Lu Rong watched his sister leave the company in a hurry, with a sneer on his lips.

Damn it, it’s getting more and more irritating the longer it gets. Netizens didn’t lie to me. He was worried that when she went to elementary school and became more knowledgeable, she would argue with him, and maybe even copy out a lot of theories.

"I'll show you that I mean what I say."


Xia Xiaomin shuddered and looked at her boss's eyes, which seemed strange for no reason. It was a bit surprising that Panpan gave Mr. Xu tea that he was reluctant to eat.

However, when I thought about it again, it seemed normal.

At least, Panpan knew that his apology would come at a price.

On the other side, Panpan hid the tea behind her back, squirming around in the office, refusing to come in.

"Zhou Yaling, Panpan seems to be talking to you."

After her companion said this, Zhou Yaling raised her head and saw Panpan pacing back and forth outside the door, looking embarrassed.

Zhou Yaling made an invitation gesture to Panpan, but the latter only glanced this way and did not go this way. …

The little guy seemed to have plucked up the courage, took a deep breath, and walked towards the compartment where Xu Pengfei was in an anxious mood.

In the bathroom, Xu Pengfei and Li Wanning were discussing matters in the factory. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Panpan entering the door. Xu Pengfei said with a smile: "You naughty kid, why are you here too?"

Panpan stepped on her feet and put the tea in her hand on the table.

"Uncle Xu, I'm sorry, that little golden fish of yours was my fault."

"It's fine." Xu Pengfei and Li Wanning looked at each other when they saw the tea on the table. This was a cup of tea, and the boss always praised it. They didn't expect to give it away now.

The two had a similar mind, and Li Wanning expressed her doubts.

"Panpan, did you take that cup of tea away just now?"

Panpan listened and waved her hands repeatedly.

"No, no, my brother gave it to me."

Li Wanning nodded slightly to Xu Pengfei. Xu Pengfei understood and smiled: "Then I'm welcome."

Panpan felt relieved after hearing that she had accepted it.

"Uncle Xu, I'm leaving."

With that said, she ran away quickly.

Xu Pengfei took the tea, smiled and said, "Boss, you are so generous."

Because he made another mistake today, Panpan became a lot more honest at noon and didn't cause any more trouble. However, Lu Rong felt something was wrong because he had not seen the Big Gray Wolf since he came to the park in the morning. He didn't even dare to take another look at the dog.

Doesn’t Panpan often hang out with Big Big Wolf?

There were many things at hand, so Lu Rong didn't think much about it and quickly put aside the whereabouts of Big Big Wolf.

Who knows who can offend such a big dog.

Under the scorching sun, Big Gray Wolf lay there lazily, stretching out a hand and looking at the Gray Wolf lying on the ground with disdain, without the slightest pause, still looking ordinary.

In the evening, Lu Rong had just come down from work, and then he remembered that his assistant was missing.

Hey, where is the Big Big Wolf? Are you lost?

Lu Rong stopped, letting Panpan bump into Lu Rong's back.

Seeing Panpan touching his head, Lu Rong couldn't help but ask: "Where is the Big Big Wolf? I wasn't with you this morning?"

Panpan was startled, and then exclaimed: "Oh, I forgot."

Not long after, Lu Rong and the other three arrived at the police station building and surrounded the Gray Wolf lying on the ground. If his eyes weren't still moving, they would have thought he was dead.

Panpan grinned and picked it up with her fingers: "Dad, I think Big Gray Wolf can't walk."

"Yeah, it's like finishing an intense workout."

Looking at Dagger with a proud look on his face, the strength of the two people is simply worlds apart. Despised by a dog.

Panpan tried her best, but couldn't carry Big Big Wolf back.

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Tell me, when you adopted Gray Wolf, did you ever think about torturing him?"

In the evening, after the devilish practice, Big Big Wolf finally made some gains and ate two more chicken legs for dinner.

But being looked at by the three people made him feel uncomfortable.

Lu Rong shook his head gently while eating. It was not easy for him now, even as a dog. The coach said that as long as it lasts for a week, you will see results.

In other words, the Big Big Wolf will come again the next day.

"Dad, how about this? Big Gray Wolf is so miserable!"

Lu Rong grinned, "Since it was your choice, you can't give up."

"Oh, I just said it casually." Wang Yaodao.

Zhou Yaling thought to herself on the side, they are indeed brothers, they don’t even have to talk about cheating.

For a whole week, he had nightmares.

Every night, he could see Big Big Wolf having inexplicable cramps in his storage room. Even Baymax was full of praise for this dog's thighs.

On Sunday, there was nothing going on, so Panpan had nothing to do, so she and her sister watched it together. Only then did they realize that this TV series was not as unbearable as they imagined. It's just not as good as anime.


"Okay, I'll go get it right now."

After hanging up the phone from the delivery boy, Zhou Yaling was about to change her shoes to pick up something when she suddenly thought of something and sat down again.

"Big Big Wolf, go out and take out the things."

Big Big Wolf reluctantly got up and looked aggrieved when he left.

This woman knows how to cause trouble. After all, he is a serious college graduate.

Outside, the courier was stared at by a group of burly security guards, which already made him uncomfortable. But when he saw that it was a dog, it became even more uncomfortable.


Big Big Wolf gestured with his paw, meaning to ask the courier to hand over the package quickly.

Big Big Wolf walked into the house with the takeaway in his mouth, shaking his head.

Several security guards have long been used to it. The delivery boy saw similar videos online, and his only thought now was to escape from this place as soon as possible.

Even though he thought he was good-looking, no man could bear to be looked at like this by so many big men.


Zhou Yaling took the package and touched Big Big Wolf's head.

As for Big Big Wolf, he tilted his head in disgust, but when he thought about whether he could eat one more chicken leg and looked at the woman's expression, he gave up the idea.

Panpan poked her head around, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Are you going out again this time?"

"What do you mean by 'again'?" Zhou Yaling rolled her eyes at him and said while opening the package.

Panpan blinked her eyes: "However, all my monthly packages are yours."

"My dad rarely does online shopping, and when he does, he always delivers it directly to the company."

When Zhou Yaling heard this, she realized that this was really the case. (End of chapter)

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