People saw those pythons whose heads had been shot and fell to the ground slowly giving birth to a new head.

The bodies of those pythons that were broken into several segments were also reconnected.

After a while, several pythons came to life.

Several pythons spit out snake letters and stared at the earth with green eyes.

People were scared.

"Nima, what kind of monster is this!"

"My head can grow back even after being shot, and my broken body can be reconnected. It's so damn weird!"

"If you don't die this way, what else can you do?!"

"Sure enough, the creatures here are not that easy to kill. Those tree people have eyes and can move. It is not surprising that these pythons can regrow their heads and their broken bodies can be reconnected."

"Then how can we kill these pythons?"

"Blast their bodies into pieces and turn them into nothingness. I'll see if they can survive."

"This is a good way, you can try it."


In the control room, Zhang Wenbin and others looked horrified when they saw the pythons growing their heads and their broken bodies reconnecting.

Lu Panpan was so frightened that his face turned pale and he lay on Aotian's back, not daring to look.

For a long time, Zhang Wenbin sighed: "These pythons can survive again, it's not easy to do."

Commander Feng said: "Yes, if you don't die this way, how can you kill me?"

Huang Mengqiu just watched the barrage and expressed the opinions of some netizens: "Some netizens said that you can use weapons that turn objects into nothingness. Try it and see if it works."

Zhang Wenbin's eyes lit up: "Why didn't I expect that the head can grow back if it is gone, and the body can be connected if it is broken, but if they are all eliminated, it is impossible for them to appear out of thin air."

Commander Feng nodded in agreement: "Indeed, if they are all destroyed and the pythons turn into nothingness, there is no way they will appear again."

Zhang Wenbin said: "Commander Feng, let's do it, just use the weapon that makes objects disappear."

The two men operated the weapon and fired blue beams at the python.

Those blue beams hit the python, and the huge body of the python immediately turned into nothingness.

A few pythons quickly disappeared.

Zhang Wenbin couldn't help but said: "It's impossible for the python to appear now, right?"

Commander Feng said: "It should be impossible to appear again. If this happens again, then we really have no way to deal with these pythons."

Huang Mengqiu said: "If this can still happen, then these pythons cannot be killed."

After waiting for a long time, the python did not appear again, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Wenbin said: "Xiao An, get out of here quickly. The python came back to life just now. It was so scary, even I felt scared."

Xiao An didn't speak, just nodded and immediately operated the planetary engine.

The earth quickly left the dense forest and headed towards the exit.

After they were far away from the place just now, and no python was chasing them, the people on the earth breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, fortunately those pythons couldn't survive, otherwise it would have been difficult."

"I just don't know if any other dangerous animals will come out to intercept us."

"As long as it can be killed, we are not afraid of interception."

"This place is very strange, whether it's plants or animals, it's better to be careful."

"After those tree people left, it seems that other big trees no longer behave like monsters."

"Our earth has fully demonstrated its strength, do the tree people dare to come out as a demon?"

"There should be other animals in this dense forest, but after seeing the miserable appearance of those pythons, they probably won't dare to come out."

"That is, those pythons were directly eliminated, and there were no bones left. If other animals dared to come out, they could only die. Animals are not fools."

"In other words, we drove away the tree people who attacked us, killed the pythons, and completely frightened the animals and plants in this dense forest."

"That's right, that's it. No animal or plant would dare to explode its thorns." ...

Half a day later, the earth left the dense forest, and no more dangers were encountered during this period.

Perhaps it was as people said, the fate of the tree man and the python made the animals and plants in the dense forest afraid to come out to explode their stings.

Leaving the earth of dense forests, we came to a desert.

This is a desert with no end in sight.

Zhang Wenbin said: "Xiao An, are we going to cross this desert?"

Xiao An nodded and said: "Yes, if you want to cross this desert, the exit direction is on the other side of the desert."

Huang Mengqiu asked: "How big is this desert? At the speed of our earth, how long will it take to cross this desert?"

Xiao An Dao: "The area of ​​the desert is about the same as the dense forest. It takes more than half a day to pass through the desert."

Huang Mengqiu said: "That's okay, there should be no danger in the desert."

In Huang Mengqiu's view, the biggest danger in the desert is the lack of water.

As long as there is water, there is no problem.

But for the earth, this is not a problem at all.

There is no water shortage problem on the earth.

Zhang Wenbin said: "Don't be careless. Every area here is not that simple. There must be dangers in this desert."

Commander Feng said: "Yes, we have encountered such dangers in the dense forest. This desert cannot be without any dangers. It may be sandstorms or other dangers. We must be careful."

Huang Mengqiu said bitterly: "It seems that I am too optimistic."

Xiao Yang interrupted: "Sister Qiu, you are not optimistic, you are naive and ignorant."

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the control room.

Huang Mengqiu glared at Xiao Yang fiercely, as if he wanted to kill someone.

Xiao Yang knew that he had said the wrong thing and quickly made up for it: "Sister Qiu, I didn't mean that, I meant..."

Huang Mengqiu waved his hand and interrupted: "Okay, you are right about the momentum. I am naive and ignorant."

Lu Panpan looked at Xiao Yang: "Xiao Yang Shu, you say that the mother is wrong. Although the mother is naive and ignorant, you can't say this mother."

After hearing the little girl's words, everyone burst out laughing.

The tense atmosphere became cheerful instantly.

Huang Mengqiu looked at her daughter and gritted her teeth.

This little girl actually said that she was naive and ignorant.

Feeling her mother's eyes, Lu Panpan quickly covered her mouth and turned her head to talk to Dalong, pretending that I didn't see anything.

The audience in the live broadcast room even laughed happily.

"Xiao Yang, what are you talking about?"

"Xiao Yang's habit is not good. You have to change it in the future, hahaha!"

"Xiao Yang, you are very brave."

"Not only is Xiao Yang very courageous, but Panpan is also very courageous."

"Although Sister Qiu is naive and ignorant, you can't say it. This makes Sister Qiu so embarrassed, hahaha."

"Xiao Yang, if you say this about Sister Qiu, you will have something to look at when Mr. Lu Rong comes back."

"Xiao Yang, you have to apologize to Sister Qiu properly and ask for Sister Qiu's forgiveness, otherwise you will live in the shadows for the rest of your life."

"Panpan actually said that about her mother. It seems that this is the impression Sister Qiu has in her daughter's mind, hahaha."

"Sister Qiu is so naive and ignorant, how she managed to win the favor of Mr. Lu Rong, I really can't figure it out."

"Maybe Mr. Lu Rong likes this."

"I am also naive and ignorant, why didn't I meet Mr. Lu Rong?" (End of Chapter)

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