This scene made everyone present stunned, even Lu Rong was stunned.

Is he awesome?

"Boss, one hundred percent is the limit, but it is not the limit you can reach."

"With your current achievements, you can get full marks no matter which one you get."

Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed.

They heard that Feng Yu had not achieved nothing in the past year, but had done a lot. But for some reason, Feng Yu never said it, not even the people in the company disclosed it.

Tsk, the boss is still so scary.

Xu Pengfei and his wife walked in and asked with a smile: "Don't you want to talk?"

"Old Xu, come in too, I'll start promoting it right now."

"Old Xu, do you want to say something else?"

Xu Pengfei was stunned for a moment, and then continued: "During this period, the company is indeed a bit chaotic and not very good."

After thinking for a while, Xu Pengfei organized his thoughts and said, "While everyone is here, I also want to ask some key questions. I hope you can correct your shortcomings."


About ten minutes later, the door to the private room was opened. Panpan took heavy steps, followed closely by Zhou Yaling, who also quickly followed in.

"Well, it's quiet here."

Panpan looked at her parents who were bowing their heads in confusion, why everyone seemed a little unhappy while eating.

"Everyone is silent?"

"Would you like me to sing to make you happy?"

People who were still immersed in thinking at first showed a smile when they heard Panpan's words, but because their boss and chairman were there, they all held it back.

"It's really weird. I really want to laugh, but I can't hold it in."

With a little pout, Panpan immediately used her special move.

"Go east, girl."

"He is the one who brought you to me. He is our Nezha."

Lu Rong's face darkened. He couldn't bear it if Panpan was allowed to continue singing.

Seeing Panpan's high-pitched singing voice, Lu Rong couldn't help but say: "Come and sit down, we will start eating before you two, mother and son."

Before Panpan could speak, Lu Rong called to the waiter on the side: "Waiter, the food is ready."

"I know, just wait a minute."

Panpan, who had opened his eyes just now, was sitting obediently on the left side of his father. Although no one at the table was smiling, Panpan could guess that it was his father who was angry.

Well, the way dad is angry is terrifying. You can never go against dad's will. This is the most painful lesson Panpan has learned since he was a child.

At the dinner table, Panpan devoured his food. Looking at his restrained parents, Panpan was very happy because they rarely ate, so Panpan was very happy.

Panpan almost ate most of a plate of fragrant steamed perch.

"Dad, give me some black bone soup too."

Lu Rong's eyebrows twitched and said, "No, touch it yourself and don't squeeze out your belly."

Panpan rubbed her swollen belly and sighed inwardly, her stomach was too weak, and it filled up all at once.

Let me just say, why can't you hide your belly, so that you can enjoy a steady stream of delicious food?

Lu Rong drank a few glasses of wine, and when he saw that everyone had finished drinking, he put down the food in his hands.

"Xiao Xia, please pay."

"Yes, boss."

There was a table more than ten meters away from the private room. Xia Xiaomin was waiting on the counter to pay, but there was a lot of noise at the other tables. Although she didn't enter, Xia Xiaomin could already imagine what it would be like.

There was a strong smell of alcohol in the air.

"Hello, here are the receipts and receipts. Take them."

After paying and receiving the receipt, Xia Xiaomin returned to the room.

While drinking tea, Lu Rong said to Xia Xiaomin: "It's been a hard day, and it's time for us to have a good sleep. You know what I told the chairman tonight. I am a person who understands emotions very well." It’s very heavy, but if anyone thinks of me as a fool, I won’t be polite.”

Lu Rong also didn't want to put more psychological burden on everyone, so he smiled and said: "Please, you two, I will wait here for a while. Xiaoxia, please accompany me."

Xia Xiaomin nodded and said no more words or asked any more questions.

After Xia Xiaomin, Lao Xu and others walked out of this floor, Ling, who had just won five games, got up from the sofa and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Boss, if I say you can't do it, I'll replace you. Anyway, the company can still run."

"Really?" Lu Rong looked at Ling jokingly.

Ling spread his hands helplessly, "Okay, okay, I admit what I said was wrong. Panpan Company can continue to operate as long as you are not the only one."

"Me too, me too." Panpan raised her little hands in excitement. If it wasn't hungry, it would lie on the ground and roar to the sky.

Ling curled his lips and said to Panpan, "Okay, okay, you are my child too."

"Humph, you are trying to deal with me."

With a roll of her eyes, Panpan lay down on her seat without even wanting to move a finger. She also wanted to move, but her stomach hurt when she moved.

As her father said, she was really full.

"Okay, okay, you are a child, how can you know about adults?"

Lu Rong moved his body, then glanced into the distance, and then said: "Xiao Ling, you go ask the wild wolves and the others. After they have eaten, it's time for us to go home. After a long day's journey, it's really... A little sleepy."

"I called them. They've been here for more than half an hour."

Boom boom boom!

Three times later, there was a rapid knock on the door, and the wild wolf walked in: "Boss."

"Let's go."

At the same time, a group of people in the box next to them had also had their fill of wine and food and were about to leave.

"Go back."

Panpan held her stomach and walked forward with a smile.

Dozens of stern-looking security guards stood at the door of the box, making Panpan feel full of security.

When most people see this scene, they will instinctively take a step back, because they all know that there is a big shot living in this room.

However, there is one exception for ordinary people.

Before Lu Rong could go out, he saw Panpan running over hurriedly, clutching her round belly. He heard the quarrel outside the door, the quarrel coming from inside and the waiter's voice calling for help on the intercom.

Panpan shrank behind Lu Rong and stuck her head out to look out.

Ling rolled up his sleeves and looked like he wanted to "reason" with Lu Rong, but he grabbed his ear.

"What are you trying to do? Are you trying to kill us?"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Rong took Panpan and walked out.

As soon as he came out, Lu Rong covered his nostrils. When he saw something on the ground, Lu Rong's face instantly sank.

Before, he was wondering why Panpan wanted to take Panpan out. It turned out that he knew what was happening in the outside world.

This bastard, why don't you say a word to him? (End of chapter)

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