Zero turned off the camera and said to the two people who walked in.

"Boss, there is a hidden surveillance camera in the power socket here. Ask the wild wolf to help me take a closer look."


Lu Rong saw that all the lights in the room were on, and he suspected that there was some surveillance installed inside.

More than ten minutes later, Yelang found the service desk downstairs with the disassembled surveillance camera.

At this time, the hotel receptionist was replaced by a young girl. Judging from her age and demeanor, she should be a college student.

In the girl's horrified eyes, the wild wolf put the camera on the counter expressionlessly.

"What do you mean? I found these things in my room."

"Isn't it?!"

The girl was very surprised.

At this moment, his father rushed in with sweat on his face.

"Dear guest, we are sorry, we did not install anything here."

The owner of this hotel also knew that among the few people present, there was a young man with a very high status, and he was also the boss of Panpan Company, so even if he had a hundred courages, he wouldn't have the guts to show off here.

The wild wolf glanced at the shopkeeper and walked upstairs.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

"The most we did was call the police."

The landlord curled his lips and sighed: "My dear daughter, don't you even check your household registration book?"

After looking around and seeing no one around, the owner of the hotel whispered to his daughter: "These are employees of Panpan Company, and the leader is the CEO of Panpan Company."

"Mr. Lu?"

The girl's eyes lit up.

It was really surprising to meet such a character when I went home.

"Yeah, there's more."

Shaking his head, the landlord opened a laptop and said, "Did you see it? That's not a human being."

"Dad, if you say this to others, others will hear you."

"See for yourself who is cursing me."

"Damn it, this is too shocking. Isn't it true that there are rumors on the Internet?"

The next second, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

"Sister, please speak politely."

The moment this line appeared, his ID photo was destroyed.

The two looked at each other, and then closed the webpage very wisely.

You can't tell this kind of thing, right?

This matter must be explained clearly to the old man. He cannot understand the power of artificial intelligence at all.

Lu Rong thought that the specialties of this place were not much different from those of Huo County. After all, Lu Rong didn't feel any difference.

Lu Rong didn't know why, but on the way back, he saw a girl. She lowered her head, as if she didn't want to see them.

This is too outrageous, even he should have seen it.

Lu Rong told Yelang and the others to be careful at night, and then returned to his house.

This night, she couldn't sleep either.

After a while, Lu Rong fell asleep in a daze.

"Xiao Rong?"

"I'm so angry that I can still fall asleep."

It was obvious that Lu Rong, who was not good at relationships, was worse than an animal, sleeping soundly in bed alone.

"Winter, winter."

Outside the door, Panpan and Ling stood side by side.

"Wake up, Dad! What the hell is this?"

Lu Rong sounded on the surface of Mizong Lake, and he yawned while sleeping.

Only then did Lu Rong notice that Li Xuanyu had woken up.

Lu Rong didn't ask any further questions, and stood up to open the door.

Immediately afterwards, the bathroom door was opened.

"Okay, I'll open the door." At this moment, Zero's voice came from outside.

"Stop making trouble, I'll open it for you later."

"open it!"

Then, in Panpan's envious eyes, the door opened.

She hasn't unleashed her magic yet. Why is the door open?

"Good morning you two."

When she saw her mother, Panpan first looked into the room, and then, as if her mouth was coated with honey, she called "Mom".

"Morning, mom."

"Go in quickly, your father just got up, he is worse than you."

Panpan hummed softly, clasping his hands behind his back, looking like a veteran cadre, and walked into the room calmly.

"It's already dawn and it's already very late."

"Under normal circumstances, this time should have arrived."

"Hey, dad, morning."

Lu Rong rolled his eyes at him while getting dressed, "I just heard someone calling him 'stinky daddy', get up! What the hell is this?"


Panpan blinked and began to lie.

"Really? We didn't hear anything. Are you dreaming?"

"Hey, which girl took care of your hair? It's quite beautiful."

When Panpan heard her complimenting her beautiful hairstyle, she immediately became energetic. She sat down on the bed and said to Han Sen: "Ling combed it for me. Ling is smart. Just give me any order and she will do it." You can do it for me.”


Lu Rong couldn't help laughing out loud.

"This is not the most amazing thing. I saw Ling can pull out the power with just his fingers."

Lu Rong also looked at Zero, who had been silent, with a puzzled look. He had never seen anyone charging his hand.

In the science park, wireless charging is used for free, so I often charge my computer while playing at the company.

Lu Rong couldn't help but said: "No. 0, can you climb up? We will take you down later."

"It's no problem for three days and three nights. Coupled with the sunlight, my battery life is simply exploding."

Lu Rong nodded: "That's fine."


At the South Gate Station, Lu Rong stretched his neck and grinned: "Let's go!"

"Yungu Temple is our first destination!"

"Set off."

Carrying the backpack, the kitten waved its little hands and ran forward with Zero.

With Ling following behind, Lu Rong didn't have much to worry about, but he sent four people to follow him just in case.

"Do you want to speed up? Panpan and Ling are so far away."

Seeing Panpan getting further and further away, Li Xuanyu felt quite worried.

"It doesn't matter, they are waiting for us."

"Panpan, in half an hour at most, I won't be able to hold on anymore."

To be honest, even the most active children don't have enough physical strength for things like mountain climbing.

Lu Rong and others chased after them, only to see Panpan and Ling sitting on a rock sweating profusely.

Panpan looked up at Yungu Temple, still a little confused in her heart. The most important thing was that she had never seen such a strange temple.

Although it is called a temple, it has actually been turned into a villa. Panpan, who wanted to see the monk, also failed.

Panpan walked around inside for a while, then touched his head: "There doesn't seem to be anything interesting in here."

"Really? I can accompany you on the cable car. You will be very happy."

"Dad, you are kidding."

"Have it?"

Panpan nodded seriously: "Let's go try to see if the 80 yuan cable car is worth it." (End of Chapter)

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