"Sister, why don't you knock on the door? I'm so scared."

"Haha, do I need to knock on the door when I come in? Is there something shameful between you and her?"

Panpan rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"Join our team, come on." Zero said.


Zhou Yaling sat on the bedside, watching Panpan and Ling about to finish pushing the crystal, and quietly took out her mobile phone to log in.

"One set is nine minutes, it's that simple."

As she said that, she glanced at Zhou Yaling, who was winking at her, as if she knew what she was talking about.

After just a glance, Ling used the information he had collected before to analyze it. If he had a burden like Zhou Yaling and the help of the other two team members, he should still have a chance to win.

The most important thing is, can’t give it!

Zhou Yaling saw that Panpan was hesitant to speak, so she smiled and released a king bomb.

"Before I went upstairs, your dad told me that he was going to work out of town on Thursday and might come home late."

"When you raise my level, I can drink your milk tea when you come out of school on Thursday!"

Panpan's eyes widened, and the next moment, she nodded vigorously without any hesitation.

"make a deal!"

"Hey, hey, hey! What should I do? I can't get any rewards!" Ling said dissatisfiedly. Of course she had heard that she would come to Anyang County this Thursday.

It's not good to do business in front of me and not take me seriously.

Zhou Yaling looked at Ling with a troubled face. She didn't know how to bribe the AI ​​and had to wait for her online. This was really a problem.

Zhou Yaling thought for a long time before saying the next words.

"I'll put it in the account."

Zero thought for a while and nodded.

If you can get some benefits, get some benefits.

"Let's go, let's get in line."

At 7:30, after watching the evening TV, Lu Rong stretched his muscles and bones.

Seeing the promotional video played on TV, Lu Rong looked towards the second floor in confusion.

"The sun rises in the west? Why is no one watching TV?"

"Normally, we are robbers."

Shaking his head, Lu Rong didn't take it seriously. Anyway, there was no one to compete with him now, so he stopped by to watch a recent play.

"Number Zero, play me a song called "Walking Alone on the Moon"!"

As the light in the room dims, it's... theater time.

"Okay, I've finished watching the boss's movie, let's continue playing."

About an hour later, Panpan yawned and said, "Okay, I'm going to school tomorrow. If dad knows that we are having so much fun, he will get angry."

Putting the phone aside, Panpan carried a change of clothes into the bathroom.

Ling and Zhou Yaling looked at each other and put away their mobile phones. It was almost nine o'clock, and it was really unreasonable to let Panpan play with them.

Zhou Yaling went downstairs and found that her brother was still watching a movie from a long time ago.

Lu Rong gnawed on the watermelon and pointed to the fruit on the plate, "This watermelon is very sweet, do you want to try it?"

"I don't want to eat, I want to lose weight."

When Lu Rong talked about losing weight, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Sister, are you kidding me? If you don't eat more, it will definitely be better than eating more fruit."

"Why are you so thin? A person who weighs more than 100 kilograms is not afraid of being blown away by the wind?" Zhou Yaling originally wanted to say, brother, you can't find a girl if you do this, but when she thought of Li Xuanyu, Zhou Yaling decided not to speak. Otherwise, I will definitely refute her.

Zhou Yaling was already prepared for what her brother was going to say.

"I have a girlfriend."

Seeing that Zhou Yaling didn't speak, Lu Rong chuckled: "Right, you heard what I just said."


Watching Zhou Yaling go upstairs, Lu Rong shook his body, went downstairs again, walked around the hall, and then went upstairs. Could he be dreaming?

Lu Rong watched the entire two-hour video, and the lights on the third floor were turned off at some point.

Lu Rong cleared the table, then went upstairs to take a shower and then went to bed.

On the second day, residents of Panpan Science Park suddenly noticed that the osmanthus trees in the park bloomed overnight.

The sunshine shines on every sweet-scented osmanthus tree, making every place in the park filled with a faint scent of sweet-scented osmanthus.

Pan Xiaodong drove a large truck to the south gate of Panpan Industrial Park. Although Pan Xiaodong wanted to drive the truck into the community, the security guard would never let him in without an access card.

Pan Xiaodong was about to call the friend from last night, but was stopped by a little girl.

Under Pan Xiaodong's surprised gaze, the girl waved her hand, and the security guard immediately moved out of the way.

Ling put his hands on his small waist and shouted to Pan Xiaodong: "Uncle, what are you still doing here? Go get me an osmanthus tree quickly."

"What? Okay!"

It's the voice coming from the phone! But I didn't expect that it turned out to be a little girl.

If it weren't for the sake of Panpan Company, Pan Xiaodong would have doubted whether he had been deceived.

But why were the security guards looking at him strangely?

Pan Xiaodong shook his head, got on the minibus, and drove to his destination according to Ling's instructions.

Seeing that no one came up to ask, Pan Xiaodong was also a little confused.

"Little one, where are your parents? I need to sign a list."

"This uncle, can't even recognize me?"

Pan Xiaodong looked at Ling carefully, but couldn't remember any similarities.

"Who are you? Do we know each other well?"

Zero stretched his neck and was stunned.

"Uncle, you rarely go online, right?"

"Internet? Oh, I understand, you are talking about small movies, right?"


"Sorry, I have been using an old mobile phone and have never used a smartphone." Pan Xiaodong, who is in his fifties, said: "Then who are you? You are not Panpan, are you?"

The smile on Zero's face suddenly disappeared. Pan Xiaodong also knew that he had made a mistake, so he smiled awkwardly and stopped talking.

Although they paid for the transportation, they were in an industrial area after all, and it would be troublesome if they really messed with each other.

Judging from the behavior of the security guards, she should be a big shot.

After about a second, Pan Xiaodong still didn't hear the little girl's voice, so he asked politely: "Hello, how long does it take for me to unload the things?"

Ling was about to pay to hire a crane, but suddenly he remembered something, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"You wait here and I'll give you the key to the excavator."

After a while, Lu Rong touched his head with a look of disbelief.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"This is the key to an excavator. I want to dig an osmanthus tree. The osmanthus tree has just arrived."

"Is this your excavator?"

"Yeah, at Panpan's level, I'm not as good as you!" (End of Chapter)

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