My daughter exposed my identity by driving a toy car into the sun!

Chapter 286 There’s no need to run away on your own

Zhou Yaling remembered that her bag was hers, hesitated for a while, and then said: "It should be so."

In the evening, Zhou Yaling deliberately postponed dinner for more than an hour, leaving Panpan to finish half a bowl of rice alone.

As a result, Zhou Yaling got a trace of resentment from her elder brother.

"I'm going to Anyang County tomorrow to check the construction status of the construction site. Do you want to stay with your sister, or do you go out with me?"

"Then you have to go out with me. You have to get up at seven o'clock. There is no air conditioning in the building. The most I can do is get you a popsicle."

Panpan supported her chin with her hand, thought for a while, and then nodded: "Come with me."

"Are you sure?" Lu Rong asked again.

"Yeah!" He nodded vigorously.

Everything that can be done in the park has been done. The temperature at the construction site is very high, but it doesn't feel like being exposed to the scorching sun.

Besides, there is heating in here.

Sensing the dissatisfaction in Zhou Yaling's eyes, Lu Rong shrugged.

"Okay, then you can take a taxi there yourself. If you are too busy, you can get your driver's license first so that I can help you."

Zhou Yaling rolled her eyes at him and replied while scrolling through her phone: "We'll talk about it then. I'm very busy recently."

"Besides, I'd better use that small electric stove."

"I'm carsick and can't drive."

"Then you're wrong. Some people get motion sickness, but they don't get motion sickness themselves. That's because they can concentrate on driving."

The next morning, Zhou Yaling was alone, and she decided to buy him breakfast later.

With the air conditioner on and wrapped in a thick quilt, Zhou Yaling turned over and fell asleep again. At the same time, Lu Rong and others walked onto the expressway with Panpan. It was estimated that they would be able to get off the expressway in thirty minutes, and another half You can get there in just over an hour.

Thirty minutes later, after getting off the expressway and onto the national highway, Lu Rong felt the changes on the road.

The truck crushed the embankment.

Along the way, Lu Rong saw many large vehicles and construction vehicles.

When he got out of the car, Lu Rong noticed that the white car had been replaced by gray at some point.

Su Wenyan was wearing a helmet and his whole body was covered with equipment. When Su Wenyan saw his boss getting out of the car, he immediately greeted him.

"Boss, this is your helmet."

"The management here is very strict. No one can enter without a helmet."

Seeing her father and sister Feiyan wearing helmets, Panpan took Su Wenyan's hand and suddenly became at a loss.

"Sister Su, what do you think of me?"

Su Wenyan shrugged and said with a smile: "Sorry, Panpan."

"If you don't have a helmet this small, you can use an adult helmet instead."

Panpan stretched out her hands and gestured to the helmet on top of her head, and then said with a serious expression: "Sister Su, I think it is safer to use a stainless steel washbasin."


Su Wenyan was amused by this child. This child was really interesting, unlike in a construction company where he quarreled all day long.

Putting the helmet back on, Lu Rong grinned: "Stop teasing her. If you cause any trouble again later, I will ignore you."

Su Wenyan spread his hands and walked to the guard room.

Soon, Su Wenyan came back, carrying a child's safety helmet and a brand new luminous vest.

Seeing Su Wenyan putting on a glowing vest for his sister, Lu Rong shouted: "Panpan, this is not a park. There are too many dangers in it. Just follow me later and don't wander around." ”

"do you know?"

"Yeah, Dad, I'm not that stupid."

"Let's go."

Su Wenyan took the lead, and Lu Rong and others followed behind them.

Along the way, Panpan lowered his head from time to time and looked at his shoes. His shoes became heavy as he went deeper. There was a thick layer of mud on the shoes.

"Watch the road."


"Dad, how long will it take?"

"Well, mobile factory. I just took two steps, isn't it going to work?"

Obviously, Panpan was not provoked, but nodded honestly, "It's not that I can't hold on anymore, but my shoes are too heavy."

About five minutes later, Lu Rong and others finally arrived in the room.

Su Wenyan did not tell the people at the construction site because Lu Rong had already told them that their boss would come.

According to him, he was here for a surprise inspection and there was no need to let everyone know.

But now, this matter can no longer be hidden.

At the construction site, senior executives from all construction companies were present.

Panpan turned on the air conditioner and took a big gulp of hot water. Only when she was thirsty did she realize how delicious the water was.

Panpan couldn't bear it any longer, picked up another cup and drank it all in one gulp.

Lu Rong sat down on Su Wenyan's usual seat and said to her with a smile: "Say hello to the representatives of these construction companies and ask them to come over. I think they are all anxious."

Of course, there was no need for Su Wenyan to run away on his own.

"Xiao Li, call all the project leaders over."

After more than ten minutes, the engineer arranged by Su Wenyan finally returned to the office.

"Store manager, everything is ready."

"it is good."

Seeing this scene, Lu Rong did not sit down anymore, but took off the helmet that had just been placed on the table, and said with a smile: "Let's go quickly. It's such a hot summer, we can't keep him waiting for a long time."

Seeing Panpan wandering around there, Lu Rondan calmed down and said, "Just stay here."

Panpan thought about it for a moment, but she didn’t refuse.

Looking down from the second floor, there is no need to chase or step in the mud.

Besides, there are so many fruits on the table, so it’s useless if you don’t use them.

Lu Rong could see what Panpan was thinking, but just smiled and said nothing.

He asked Su Wenyan to buy these fruits. Otherwise, how could there be so many fruits in such a remote place.

In the shady area, there are dozens of construction site managers from more than a dozen construction sites, as well as the engineers and engineers they brought with them.

Seeing Lu Rong coming down from upstairs, a group of people greeted him with smiles on their faces.

"Mr. Lu."


Lu Rong was a very talkative person, but he did not establish authority. To Lu Rong, establishing authority was meaningless. Who knew what he would do if he offended a despicable person.

In that case, it would be more than worth the gain.

As soon as he entered, the temperature dropped by more than ten degrees, and a strong wind blew, making Lu Rong, who was only wearing a T-shirt, feel a chill.

Lu Rong took a few people and walked around for more than two hours before returning to the company. It was almost noon.

There are no restaurants in the mountains, and everyone is treated with special care.

Panpan tried to take a bite, but felt that her appetite was not good, which could not be compared with the food here.

Fortunately for Lu Rong, when he went back, Lu Rong noticed the food of those migrant workers. A meal cost ten yuan, three dishes and one meal. Although it was cheap, it was far behind compared with ordinary food.

After all, he didn't see any manager coming to buy fast food for 10 yuan a piece. (End of chapter)

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