"Senior, are you okay?"

Looking at Chen Yushan who was crying silently, Lu Rong's heart tightened. Is this getting worse again? !

After a while, Li Qianqian calmed down a little and said with some sadness: "My mentor is sleeping now."

Li Qianqian hesitated and told the truth again.

"My master is only awake for one or two hours a day, and sleeps the rest of the time."

Li Qianqian entered the room with Lu Rong and Qin Yuzhu.

The hall is not big, but there are not many people in it.

"Where is his family?"

Li Qianqian was about to pour herself a glass of water when she heard Lu Rong's words. She was stunned and asked, "Don't you know that I am only one person?"

Lu Rong shook his head and said, "My master didn't tell me about this."

Lu Rong had felt something was wrong before. How could Li Qianqian be waiting outside alone so late at night?

Li Qianqian didn't bring any tea, so she made two cups full of boiling water for her.

"Since I met Master, Master has been alone and never mentioned his past."

Li Qianqian touched the warmth on the cup and continued: "In my impression, my tutor is either teaching in the college or doing research in different laboratories."

Li Qianqian's eyes narrowed, she looked at Lu Rong, and said seriously: "After you met me, I often mentioned you."

"Why didn't you bring Panpan?"

Seeing Lu Rong coming alone, Li Qianqian couldn't help but asked curiously.

"My master loves Panpan very much."

Hearing this, Lu Rong felt that the cup in his hand became hot.

"Panpan has left before get out of class ends."

"If possible, let him see my mentor."

Lu Rong nodded, stood up without saying a word, and walked out alone.

The call in the middle of the night frightened Zhou Yaling.

When Zhou Yaling saw that the caller ID was her brother, she felt relieved and pressed the answer button.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Zhou Yaling started to complain: "Brother, do you know how scary it would be to call me so late at night?"

"Their company won't call you at night."

It was quiet for a while, and then the brother's deep voice rang out.

"Get up and go with Panpan. Yelang and his group are waiting outside in their cars."

"Don't say anything, don't say anything, don't say anything, go to the capital with them."

Zhou Yaling looked at the hung up cell phone and frowned. She left in a hurry this morning, but now she looked confused.

But Zhou Yaling knows very well that once her brother becomes serious, she must listen to him.

Zhou Yaling was the first to wake up. She didn't even have time to put on her clothes before she woke up little Panpan who was holding a steamed bun in her arms.

"Xi Yuyu, Xi Yuyu..."

"Wake up."

Panpan opened her eyes drowsily and asked, "It's already dawn? Why didn't I get a good rest at all?"

After saying that, Panpan yawned, closed her eyes, and fell asleep again.

"Get up, your father asked me to take you back to the capital."

Panpan moved her body and said again: "Sister lied, I have to go to school tomorrow and dad will not let me out."

It didn't take long for Zhou Yaling to wake up the little guy.

After going out, Panpan looked up at the bright moon and stars in the sky. She opened her mouth to speak but stopped, turned around and was about to go back.

But Zhou Yaling had already closed the door.

"Let's go." Panpan pointed to the bright moon in the sky, then raised her right hand with a serious expression: "Sister, if you wake me up in the middle of the night, people will think it's morning."

"No wonder I didn't get a good rest last night, I really didn't!"

Zhou Yaling received several text messages from her brother, but without saying anything, she picked up Panpan and walked to the car.

"There must be a reason why I woke you up so late."

Handing the blanket to Panpan, Zhou Yaling took a look at it and then said, "Go to bed first."

"I'll call you."

Panpan was wrapped in quilt, her eyes darting around.

She is so energetic right now, how can she possibly sleep.

"Sister, it's so late, why does dad want us to go to Beijing?"

Zhou Yaling shook her head: "I don't know. I was sleeping too. It was your father who called me."

In the morning, over the capital, a civil airliner slowly entered and prepared to land.

Silent all night, Panpan looked at the white clouds and golden light through the window, her eyes full of inquiry.

Panpan thought to herself that if Xiang'er were here, such a scenery would definitely be able to show a very beautiful picture.

"Sister, will the teacher know that you are not here?"

Zhou Yaling rubbed her red and swollen eyes and said weakly: "I don't need to worry about it now. You don't have to worry about it. I will ask someone to help you take a vacation."

Lu Rong was resting in bed with his eyes closed when he suddenly heard movement outside and woke up immediately.

Lu Rong opened his eyes and found that many people had gathered in the hall. Lu Rong recognized some of them and had dealt with them in some unknown research institute before.

There are also many younger ones among them, probably graduate students whom the professor once taught.

Just when Lu Rong wanted to tell her and wash his face with cold water, Li Qianqian opened the door and walked in with breakfast in hand.

After handing breakfast to Lu Rong, Li Qianqian said to him, "The gentleman who came with you last night has left."

Lu Rong nodded, "I understand."

With so many people present, Lu Rong would naturally not object.

After washing his face with cold water, Lu Rong felt refreshed, but when he walked into the room, he was stunned.

Where have all those people gone? Why is Li Qianqian here alone?

"What about people?"

Li Qianqian munched on the steamed bun and replied, "I just said hello to my instructor outside and then left."

"Stop making trouble, everyone is very busy."

Lu Rong didn't know what to say, so he could only eat breakfast silently with Li Qianqian.

"Then what time does he usually wake up?"

Li Qianqian shook her head and replied: "There is no fixed time, and I don't know when I will wake up and then I will be informed."

More than two hours later, Panpan walked from the bus stop to the door of the military hospital. She saw a familiar mark in the shape of a "cross" and tugged on her sister's clothes.

"Sister, what are you doing here? Why did you call us here?"

Zhou Yaling also looked confused, "Call your dad over and ask him to come over."

When he left last night, he was still very lively and didn't feel sick at all. If he was really sick, Dabai would have known about it.

Therefore, Zhou Yaling is not very relieved about her brother.


"Zero, call my dad over."

"Is that the one with the stinky daddy's name written on it?"

Zhou Yaling looked at her in surprise, Panpan's face flushed, angry and annoyed. (End of chapter)

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