In the early morning, Panpan did come to wake her up.

But to be honest, he just asked her to build a snowman and have a snowball fight.

Well, just forgive me.

Zhou Yaling glanced at the confident Panpan and walked straight to the kitchen.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of buns left.

Holding two steamed buns, Zhou Yaling sat down on the table and was stunned when she saw the pickles sandwiched between her brother and Panpan.

"I seem to be out of pickles."

"Why? There is still a box on the cabinet." Panpan looked at her mother in confusion.

Why did my mother blindly eat a big box of pickles?

While eating porridge, Lu Rong smiled at Lu Ze and said, "I've asked Ling to go to the school cafeteria and bring you a portion. It's no big deal."

Zhou Yaling said casually while tasting the delicious soup dumplings:

"Why did it start snowing again?"

"Yes, yes, such heavy snow."

Panpan originally planned to have a snowball fight with her mother, but now she got a head start.

Looking at the lively Panpan, the little thing obediently lowered his head and ate the porridge in the porridge bowl.

"I remember the weather report said there would be a snowstorm in the next two days, and it's normal for it to rain now."

Lu Rong estimated that judging from the heavy snowfall just now, the courtyard that was cleaned this morning might be covered by heavy snow.

"Hey, brother, do you think it's been extremely cold this year?"

"Maybe it's my imagination, it's like that anyway."

"If I remember correctly, the first snow of the year came faster."

"But you are right about one thing. The weather this year is probably going to last longer than usual."

"Why?" Zhou Yaling asked doubtfully.

"Luxury! Isn't it always very cold at the beginning of spring in previous years?"

"It seems that it snowed several times during the Qingming Festival."

When Zhou Yaling heard this, her eyes were a little confused:

"I do not remember."

Lu Rong curled his lips, "During the Qingming Festival, you went to Lao Zhou's tomb several times, how could you possibly remember it?"

"Haha, mother, you are not as powerful as me. But every time during the Qingming Festival, my father and I will go to worship our ancestors."

"Every time we worship our ancestors, there will be a lot of fireworks, um, and a ceremony of kneeling down."

"Yes or no?

Lu Rong gave him a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Yes, our Panpan is the best child. In the coming year, we must kowtow to our ancestors more often and wish our Panpan a long life." ,Longevity."

"Yeah!" Panpan believed it with a serious expression:

"Then kowtow more often, so that our ancestors can also pray for their parents."

Children just know how to make people happy.

Lu Rong rubbed Panpan's head and said happily:

"Good boy."

Zhou Yaling thinks she is a slut, and compared to Panpanlai, she is really much better.

Looking at his flattering look, I really believed him.

Even her kind aunt couldn't help laughing.

I don't know if she was too happy to be coaxed by her. After breakfast, when she saw that the scenery outside became white again, she couldn't wait to find Ling and go have a snowball fight with her mother.

However, this time, Lu Rong did not stop him.

Even her little hands were frozen, but she was enjoying it.

Panpan looked at the snowman on the roof on the other side, laughed loudly, and threw the snowball in his hand forward as hard as he could.

It's a pity that Panpan doesn't have enough strength to throw it to such a high place.

But Hawkeye standing high up has a different feeling.

Hawkeye chuckled lightly, crumpled the snowball in his hand into a ball, and threw it towards Panpan.

In order to scare the children, he deliberately threw it away. Even so, Panpan was also surprised.

The little guy didn't expect that Uncle Zhou Yaling was so strong that he could throw it such a long distance.

At this moment, Ling beside Panpan looked at the proud eagle in the distance and said to Panpan:

"If you don't accept it, let's have a fight."

Panpan was a little embarrassed: "We are not their opponents, we can't even attack them."

"You can't do it, I can do it!"

Zero looked very confident, looked very confident:

"Within a hundred meters, I can shoot as I please!"

"It's definitely not a big statement!"

Panpan saw Ling's confident look and decided to trust her in just a moment.

What she said was true.

Zhou Yaling put her hands in her pockets. When Ling said this, she believed it.

Zero is Panpan Company's most advanced technology, so it's not surprising that she can shoot.

and so……

Under Zhou Yaling's puzzled gaze, Ling squeezed the snowball in his hand, then grinned at him and said:

But at this time, Zhou Yaling noticed Ling Yinchi's smile, and secretly cried out in her heart.

Sure enough, at this moment, a snowball flew at extremely fast speed.

However, as a true sniper, he tilted his head in time to avoid Snowball's attack.

Just when he looked out to see what was going on, a hockey puck hit him on the head.

Because of this, he was distracted for a moment.

If this had been in battle, he would have died long ago.

At this time, he was also thinking about why his will was so fragile.

In the courtyard, Panpan was clapping happily.

"Number Zero, well done."

"Haha, I said, within a hundred meters, I am the strongest."

Holding the small ball in her hand, Zero waits for the other party to appear again. If there is really no way, she will let the other party know that no matter where you hide, it is of no use.

At this time, Zero was looking down at the snowball in his hand, frowning slightly.

"Well, I think I saw a strange snowball."

When he was about to ask, Panpan and Zhou Yaling took a step back.

Panpan's face was filled with fear as she stared at the small white ball in her hand that was different in color from her own.

"What happened?"

Zero looked confused. He was acting normal just now, but now he looked very scared.

Panpan, who was standing behind Zhou Yaling, swallowed her saliva, tapped the snowball in Ling's hand with her finger, and said hesitantly:

"Zero, the snowball you were holding was spilled by it."

Just after Panpan finished speaking, Ling, whose expression changed at the side, quickly threw the white balls of different colors in his hand.

Without saying a word, she turned on the faucet and began to rinse her hands.

"Can I still save my arm?"

Panpan was very considerate and helped Ling get dishwashing liquid.

"Wash clean before eating."

While speaking, Ling Youyou glanced at Panpan resentfully.

"I saw it and didn't say a word."

Hearing this, Panpan retorted aggrievedly: "I really can't blame us, and I can't blame my mother. It's because your hands are so fast, you started before I had time to say anything."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask my mother."

Mr. Zero drank half of the washing liquid, and there was still a trace of stench on his hands.

Even if this is just an illusion, it is absolutely inexcusable!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she wanted to rush in and kill the big gray wolf. (End of chapter)

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