Under one person: The strongest creature on land, sea, and air

Chapter 99 Fire Dragon Torch Rising Dragon Flame 8 Hexagrams!

Chapter 99: Fire Dragon Torch + Shenglong·Fire Bagua!


With the three corpse gods as the center, a huge figure could be seen bursting out, and the outstretched fingers seemed to turn into spears.

The space was completely distorted by this scorching heat.

Ding Shian, who had been hiding aside for a long time, was trembling with excitement.

This is the power!

I had been directly penetrated by this force before, and I couldn't avoid it no matter how much I tried to hide. Only when I saw this move from a third-party perspective could I really feel how powerful and terrifying it was.

will die!

Even if you use 'Light Escape' to defend yourself, even if you are hiding underground, as long as you are hit, you are almost certain to die!
The fact that he is not dead now can only mean one thing.

"If I step on ants without killing them, I'm really looking at the sky from a well~"

Ding Shian smiled, but his smile looked a little bitter.

From the beginning to the end, the other party didn't take me seriously at all, and I still felt that the two heroes were equally powerful.

I'm afraid that in the eyes of Su Mo and Zhang Zhiwei, he and Na Ruhu were as funny as clowns.

"Grandpa, be careful!"

Zhang Chulan's exclamation made Na Ruhu come back to his senses, but he couldn't help but feel excited when he looked in the direction of Su Mo.

The appearance of the Three Corpse Gods was a bit surprising even to me, but this creature was weird but followed a certain logic.

It is even more difficult to deal with when you are smart.

If Su Mo really couldn't defeat the Three Corpse Gods, then there's a high probability that people like him wouldn't survive.

"Armed colors have many applications!"

Su Mo's voice came slowly, and Zhang Chulan and others were slightly startled.

The next moment, Su Mo's entire body was covered with a layer of thick black, like an armor-like substance.

"Armed Color Hardened!"


In the eyes of everyone, the three zombie gods suddenly retreated a few steps as if they were in contact with the strongest shield.

Surprised and angry.

Surprisingly, Su Mo's armament seemed to have become stronger. What made him angry was that the other party didn't want to seriously fight him at all.

When the three corpse gods of ordinary people leave their bodies, they either think about how to quickly kill the three corpse gods, and then become immortals and achieve immortality.

Or try to avoid the bewitchment of the Three Corpse Gods.

But Su Mo didn't seem to care about him at all from beginning to end, as if he himself had become stronger after he left.

If it were anyone else, the Three Corpse Gods could only smile.

What the hell, all his abilities are copied from the original body one to one. He has all the abilities. Why should he be weaker than the original body?

But now the facts are before our eyes!
Impossible, absolutely impossible!
Even if I am not a living being, I still can’t stand this anger~

The next moment, the three corpse gods wanted to turn their bodies into black energy, but their fists hit them firmly in the face.

"The armed color can also attack some bodies such as elemental ones, and can also be used to injure people."

Su Mo explained, and the armor covering his hands made bursts of sounds like thunderbolts from time to time.

Just looking at it makes my eyes sting.

Zhang Chulan.
Ding Shian.
I have to admit one thing, this so-called armed color is indeed very strong. It may not change as much as Qi, but it is a fundamental method that grows stronger with the body. If you practice it to a high level, it will not be inferior to armed color.

Ding Shian's eyes were burning.

Learn, you must learn this ability. As long as you learn this ability, there will be fewer people in the world who can hurt you.

As one of the two heroes, Ding Shanan has always been a martial arts fanatic, and his original intention of practicing martial arts is also very simple. He just wants to make sure that no one in the world can hurt him.

The power of 'viewing' is used to the extreme.

'Observation' can not only observe the enemy's movements at all times during battle, but also predict the opponent's next move. This is also one of Ding Shima'an's proud abilities, and it is also an in-depth application technique that only he has mastered.

If he really mastered the weapon color, maybe even Su Mo might not be able to defeat him by relying on his ability of 'observation'.

In addition to the ability of 'observation', another ability is to clearly see other people's moves, which is similar to 'stealing from others'.

The one in a similar state to Ding Shian is the King Kong Corpse.

The King Kong Corpse was originally just an ordinary person, but at that time the King Kong Corpse was suffering from cancer. With the fragments of the Taiyin Ji Dao he obtained, he cultivated the body of the King Kong Corpse on his own.

Immortal and unparalleled in power, this is the Vajra Corpse.

Originally, King Kong Zhi thought that his strength should be ranked among the best in the alien world, but now he realized that he had indeed taken it for granted before.

Whether it is the Jidao Immortal Master or the old guy Zhan Taiyan, neither of them can be dealt with by himself.

Even Jidao Immortal Master and Zang Taiyan just regard their juniors as dispensable things, and they will be thrown away at any time when they are used up.

Under this kind of pressure, the Vajra Corpse is naturally eager for power.

King Kong Zhi didn't have Ding Shian'an's eyesight and couldn't see the potential of the armed color, but he knew that Zang Taiyan and Jidao Immortal Master might have suffered a big loss from Su Mo, which showed how powerful Su Mo was.

"No, that's it for the Three Corpse Gods, I can do it too!"

Looking at the Three Corpse God Zhang Chulan who was punched away by his uncle, he complained.

Suddenly, several eyes looked over at him, and Zhang Chulan felt a little guilty.

"Is something wrong?"

Just give yourself a blowjob, so you don’t have to stare at yourself like this~
"If you go up there, you melon, you might not even be able to find the body~"

Feng Baobao looked at Zhang Chulan and said expressionlessly.

"It's not Sister Bao'er. I admit that Grandpa's Three Corpse Gods are very strong, so they won't be able to hold on for a while~"

Zhang Chulan didn’t believe it.

In other words, some subconsciously want to create a persona for themselves in the eyes of these people. Of course, the most important thing is that they really don't believe it.

If the golden light spell is fully activated, it can leave a complete corpse~
"Bao Bao is right. Needless to say, the power of the Three Corpse Gods. At least in my impression, that holy spear move just now could block no more than five people.

Moreover, it can also be elementalized and master the armament color Haki. "

Zhao Fangxu couldn't help but sigh.

This is definitely a difficult person to deal with. Even if he is suppressed by Su Mo now, if he escapes, he may be even more difficult to deal with than Su Mo.

No matter how strong Su Mo is, he is still a human being. If the Three Corpse Gods turn into elements and there is no special means, they will definitely be able to restrain him.

In my impression, there are not many people who can fight with these two monsters in front of me. Except for three seniors, one is Zhang Zhiwei from Longhu Mountain, and the other is the principal of Hogwarts abroad.

Needless to say, the three old seniors are all the official secrets. Sometimes Zhao Fangxu even suspects that those three people may have really become immortals, and they are existences like the Dinghai Shenzhen.

Needless to say, Zhang Zhiwei's talent surpasses that of the current leader of the entire Chinese alien world.

The headmaster of Hogwarts is not simple. If the leader of the alien world in China is the Celestial Master, then the leader of the alien world in the West is the old principal Dumbledore.

As for whether there are other people hiding secretly, I don't know.

It seems to Zhao Fangxu that there should be some.

After all, everyone in the evil sect is so strong, and after thinking about it, their strength in the alien world cannot be worse than that of the evil sect.

"Asshole, you and I are one. I can do everything you know. Why should I be weaker than you?"

The three corpse gods opened their mouths angrily, and the next moment their hot breath turned into blazing flames and spurted out of their mouths.

As if he had expected it, Su Mo turned slightly sideways, and his breath suddenly hit the tall building.



The entire building was crumbling and burning crazily in the heat.

Zhao Fangxu's eyelids jumped at this scene.

This building seems to be completely unusable!
"The next one is called seeing and hearing color domineering."

Su Mo spoke.

The three corpse gods are even more angry. Now this situation is no longer a question of whether they are angry or not, or even whether they are defeated or not. The most important issue now is their own dignity as the three corpse gods.

Is it really true that the other party becomes stronger after being separated?

There must be at least one thing that surpasses the other party. As long as there is one ability that surpasses the other party, then what Su Mo said will naturally be considered nonsense.The two bodies came close to each other and started fighting each other like mortals without using any abilities.

But this battle looked extremely strange to everyone.

When ordinary people fight against each other, they always try to show off each other's moves. The splitting of moves here does not mean that you can see through each other's moves at a glance.

On the contrary, there are various variations of moves. It is simply impossible to see through other people's moves at a glance.

If it can really be done, even if an ordinary person can do it, it may not be weaker than ordinary aliens.

The so-called "catch the move" means that after the other party makes a move, you can rely on your own abilities to avoid it, resist it, or fight it.

As long as you make sure you don't get hurt, the moves are secondary.

But in the confrontation between Su Mo and the Three Corpse Gods, it seemed that both sides could see the trajectory of each other's shots every time, and could easily avoid or even counterattack.

After fighting for such a long time, their fists did not even collide with each other.

"Could it be possible to predict the trajectory of the opponent's moves through knowledge and color?"

Zhang Chulan's eyes shone.

If he really had this ability, it would be great news for people like me who are afraid of death.

Predicting the enemy's opportunity first is half the battle won.

"Impossible, there is no such thing as the ability to predict the future in this world!"

Ding Shian said categorically, but his face was very ugly.

Ding Shi'an has always felt that his ability to 'observe' is his first ability and one of his exclusive abilities.

It is precisely by relying on this opportunity to predict the enemy that he can easily defeat the enemy every time he fights with others.

but now--

This so-called seeing, hearing, and color is even stronger than one's own 'view'.

Can't understand 1
At least in Ding Shian'an's view, it is incomprehensible. This is already the limit, as for predicting the future.

Power cannot exist in this world.

After all, the ability of prediction is very rare. If it can still be used in battle, it is no longer a ability of prediction. Instead, it can be said to be an ability involving time and space.

It’s just a whole new level!

"Listen up, kid, if you practice the color of sight to the extreme, you can predict the future in battle!"

Ding Shi'an's expression froze, and he instinctively didn't want to believe this.

But in his sight, Su Mo's fist was just swinging towards a place where the Three Corpse Gods could not avoid.


Then the three corpse gods flew out instantly.

Really predicting the future? !

Zhao Fangxu stopped talking. In a sense, if Su Mo had this ability, then no matter what plots, tricks or even moves would be of no use to him, because no matter what trap you set up, the other party would be able to detect it in advance and take action. corresponding strategy.

We can only make friends and not offend.


The three corpse gods felt that they were tired of scolding at this moment, and they lay on the ground in a daze.

He was not his opponent. No matter what moves he made, the opponent seemed to be able to predict them in advance, and he was suppressed throughout the whole process.

Obviously everyone gains the same power~

"You just angered labor and management, didn't you?"

The three corpse gods did not rush forward, but looked at Su Mo quietly.

"Although emotions such as arrogance and rage can make me slightly stronger in battle, the presence of these emotions will actually make me weaker."

Su Mo did not deny it.

Losing these emotions does not mean that I am a person without any emotions, but that I have returned to calmness.

It's like after you have obtained so many templates, each time you obtain the power of a template, in addition to strengthening yourself, it will also have a certain impact on your character.

These are the instincts that are woven into the bones of strength.

It doesn't have a big impact, but after stripping it off, I can think about some issues more rationally.

To put it simply, smart IQ has once again taken over the high ground~
The Three Corpse Gods nodded. He really wanted to anger me, but after he guessed it, all his previous actions were in vain~
It makes no sense anymore~
"It's just that I didn't expect that you would be so weak. It seems that I was so weak before because I was really influenced by you."

Su Mo was seriously thinking about the possibility of this matter, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it became.

It seems like you can easily kill the opponent without irritating them~


The next moment, the Three Corpse Gods, who had barely calmed down, were furious again, and their bodies were still in a half-dragon state.

Su Mo nodded instead.

Now, with my own strength, I can actually transform into a dragon easily, but it doesn't make any sense.

An overly large body will expose more flaws, giving the opponent opportunities to take advantage of.

On the contrary, the half-dragon state is most suitable for fighting.

Although the other party is just a mindless thing like the Three Corpse Gods, even with his fighting instinct, he is not much worse than himself.

"This place has been completely destroyed. We need to temporarily make you lose the ability to continue causing trouble!"

In the perception of Jianwense, there are several powerful forces approaching. Apart from this, the surrounding people have been cleared away, and they are not worried about being seen by others.

Cyan dragon scales instantly covered the entire body, and the dragon's horns on his forehead became thicker.

"David Leiming gossips!"


The same move, but the bodies of the three corpse gods flew backwards instantly, as if the strength of the two of them was not at the same level at all.

Various explosions continued to occur throughout the ground, and small mushroom clouds continued to rise at this moment.

Su Mo had already expected that the strength of his template would continue to grow as the battle lasted longer, but the strength of the Three Corpse Gods had been fixed after they separated from him.

Dominated in strength, the other party cannot be his opponent!
At the same time, there was a parking lot not far from the headquarters.

"I'll go, I'll go. Has the official launched a nuclear bomb attack?"

Wang Zhenqiu stared at the mushroom cloud rising in the distance with wide eyes and his mouth grew wide.

"I'm afraid things will be troublesome this time~"

Xiao Zizai raised his glasses.

Even though he himself followed the path of being strong and strong, Xiao Zizai still felt a little trembling in his heart at this moment.

will die!

"I need you to create an opportunity for me to enter."

Lao Meng was silent for a moment and said solemnly.

For me, as long as I can enter the venue and get in touch with Su Mo, I have a chance to win.

But now this situation——

I'm afraid that I will be smashed into pieces by the opponent before I even enter the arena.

"We try our best."

The clarinet on one side wiped the clarinet on his hand, and then took off the clarinet, and a stream of terrifying "qi" exploded instantly.

This black tube can suppress Qi, but we will have to fight this kind of monster later. At this time, if we are suppressing our own Qi, we can only say that there is something wrong with our brains. This is not what we want to do if we want to die~
The next moment, the four of them were about to take steps.


Endless firelight filled half of the sky.

"Fire Dragon. Torch!"

A voice like a god sounded, and the next moment Lao Meng and others opened their mouths.

The flame-colored dragon rose into the sky, roaring.

"Rising Dragon·Fire Gossip!"

(End of this chapter)

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