At this time, Panpan vaguely felt a tall shadow behind him.

Panpan looked back and saw that she had indeed a pair of slender legs.

When I looked up, holy shit, it was the teacher. What a coincidence. The teacher probably heard their conversation.

Panpan smiled sheepishly and said, "Hello, teacher."

"Okay, hello."

Seeing that the teacher stopped talking, Panpan quickly grabbed Xiang'er and ran away.

Behind him, Qu Weijun's lips curved, he smiled softly, and muttered: "Sure enough, she is the eldest lady of Panpan Company. She has had such a character since she was a child."

"You were the first classmate to tell me to shut up and turn around and leave."

"Good morning, Teacher Qu, what are you so happy about?"

Qu Weijun looked at the third-grade mathematics teacher, spread his hands, and then said with a smile: "I happened to meet two classmates from our class. It was very interesting."

"Really? If that's the case, these two people will be in big trouble. If they are targeted by you, they will be in trouble."

Qu Weijun rubbed the bridge of his nose awkwardly, wondering if he was very strict in school?

"It's my fault. Leave these two children to me."

In the class, Xiang'er and Panpan had just walked in and saw many students in the class, sitting in groups at each table.

"Xiang'er, what is this place?"

Xiang'er looked left and right, then pointed to the right: "Go over there, I just want to change positions."


As soon as the bell rang, the students on the first floor of the school seemed to have countless topics to talk about.

Panpan became familiar with some nearby students and was bragging when his clothes were suddenly pulled by Xiang'er.

"What's wrong."

The next second, Panpan noticed the special gaze and quickly shut up.

However, the whole class was still in chaos. At this moment, a voice full of chilling air came from the classroom door.

Not long after, Panpan felt that there was silence in the school.

Qu Weijun stood on the stage and glanced at the more than fifty students in the classroom.

"From now on, we are no longer children in kindergarten. From now on, what we have to do is to follow Lin Sheng's request and remain silent in class."

"From this moment on, you will become the glory of our class."


After the class, everyone was listening quietly to the teacher's speech, especially Panpan. He was listening attentively in class, but was he distracted? That is impossible. The teacher's gaze was so scary, even scarier than an angry father.

No matter how angry her father was, he would only scare her and not hurt her.

Look at that big piece of wood on the podium. It must be painful to hit someone with it, right?

When school starts, no teacher will teach them anything, only some rules and things to pay attention to.

The teacher didn't say anything about the selection that Dad was talking about. Instead, he selected a classmate and asked him to stand up during the break.

And the person who was chosen was none other than Xiang'er.

It was obvious that she was confused the moment she was chosen, not knowing how she was chosen.

Theoretically speaking, Panpan is more suitable.

After finishing this meal, the students at Panpan Technology all began to miss their days in kindergarten. Among other things, the food here was really terrible and not greasy at all.

As for adding chicken drumsticks at any time, don't expect it. Panpan pouted her little mouth while chewing on the hard white rice, looking very unhappy. This was the first time she had tasted such terrible food.

After eating a piece of tasteless vegetables, Panpan said fiercely: "I can't do this. I must file a lawsuit against my father and demolish the cafeteria in our school."

Not far from Panpan and Xiang'er, some first-grade teachers suddenly felt like spring was blooming after hearing this.

If other students complained, they would just ignore it, ignore it, ignore it, ignore it, but this person is different. He is the eldest lady of Panpan Company and Mr. Lu’s sister.

If they want to change restaurants, they can just tell the Ministry of Education directly.

As the original owner of the restaurant, would Panpan Company care about this compensation?

For that person, money and other things are nothing compared to whether his child can survive.

In this way, in just one afternoon, the news that Lu Panpan was going to the school cafeteria spread among the teachers' circle.

The most nervous person is the restaurant owner.

Not only are they worried about the inspection by the Education Bureau, but they are also worried about Panpan Company’s plan to change the school that is about to be relocated. It's not that the restaurant owner didn't think about extorting a large amount of money from Panpan Company, but that was just a thought.

Although there are few geniuses in this world, there are not many fools.

For general compensation, Panpan Company will definitely not say much and just pay them directly. If they really want to have trouble with Panpan Company, they have never seen them have a dedicated lawyer.

Moreover, if he messed with Panpan Technology, his life would probably be almost over. Before anyone else could take action, there were already many people vying for his head.

This world is like this.

How sad this is.

Under the teacher's measurement, everyone received a label with their name written on it.

"The monitor will lead the students to line up, and I will receive the uniforms and red scarves."

"I'll say it again, when you get something, you must put it back in your backpack to prevent it from being lost, okay?"


Qu Weijun responded.

Every year, there will be some students who do not keep their uniforms properly, or lose this one or that one.

As the monitor's best friend, Panpan is at the front of the queue.

Panpan saw Xiang'er always holding her right arm high, and felt a little tired for her.

No wonder my father repeatedly emphasized, never choose the squad leader, my father is really far-sighted!

You can't say that. This is what my father often said: "I don't have as much salt as you."

Under the watchful eye of the class teacher, Panpan put her clothes into her backpack.

Seeing this, other students followed suit.

However, some people feel a little embarrassed because their backpacks are too narrow to fit two uniforms.

Seeing that the classmate was desperately stuffing clothes into his backpack, and he was beside him, and the boy was about to cry, Qu Weijun had no choice but to say: "Take it, be careful, and tell your parents when you get home." , your backpack isn’t big enough.”

"Yes, the teacher asked me to do this."

Qu Weijun knew that with this promise, their parents would definitely replace their backpacks with new ones. Sometimes, the teacher's words are still very useful. Especially her grandparents’ generation.

Carrying a backpack, Yang Hu waited for get out of class to end on the school playground.

In less than ten minutes, Panpan felt pain from the hydrochloric acid in her waist. Without saying a word, Panpan put her backpack on the ground.

Panpan felt very lonely without Xiang'er, but she had some familiar friends around her who could talk to her. (End of chapter)

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