Zero puffed up his chest and said proudly: "What we have to do is explore the universe!"

Seeing Ling's confused look, Lu Rong twisted around and pretended not to know what she was talking about.

Ling's half-hearted look made Su Wenyan very funny.

But Su Wenyan knew Ling was lying as soon as she heard it.

The only explanation is that the boss and Zero are plotting something.

If Lu Rongruo could understand Su Wenyan's thoughts, he would definitely look at her with admiration.

Ling came here not to explore the "Sea of ​​Stars", but to confirm Lu Rong's previous guesses.

Lu Rong no longer thought about the danger that might exist in the universe.

The reason is simple. If there is really an asteroid that poses a danger to Blue Star, then some developed economies led by the United States should have noticed it long ago.

If the teacher hadn't told him something before he died, Lu Rong wouldn't have cared about the "ship ticket" at all.

Lu Rong suppressed the doubts in his heart and drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing that everyone had finished eating, Lu Rong stood up first.

"Let's go."

Lu Rong stood on the top of a mountain, putting his clothes on his body, facing the cold wind. For a moment, Lu Rong figured everything out.

No matter what kind of disaster happens, with this spaceship, he is invincible.

No matter where the natural disaster comes from, as long as there is an aerospace plane, he can build a space fortress.

Even if a huge meteor hits the Blue Star, with today's Earth technology, the planet's fire can still be preserved.

So, what does he have to fear?

Lu Rong is a very selfish person, he will never do anything.

Therefore, Lu Rong is willing to save people if he can.

There was no way, Lu Rong didn't feel any pressure.

He was the first to notice Lu Rong's emotional change.

At this moment, Lu Rong seemed to have untied a layer of shackles from her body.

By noon, Zero followed more than a dozen technicians, checking the instruments one by one.

Once a problem is found, Zero will impart his insights to the dozen or so engineers behind him without reservation.

Anyway, more than ten of them are responsible for the remaining maintenance work.

Lu Rong followed Ling, not daring to make a sound or disturb.

Although Lu Rongping is usually unreliable, he often creates obstacles for the children.

Lu Rong, at this time, was also very serious.

"The error is here, there is an error of one centimeter."

A hammer hit the instrument, Ling nodded and said.

"There is."

While Zero continued to test the next instrument, another staff member tested the instrument and found that there was no problem.

In more than an hour, he had revised more than thirty questions.

As she spoke, she threw the sledgehammer in her hand.

"Boss, we're ready."

"Why are you still standing there? Turn on the phone quickly."

Zero blinked his eyes and looked very innocent: "Boss, the fist-sized green button on your back is the main power, and the red one is the downtime."

Lu Rong turned around and saw the two buttons. He hesitated a little, then turned to Su Wenyan and said:

"From now on, you are the person in charge here."

Although Su Wenyan was moved, she still remained polite and asked: "Boss, isn't this not good?"

"what happened?"

After waving his hand, Lu Rong stepped aside.

"Let's go, open the factory and test whether these parts meet the requirements of aerospace technology."

Su Wenyan excitedly pressed the 'green' button. The next moment, a rumbling sound echoed through the entire factory.

Under the gaze of Lu Rong and the others, the arms of the robots were all performing self-tests.

In just five seconds, all these robots stopped.

Then, in the farthest feeding area, a machine also started moving.

It took Lu Rong more than ten minutes to refine a screw.

Lu Rong took the hot screw and inspected it before handing it back.

"We'll see if it reaches the standard after the temperature drops."

Zero inserted all the screws into the assembly line. In this fully automated factory, if everything goes well, a complete rocket can be assembled in no time.

"Boss, you don't have to worry about my debugging."

"Our first space vehicle is expected to be completed within ten days."

"Even if there is a problem, with the current production capacity of our factory, we can only wait for ten days at most before manufacturing this machine."

Hearing this, Lu Rong looked at Ling, who was proud of himself, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Stop talking, I hope your rocket launches successfully."

"I'm just saying what if."

Glancing at the fully automated manufacturing factory that had fully returned to working condition, Lu Rong continued to give instructions: "Let me know when the rocket is built, so I can arrange when to take off next time."

Lu Rong did not stay here longer. He brought everyone to Su Wenyan. Now, what he has to do is wait for the good news.

On the way back, Lu Rong took a few guards with him.

There was no words all the way, and Lu Rong returned to the park after four o'clock.

Stepping inside, Lu Rong felt a look full of resentment.

An unspeakable resentment welled up in my heart.

Zhou Yaling looked at her brother blankly, then picked up her signature pen and wrote her name on it.

"Where's Zero?"

Lu Rong looked back, but was surprised to see that Ling was no longer behind him.

"If I told you that I don't even know where Ling is, would you believe it?"

"Haha, what do you think?"

Zhou Yaling gritted her teeth with hatred: "I feel like both of my arms are about to be broken by you."

Seeing that Zhou Yaling's right hand was completely covered with blood, Lu Rong said hesitantly: "You take a rest first, and I will help you."

"That's good, bro."

As Zhou Yaling spoke, she stamped her official seal on the information and then stepped out from the boss's position.

Seeing this scene, Lu Rong curled his lips, but was speechless.

After all, he was the one who said these polite words.

You have to admit it!

With the seal on it, Lu Rong wouldn't play tricks at all.

Lu Rong even doubted whether Ling would be by his side when he left.

On the 6th floor, Zero, who was patrolling the office, saw this scene and touched his chest with satisfaction.

Ling could imagine that Zhou Yaling had been sulking all day today.

He had to take this breath.

So, the first question arises.

Therefore, Lingmingming decided to avoid this blow for the time being.

Seeing his eldest brother's seal, Zero silently gave his eldest brother a hundred likes.

"What a good man!"

At night, when Panpan came home from school, she stared at her parents' hands as if she had discovered a new world.

"Mom and Dad, what are you doing? Your hands are all red." (End of Chapter)

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