Ordinary people would not trust personal seals, so she thought Zhou Yaling was a very good person.

After all, we are a family, and we are the chairman of the board.

Zhou Yaling is undoubtedly the best choice.

With this thought in mind, she told her eldest brother her plan with a smile.

After hearing her words, Lu Rong nodded repeatedly.

Just as Ling said, she was going to Anyang tomorrow and had to take Ling with her. Lu Rong asked her to go through the equipment in the entire automatic manufacturing factory one by one to prevent anyone from tampering with it.

It's not that Lu Rong is stingy, but no one can tell for sure.

After receiving Lu Rong's approval, Ling grinned and turned around to leave.

Zhou Yaling stood in the chairman's office, staring directly at Ling, who had been giggling.

"what happened?"

"What? Real or fake? Hahaha."

Zhou Yaling raised her eyebrows, not wanting to pay attention to Ling, so she picked up the pen and started filling in.

At this time, Ling stretched out her little red hand and pushed Lu Rong's personal seal onto Zhou Yaling's hand.

Seeing Yin Hong hit by Ling Hu's move, Zhou Yaling frowned.

"What are you doing?"

"Haha, you are invited by the company and your boss asks you to do something new."

"And your useless stuff, I'll take care of it."




"I've filled out all the information for you. Come on, let's come to my office."

Zhou Yaling was stunned for a moment, and then checked it carefully again. It was indeed true. Not only had she filled in all the information, but she had also filled in all the information.

So, she came here to eat and drink? What difference does it make if she is in the company or not?

"I said, we still have a lot of things to do here, can you please stop being in a daze?"

At Ling's repeated request, Zhou Yaling took her brother's personal seal and left the office with her.

Zhou Yaling walked to her brother's office. He was no longer there, but there were mountains of information everywhere on the table and on the floor.

"Come on, the boss asked me to give this place to you."

She spread her hands and said with a smile: "You have to stamp every piece of information."

"Don't lose your personal seal, or a blank piece of paper."

Zhou Yaling looked at the stack of at least two tons of information in surprise, "So much?"

"This isn't over yet, what do you think?"

Zhou Yaling stopped talking, always feeling like she had been deceived. This job should be what her brother asked her to do, otherwise why would her palms be red from the beating.

"Isn't that what you do?"

Ling was slightly startled, she didn't know what Zhou Yaling was thinking.

"That's right." Zero said simply.

The next moment, Zero's voice changed and he showed a smile: "The boss just received a call, and then I was assigned here. I have other things to deal with."

"Then you can't leave."

She couldn't touch Zhou Yaling's shoulder, so she had to reach out and touch Zhou Yaling's arm lightly, and said with a smile:

"Good luck to you and I support you."

Zhou Yaling tugged her lips. It is estimated that it will take four or five days to sort out this information.

Moreover, it seems that only she can do it.

Xia Xiaomin smiled and met Zhou Yaling's pleading eyes.

"It's okay, I'll sort it out for you and let you print it out."

"I'll take the stamped information away right away. It's no big deal."

This female secretary did a really good job, Zhou Yaling complained silently in her heart.

At this moment, Lu Rong pushed the door open and entered.

Seeing Zhou Yaling's expression of resentment, Lu Rong noticed Ling standing by the window looking outside, and said aloud:

"I'll go with Zero."

After leaving these words, Lu Rong didn't bother to remind Zhou Yaling and walked directly towards the sofa. Whether Zhou Yaling wants to understand or not depends on her.

That is why, in terms of intelligence, women have an advantage over Ain.

Zhou Yaling put her hands on her hips and looked at her with a mocking look on her face: "It was indeed your bad idea."

"This matter will be left to you, otherwise, you have to behave well. After you go back, you can continue to work."

Hearing this, Zero was speechless.

Why did this woman suddenly become so shrewd?

"Okay, then I'm welcome."

She had no choice but to worry that Zhou Yaling would lose and it would be her turn then.

Then things got dramatic.

In front of Lu Rong's desk, a petite girl was lowering her head and silently marking her desk.

Zhou Yaling stood beside her, with her hands on her waist, and pointed at her, making people feel that she was not doing a good job.

In fact, Zhou Yaling's work today was completed in zero minutes. Zhou Yaling should not have any work to be busy at this time.

What's going on? This is asking for death.

Zero's heart was filled with regret.

But now, it's too late.

At first, Zhou Yaling was quite happy when she saw that Ling kept stamping, but then she thought about it, and something seemed wrong. She wants to do this kind of bad job.

Not only the next day, but also the next few days, she would appear in front of him.

With this thought, Zhou Yaling volunteered to help and gave all the information to Ling so that she did not need to stamp it with the official seal.

This left her a little confused.

"What's going on? What do you think?"

Zhou Yaling smiled and said: "No, I just think you are cute, that's why I did this."

Hearing this, Zero on the side looked wary.

"real or fake?"

"What's there to be afraid of?

"Yes, who is afraid of whom?"

It was getting dark around five o'clock in the afternoon.

Seeing that it was getting late and Panpan was about to come out of school, Lu Rong stretched his muscles on the sofa.

"Okay, it's all gone, it's all gone."

"Yeah! Great!"

Number Zero agreed with Lu Rong's proposal.

After get off work, she doesn't need to worry about these tasks.

Next, no matter whether Zhou Yaling's movements are fast or slow, it is all left to Zhou Yaling.

Just thinking about it makes people feel happy.

Seeing Ling's grin, Zhou Yaling's mouth twitched.

But Zhou Yaling discovered that this seemingly ordinary seal required certain skills.

If you are not careful, you may make a mistake.

"Go and take Panpan back."

At around five o'clock, Lu Rong, Zhou Yaling and others arrived at the industrial area, and the surrounding street lights were lit.

Even Lu Rong still felt cold under the cold wind.

"According to the weather report, there will be snow in the middle of the month."

Lu Rong raised his head and looked at Zhou Yaling in surprise, "Are you sure?"

"See for yourself."

Although Lu Rong did not take his hand out of his pocket, from Zhou Yaling's tone, Lu Rong believed it.

This is snow! I hope there won't be heavy snow at the end of this month, otherwise Lu Rong won't let his rocket be delayed by this bad weather. (End of chapter)

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