-third the size of the moon. People don't know where the arm is connected to the earth. Anyway, it extends from the earth.

"Is this arm operated by Xiao An?"

"What is this going to do? Are you really going to take the moon and bring it back?"

"It is indeed a good thing if you can bring it with you. After all, we have been neighbors to the earth for so many years, and we will still be neighbors in the future." Just when people were guessing what this handwriting was going to do, the arm touched the moon and directly pushed the moon away. The moon is quickly moving away from people's sight.

"It turned out to be pushing the moon away."

"Also, if the moon is not pushed away, the earth will collide with the moon, and everyone will have to finish playing by then."

"Moon: Brother Earth, are you so cruel to abandon me?"

"Earth: Brother Moon, I'm not cruel, but I can't help it."

"Hahaha, it sounds like the earth is a selfish brother who only cares for himself."

"The moon was pushed away like this, why do I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart."


The moon was pushed away.

But soon, somehow, the moon came back again, heading towards the earth quickly.

"What the hell? Why is the moon back?"

"Nima, do you feel abandoned and are you planning to die with the earth?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it must be something else."

"Damn it, it's rushing towards our earth so fast, you can't even hide if you want to."

"The Earth has finally come here. It won't be destroyed by the moon. If that's the case, it would be too tragic. It's better to stay in the solar system."

"Looking at the speed of the moon, it could hit the earth in just a few minutes."

"There should be a way. Isn't there a weapon that can destroy a planet?"


Just when everyone was nervous, the moon suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, the earth shook significantly.

When people look in the direction where the moon comes from, they can only see a patch of red.

"What's the situation? Why did the moon suddenly disappear?"

"This is so weird. Even though I have seen weapons that can destroy small planets, the moon is not small either."

"Did Commander Feng do it?"

"That should be the case. With the weapons Feng Haiyang currently controls, annihilating the earth is not a problem."

"No, it's definitely not Feng Haiyang's doing. If the moon is so easy to destroy, then why did we push the moon away before? We could just destroy it directly."

"At that time, Mr. Lu Rong didn't want to reveal his strength, right?"

"Definitely not. Since the plan to wander the earth has been announced, sooner or later, the strength will be exposed. This logic does not make sense."

"That's right, and I can't think of any technology that can directly destroy the moon. The moon is different from other planets. The core of the moon is very hard and cannot be destroyed directly. That's why we have to send the moon away."

"Then what happened? What wiped out the moon in an instant."

"The moon can be directly wiped out, which means that our earth can also be directly wiped out."

"It's not like aliens are taking action."

"Don't talk about aliens. I have been wandering for so long. I have left the solar system and haven't seen any aliens."

"Don't even think about aliens, they are in a distant unknown star field."

"According to what our human technology has observed, there are no aliens anywhere yet, so don't make wild guesses."

"It's just the right time for aliens to arrive. Let's communicate."

"I'm afraid that if people don't communicate with us, they will just exchange fire."

"I can't stand it anymore. I said you can't think about whether it was a red giant. You must know that the direction where the mechanical arm pushed the moon away just now is the direction of the red giant."

"If that's the case, it would be terrible. Are we going to be doomed?"

"Don't be afraid. Boss Lu Rong is here, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

"I can't control what happens to the moon, but nothing can happen to the earth."

"That is, if something happens to the earth, everyone will be doomed."

"Big Brother Lu Rong shouldn't be unaware of this situation. He should be able to find a solution." (End of Chapter)

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