"It seems that we are all old people, and young people have their own entertainment methods."

The two of them happened five years ago. At that time, she was still playing in the dirt with her brother.

To be honest, the person he knows is worse than a bun. In their time, only six-year-old children could go to kindergarten.

Kindergarten? That is impossible.

Moreover, every semester, no matter which class they are in, parents do not need to pick them up. All the older students in a large group send their children to school.

In the past, she had to queue up to go back. That was his childhood memory.

Lu Rong looked nonchalant, "Isn't that great? It saves you the trouble of raising children."

"Haha, what you said is absolutely true. It's just that this time, Big Big Wolf and Steamed Bun suffered a lot."

"Well, I've thought about it, let's eat more tonight! You work so hard in school, you can't eat too much."

As the saying goes, one person is better off than the other. Zhou Yaling edited this short movie and was about to upload it when Zhou Yaling suddenly stopped what she was doing.

"Dad, this is what I saw in the room. Is it okay for you to upload it to the Internet?"

Lu Rong didn't even raise his head: "What's there to hide?"

"Although the prototype of this spaceship is very valuable, it is nothing more than that."

"Haha, I will release the news when the time comes."

Lu Rong said nothing, obviously agreeing with his words. It's better this way, so that those who want to rob his study can see it.

Although limited edition models are valuable, there is no reason to grab them.

Only then did Zhou Yaling realize how much Panpan attracts fans.

Even more interesting is the message below.

"Gouzi: I don't even need to go to school, and I'm still studying nonsense."

"I'll pick you up, and you let me study. What did you do wrong?"

"Haha, you have indeed reached an age where you don't even want to see kittens and puppies."

"I thought that since the founding of the country, we couldn't practice."

"Gouzi: I didn't expect that I could continue to study if I cast myself as a dog."

"What an awesome bun."

Some people also saw the model of the aircraft carrier, and many people thought Lu Rong was a military fan.

Some experts saw the extraordinary nature of this drawing at a glance.

In just over an hour, Zhou Yaling has tens of thousands of followers.

It’s not like no one said they wanted to go see it, so Zhou Yaling simply ignored it. She still understands this. Not to be dazzled by the immediate profits.

Although she has posted many jokes about Panpan on Weibo and has attracted hundreds of thousands of followers, she has never used her own Weibo or done any publicity.

At noon, Lu Rong and Zhou Yaling saw two little guys coming out of the store in a hurry.

Not long after, Panpan clasped his hands behind his back, looked like a retired cadre, hummed a tune, and walked downstairs slowly.

Lu Rong looked stunned, "What are you doing?"

Hearing this, Panpan raised her head and said with a thoughtful expression: "After class, study hard and don't go too far."

"Sister, I will feed Big Wolf chicken drumsticks tonight."

Zhou Yaling grinned, "Okay, how about steamed buns? We can't be so partial."

"Haha, no way. Give me another bag of dried fish!"

"Little brother, little sister, little Baozi is so amazing, he learned it in no time."

Lu Rongdan gave Panpan a steady look, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident: Do you even need to say this?

Lu Rong already knew this the moment he saw him for the first time.

If he hadn't been smart since he was a child, he would have died in that heavy rain. How could he be where he is now?

After so many years, Baozi is still not full. When Panpan was still able to hold things with her hands and walk, she was never too fond of steamed buns.

If he hadn't noticed this earlier, I'm afraid the bun would have been eaten.

"It's so annoying, I don't think either of them can count."

When Lu Rong and Zhou Yaling heard this, they couldn't help but want to laugh.

He already knew it. Why didn't he think that numbers below 10 were okay, but if they were above 10, it would be too embarrassing.

100 numbers, do you really have to shout 100 numbers? It literally kills them. Nothing different.

"Haha, I have already decided. My father will be working in two days, and I will find Dahei's mentor and ask him for advice on how to train kittens and puppies."

"How is this going?"

Thinking of these two words, Panpan's eyes lit up, "Yes, professional means professional. I also heard about it from my sports coach."

Lu Rong: Don’t even the physical education teachers in your school know?

That night, Panpan struggled all afternoon and had some side effects.

Late at night, Lu Rong was sleeping soundly, when suddenly his eyes flashed, and a beautiful picture looked like a pack of wild dogs, rushing towards him crazily.

Lu Rong ran very fast, almost using his two legs to speed up his speed.

At this time, when the sleeping system saw this scene, it was completely confused. It also thought that its master was going to die.

As Lu Rong got closer, his heart beat faster. Lu Rong suddenly opened his eyes and raised his hand to wipe his forehead. His hands were covered in cold sweat.

"Why do you have nightmares? Lu Rong muttered dryly.

The movement of Lu Rong's hand also paused.

"Oh oh oh~"


"Oh oh oh~"

Yes, it’s this stupid dog.

"It's midnight, turn on the lights."

Lu Rong put on a coat and walked out of the room with a gloomy expression. He wanted to know what the gray wolf was calling at this late night.

When Lu Rong walked to the second floor, the lights on the third floor were still on. Lu Rong walked over and took a look. Sure enough, he saw two people with panda eyes on their faces. They were both secretly looking at the kennel in their own kennel. The gray wolf sleeping inside.

The next second, without any warning, Big Big Wolf suddenly screamed.

Panpan pinched her fingers and muttered: "5"

Seeing Lu Rong, their expressions became even more ugly.

Only then did Lu Rong realize that all this was because of what happened at noon today.

Lu Rong walked over quietly and shook Gray Wolf's head, but to Lu Rong's surprise, he didn't wake up. This is so strange. How can a dog come from such a low vigilance state?

"Stop pushing me. My sister and I did the same thing."

Panpan asked with a sad face: "What should I do? Was my head kicked by a donkey? I should have stopped Big Big Wolf from learning."

Hearing this, Lu Rong on the side frowned. This stupid dog's head was spinning. Who was he fooling?

"what's the situation?"

Just as Lu Rong was about to speak, Ling, who had been standing there, suddenly interjected, "Scientifically speaking, this stupid dog is pretending to be a corpse."

The old story was exposed, and Big Big Wolf walked away in a hurry.

Before the three of them could make any move, a yellow figure was already following them.

In less than three seconds, Lu Rong and the others heard the miserable screams of Big Big Wolf. (End of chapter)

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