Everyone agreed to try to avoid it.

The battleship moved on.

But the battleship flew for a long time and never encountered that kind of creature again.

"What's going on? Why is it gone?"

"It seemed like more than half an hour later, something new appeared. Now it's been two hours, but it's gone. It's really strange."

"It's not just these two waves, is it? We haven't killed all the weird creatures here, right?"

"Impossible, these weird creatures are not fools, they all ran out."

"Then it's possible to hide it."

"Seeing that we killed them twice, the remaining ones were afraid of us and hid,"

"Hahaha, it's really possible."


While joking, the battleship continued flying.

Two hours later, after passing through the snow-capped mountains, no more of that weird creature was found.

This shows that this way is feasible.

The earth can completely take a detour from here.

After passing through the snow-capped mountains, what you see is the endless yellow land.

The yellow earth was cracked into pieces, without any plants growing. The warships did not detect any animals.

But everyone still dare not underestimate this piece of yellow land.

There is nothing on the surface of the yellow earth, who knows what will be under the ground.

"No matter what this yellow land has, at least we don't have to walk through the swamp."

"The conditions in the swamp really scare me."

"Let's go back and successfully complete the mission this time."

"Captain, let's go back."


The battleship returns.

As they rush back, the earth is also rushing toward them.

They were being chased here by a group of crocodile-like creatures.

The reason why they are said to look like crocodiles is because these crocodiles also have wings, which can not only crawl on the ground, but also fly in the air.

Moreover, weapons on Earth are basically ineffective against these crocodiles.

Originally, after they left, the earth was waiting in place, so there was no danger.

There is no danger for Lu Panpan and others to play on the grassland.

But then, for some reason, many crocodiles emerged from the swamp.

These crocodiles range from big to small. The big ones are one-tenth the size of the earth, while the small ones are only the size of ordinary crocodiles on the earth.

Moreover, these crocodiles have wings and can fly in the air.

After these crocodiles emerged from the swamp, they roared towards the earth.

Xiao An could only hurriedly ask Lu Panpan and others to come back, start the planetary engine, and drive the earth to the snow-capped mountains.

There is no doubt that Sapphire Star was destroyed by these crocodiles.

And he just explored it, he just needs to enter the swamp and go deeper.

There is an inexplicable force that causes the planet to lose its ability to fly and fall into the swamp.

The people on the planet can only be slaughtered by these crocodiles.

There are really too many of these crocodiles, and he just tried to use weapons to kill them.

Found that it didn't have much effect at all.

It's basically impossible to kill.

I have no choice but to run away.

No matter how well Zhang Wenbin and the others investigated, they could only run towards the snowy mountains.

If you don't run, you will die immediately. If you run, there is still some hope.


A cannonball landed on the ground, and the crocodiles on the ground were knocked to the ground one by one. But it was okay at all. He only shed a little blood, then he got up again and rushed towards the earth.

A blue beam of light hit the crocodiles flying in the air. It only delayed the crocodiles for a few seconds before chasing them again.

It can be said that, after all weapons have been tried, these crocodiles are basically impossible to kill.

People on earth were shocked when they saw this scene.

"What kind of monsters are these crocodiles? They can't be killed."

"Xiao An just said that when the planet enters the swamp, it will be affected by some kind of force and lose the ability to fly. Then the planet will fall on the swamp. These crocodiles cannot be killed, so the destruction of the planet is inevitable."

"The Sapphire Planet is also very sad. We didn't detect this and entered rashly. It was destroyed and everyone on the planet died."

"Xiao An didn't detect it at first. It took a lot of effort to detect it."

"In other words, with the lessons learned from the Sapphire Star, our earth has escaped this disaster."

"It can be said that if we hadn't seen the Jade Star in the swamp, we would have definitely entered the swamp, and we would have died."

"Originally I hated Sapphire Star, but after hearing what you said, I feel a little grateful to Sapphire Star."

"It was their destruction that alerted us."

"How long are these alligators going to chase us?"

"Fortunately, their speed is not very fast. They can't move faster than our planet, otherwise we would be dead."

"I hope we can travel through the snow-capped mountains. If there is a big terror in the snow-capped mountains, then our earth will still be in trouble."

"Officer Zhang and the others have been here for so long. They should have finished their investigation. It should be clear when we arrive."

"If we can't see Officer Zhang and the others, it means they may be killed, and we can't travel through the snowy mountains."

"Look, that's Officer Zhang's battleship. They're back."

"Haha, great. They came back safely. The snow-capped mountains should be traversable."

"I felt relieved when Officer Zhang came back. I didn't believe that these crocodiles could chase them all the way to the snow-capped mountains."

"Haha, there is no perfect way!"


Zhang Wenbin and the others were stunned when they saw the earth flying towards this side of the battleship, followed by a flying crocodile.

But they soon came to their senses.

There are all kinds of monsters in the universe. It’s instinct to be surprised at first, and you won’t be surprised for too long.

The battleship flew back to Earth and returned to Rongya Manor.

Zhang Wenbin and others got off the battleship and entered the control room.

"Officer Zhang, how are you? Is the snow mountain safe and can you travel through it?"

Before Zhang Wenbin could speak, Huang Mengqiu hurriedly asked.

The current situation is really too urgent. If we can't cross, we have to keep running. We don't know what dangers there are in which areas.

"We have investigated and can travel..." Zhang Wenbin also knew that the situation was urgent and quickly explained the situation.

"That's great, let's go directly into the snow-capped mountains." Huang Mengqiu said excitedly.

Xiao An drove the earth and soon came to the junction of plains and snow-capped mountains.

Without any hesitation, the earth entered over the snow-capped mountains.

Those crocodiles did not chase into the snow-capped mountains, they just parked nearby and kept roaring.

Now, people were completely relieved.

Sure enough, these crocodiles can't enter the snowy mountains.

The Earth passed through the snow-capped mountains without encountering that weird creature with an owl's head and a snake's body. It passed through the snow-capped mountains without encountering any danger.

When I arrived in the loess area, I encountered a strange creature, but it was killed by the earth's weapons and passed without any danger.

Immediately afterwards, the earth passed through more than a dozen areas, also passing through without any danger.

Finally reached the exit safely.

It was discovered that only more than a hundred planets had reached the exit.

The Evil Eye appears and makes good on his promise to make all planets leave.

The earth has returned to the universe, and it has returned to the place where it was swallowed by the evil eye. The other planets have also returned to the place where it was swallowed by the evil eye.

After several more months, the earth finally reached its destination, and human beings began a new life. (End of chapter)

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