Chapter 105 Wonderful Sound!

"This imperial capital has already set up a Netherworld formation. Prince Fengtian has been branded, and even a poor man can't save him."

Gu Changsheng muttered: "Pindao will take you to Tianlao to see him one last time."

"Taoist Priest, can you take me to Tianlao to see my father?"

Zhou Ruoxi said excitedly.

Gu Changsheng looked indifferent and took her into the void to go to the prison.

In the cell, Prince Fengtian was as thin as a ghost and his face was as pale as a ghost.

The void fluctuated, and two figures appeared at the same time, standing upright and covering the cell without any shadow.


Prince Fengtian was shocked: "Taoist Master, why did you bring Ruoxi here?"

"You, father and daughter, let's say our last goodbyes." Gu Changsheng said calmly.


Zhou Ruoxi looked at the haggard appearance of Prince Fengtian and shed tears: "Why is this, why is this? You are so loyal, and you end up like this?"

"Ruoxi, my father is sorry for you and everyone in the world..."

Prince Fengtian had tears in his eyes: "But my father has been favored by the emperor in this life, so how can he do such a thing as betraying the Lord?"

Gu Changsheng shook his head slightly and disappeared into the void, giving the two of them some time alone.

Standing at attention, no one knew what was happening in the cell.

Two hours later.

Gu Changsheng came to the cell again, and Zhou Ruoxi kowtowed respectfully and said goodbye to Prince Fengtian.

"Let's go."

Gu Changsheng left with Zhou Ruoxi.

Zhou Ruoxi was silent. She did not say anything about asking Gu Changsheng to take Prince Fengtian away with him.

After returning to the hiding place, Zhou Ruoxi bowed down and said, "Thank you so much, Taoist Priest, for letting Ruoxi see my father for the last time."

"After leaving this time, take Yanshi back to the mountains and forests." Gu Changsheng sighed softly.

He didn't say anything to ask Zhou Ruoxi to raise troops.

Because doing this will only lead to death.

Prince Fengtian has lost the hearts of the people, and Zhou Ruoxi raises an army, but there is no hope of success.

He could live in seclusion and survive with the Yanshi people.

"Thank you Taoist Master, Ruoxi is willing to leave." Zhou Ruoxi said respectfully: "Please also Taoist Master, help Ruoxi leave."

She knew she was being targeted and came here with the intention of dying just to save her father, so she didn't care about being targeted.

Gu Changsheng didn't know what they were talking about, but it actually made Zhou Ruoxi change his mind.

"Well, recall Yanshi." Gu Changsheng said.

Zhou Ruoxi nodded, left the void, took out a piece of jade, and summoned the Yan masters.

This time Zhou Ruoxi brought ten Yanshis, one Yin Shen, and nine orbs.

Standing upright, the shadowless figure enveloped them, leading them to escape into the void and leave the imperial capital.

Outside the imperial capital, on the mountain where the tribulation was overcome before.

Gu Changsheng led them out of the void and said calmly: "Everyone, follow the last wish of Prince Fengtian and live in seclusion."

"Taoist Master, thank you for your help. Taoist Master is interested in Yanshi's way. This is the method of the Yellow Turban Warrior. Please accept it."

A ray of golden light appeared in Zhou Ruoxi's hand and disappeared into Gu Changsheng's body.

Gu Changsheng did not refuse: "I'm not polite anymore. I thought I couldn't persuade you, so I didn't want to persuade you. Now that you have figured it out, don't interfere with the rest of the matter."

"Taoist Priest, Ruoxi has one more thing to ask for."

Zhou Ruoxi cupped her hands and said, "Although Ruoxi is gone, there are still some people who want to save my father. Please ask the Taoist priest to save one of them."

"I'll do my best," Gu Changsheng said.

"Thank you, Taoist Priest. Ruoxi will do her best to persuade the Yan masters to return to the mountains and forests." Zhou Ruoxi bowed.

Gu Changsheng nodded slightly: "This is the best."

Zhou Ruoxi left with the Yan masters and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"I hope I can really go into seclusion." Gu Changsheng sighed softly.

If you can go into seclusion, you can still live, but if you can't go into seclusion, then this lineage will really be cut off.

Escape into the void and return to the imperial capital again.

Now in the imperial capital, everyone who can leave has left, and those who remain are either the old emperor's people or those who cannot leave.

At this moment, the imperial capital has become a prison where no one is allowed in and no one is allowed out.

The old emperor's decree came out again, and Zhao Tianxia's demon-suppressing guards and royal family members entered the imperial capital.

Gu Changsheng has changed his appearance and is resting in the inn, studying the methods of the Yellow Turban Warrior.

Throwing beans into the art of war!

Although it is incomplete, it is a real magical power.

Gu Changsheng studied and found out that this method of spreading beans and forming an army actually involved mediating fortune.

In addition to mediating creation, there are other magical powers that are involved.

Can make Kendo Warrior Seeds, Wind and Rain Warriors, Earth Warriors, Ocean Warriors...

And these strong men all need the energy of creation to nurture them.

The Yan masters' method is to use formation techniques to cultivate, attracting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and integrating it into the seeds.

"These Yan Masters have reached the pinnacle of application of the Way of Heaven and Earth."

Gu Changsheng exclaimed: "If what I understand now is just the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, what the Yan masters are practicing are the patterns in the sky when they transcend the tribulation."

With the help of these sky patterns, we can communicate with heaven and earth, gain strength, and create the Yellow Turban Warriors.

However, these warriors also need special seeds.

Ordinary soybeans and other seeds can only produce ordinary soldiers. Of course, they are also physically strong and much stronger than ordinary mortals.

If it is a magical medicine seed, it will be the equivalent of a monk's Yellow Turban Warrior!
Gu Changsheng bought a bunch of soybeans, just ordinary soybeans, to make Huangjin Lux seeds.

Those elixir seeds are relatively precious and troublesome to brand, and he doesn't have them now.

I'll think of ways to get some suitable seeds later.

And these ordinary soybeans can replace the common people, allowing the mortal army to suffer fewer casualties.

Gu Changsheng devoted himself to studying the methods of the Yellow Turban Warriors and imprinted these seeds.

The Yellow Turban Rikishi method is easy to practice and easy to make.

Time passed, and before I knew it, I had reached the point where I could kill him.

In the center of the imperial capital, dozens of soldiers guarded a huge high platform with only Prince Fengtian as a prisoner.

The old emperor has completely torn off his face. This is what he prepared for Prince Fengtian. There is no need to add other prisoners to cover up anything.

The executioner was stroking his sword, and a middle-aged man in official uniform looked at Prince Fengtian coldly.

Gu Changsheng was hiding in the void, Prince Fengtian was dead, and what was on the stage was just a manipulated corpse.

"Huh? Why is she here?" Gu Changsheng was startled and felt a familiar aura.


The thin middle-aged man ordered coldly, his legs were shaking, and he was also afraid.

The executioner looked indifferent and slashed with his sword!

call out!
A ray of sword light shot out of the air, instantly crossing the void and piercing the executioner's corpse.

"Kill and save the prince!"

With one strike of the sword, dozens of figures in the dark rushed towards the high platform at the same time.

The void was filled with a dark aura, and figures flew out from the void, blocking them.

"Borrow the sword from heaven!"

With a soft drink, the power of heaven was mighty, and a sky-reaching sword light descended from the sky.

Heavenly Sword, Mu Yulin!


When the power of heaven passed by, the void shook, and the brilliant pressure suppressed the dark aura. The people below were all shocked.

Just as Mu Yulin was about to take the opportunity to go forward, he put a hand on her shoulder and led her directly into the void: "Let's go."

"Who...Taoist Fellow Taiping?"

Mu Yulin's expression changed. After seeing clearly, he was extremely surprised: "Why are you here? Are you also here to save the county prince?"

"Prince Fengtian is dead. What's on the stage is just a corpse. Didn't you see that Prince Fengtian didn't say a word from the beginning to the end?"

Gu Changsheng said solemnly. "What?" Mu Yulin's expression changed, and when he looked back, Prince Fengtian had not spoken even now.

There is indeed a problem!
"Qing Yuanzi isn't here, is he?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"Not here, but the princess and the others..." Mu Yulin looked worried.

Gu Changsheng said: "Don't worry, Zhou Ruoxi has been sent away by Pindao, let's leave first."

As soon as he finished speaking, the void shook, and chains of netherworld rushed out from the void, sealing the magic field.

A supernatural pressure came overwhelmingly, and the huge Yin Shen Dharma shook the void.


One after another black-clothed figures soared into the sky, and the demon-suppressing aura shook the void.

"Dagan suppresses the demon guards, kills the demons, and clears the emperor's side!"

Long roars came from all directions.

Gu Changsheng's face darkened: "These demon-suppressing guards are really here."

"After Zhang Xuanling died, the Demon Suppressing Guard died." Mu Yulin sighed: "It's a pity."

Gu Changsheng looked up at the sky. Among the demon-suppressing guards, there were also many Yin gods. They were all guarding one side.

High in the sky, a stream of Yin Shen aura swept out. Daqian Imperial Master, several Yin Shen powerhouses, and the Yin Shen from Buddhism were all here at this moment.

The Yins and Gods were fighting in a melee without any restraint. The terrifying air waves swept across all directions, destroying countless buildings.

Cries of terror resounded throughout the imperial capital, and those living nearby ushered in the end.

"Protect the king!"

One by one, the demon-suppressing guards rushed to the high platform. Unfortunately, they didn't know that it was just a corpse.

"I didn't expect that at the last moment, you and these demon-suppressing guards would be the only ones left."

Gu Changsheng sighed softly: "That's good, it saves trouble."


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and a figure in white floated over.

Wherever it passes, the void cracks and the dark black energy recedes.

"Who is he?" Gu Changsheng's eyes narrowed.

The peak of Yinshen!

Unexpectedly, at this time, a supreme figure in the world actually came.

"The number one general under Prince Fengtian is the Spear God Luo Wulin." Mu Yulin said in a concentrated voice: "When the Northern Territory was destroyed, he was the one who presided over it. He has been arranged by Prince Fengtian to be in the Northern Territory."

A white jade spear, dressed in white clothes, and a murderous aura enveloped the sky.

Endless gun light blooms, terrifying air waves, and the vast sky.

The chains shattered at this moment.

The Yin God in the sky also had a unique excitement: "You are finally here!"


A Buddhist chant sounded, and a monk in green stepped on the void with his bare feet, holding a branch and shining bright Buddha light.

The Buddha's light vibrates, the void is torn, the spear light is shattered, and the huge Buddha's Dharma appears in the void.

The spear is like a dragon, the white jade is filled with murderous intent, and the killing aura is overwhelming.

Luo Wulin suppressed it with one shot, and the sky cracked, just like the ancient killing god.

But the monk in green clothes was even better. The branches of Buddha's light bloomed with compassionate Buddha's light, and the swastika Buddha seals covered the sky and the ground: "Educate all living beings!"


A shocking confrontation, endless waves of air rolled like a tidal wave, the white jade spear vibrated, the Lovulin tiger's mouth cracked, and blood flowed down the spear.


Luo Wulin was furious, and his magic power was pushed to the extreme. The Yin Shen magic was connected to the sky and the earth, and his armor and iron horses traveled across the sky.

Endless shadows and flowers emerged, an army that had long since been destroyed.

The annihilated army and the roaring murderous aura were all integrated into the white jade spear, making Luo Wulin's strength even greater.

"Wonderful Dharma Bodhi!"

The blue-robed monk waved his branches lightly, and Sanskrit chants filled the air. His compassion became stronger, and the Buddha behind him was filled with ancient Buddha light.

Scarlet blood spilled, the Yin Shen Dharma collapsed, the white clothes flew out, and the white jade spear flew away.


The monk in green said calmly.


Chains whizzed out and wrapped around each other.

Luo Wulin forced himself to stand up, his internal organs were severely injured and blood flowed, but his eyes changed: "Are you...Miaoyin?!"

The green-robed monk paused, and the Buddha's light erupted from the tree branches again, with murderous intent shocking the sky.

But he saw the void fluctuating, holding Luo Wulin down with one hand and dragging him into the void.


The blue-robed monk's eyes turned cold, and the Buddha's light was immeasurable, shining in the void.

The endless netherworld energy vibrated, the void fluctuated, and three figures were shaken out.

"This is the first time that I have been forced out of the void." Gu Changsheng sighed: "This imperial capital has really become a prison."

The monk in green looked at him indifferently: "Dao Menye is here, so let's stay together."

"Taoist Master, you go first." Luo Wulin stood in front of the two of them and activated his magic power again.

"No need." Gu Changsheng raised his right palm lightly, a green leaf flew out, and the surrounding void became distorted.

The green leaves rippled, the void fluctuated, and the monk in green changed his expression: "How dare you meddle in human affairs, evildoer!"

But he saw that the void was fluctuating, and the green leaves forcibly dragged the monk in green into the void.


Gu Changsheng took them away quickly.

"Where to go!"

There were roars of anger, and the Yin God in the sky came.

Gu Changsheng hit three leaves again. He didn't want to get entangled with these guys.

The three leaves twisted the void at the same time, and all the Yin gods were sent into the void.

In the void, chains were crisscrossed, and countless black chains were entangled.

"This Netherworld Formation is more terrifying than them." Luo Wulin said solemnly.

"Don't worry, it's time to leave."

Gu Changsheng raised his right palm lightly, six leaves flew out at the same time, and a huge aura swept out.

The void cracked, and the chains shattered. The strong power of the void shattered all the black chains wherever it passed.


Gu Changsheng took them and followed the leaves.

Without these leaves, he would not dare to take action at this time.

The nine-level demon king is the eternal Yang God!
The power of the void led the three of them to escape quickly and rushed out of the imperial capital.

Roars came from the void, and those Yin gods could only watch them leave.

Gu Changsheng fled thousands of miles in one breath before stopping: "Find a place to recuperate first, your injury is very serious."

"It's a pity that the county prince cannot be saved." Luo Wulin said seriously.

"Prince Fengtian died a long time ago and was turned into a ghost. There are only corpses on the stage."

Gu Changsheng said indifferently: "The princess should go into seclusion. Why not find a place to recuperate and make plans for the future?"

"Go to Wangtian Peak. Brother Qing Yuanzi is still waiting for me to go back." Mu Yulin said.

"Thank you, both of you." Luo Wulin cupped his hands.

"Let's go." Gu Changsheng led the two of them away.

Being able to rescue Mu Yulin and earn someone the best in the world is a great harvest this time.

As for the nine leaves, they were originally used at this time, so it is not a pity at all.

"Fellow Taoist Taiping, what kind of magic weapon was that leaf just now?" Mu Yulin asked.

"Taoist Master Fusheng gave it to me. It can drag people into the void. I don't even know what kind of magic weapon it is." Gu Changsheng shook his head and then asked: "Is that monk in green really a wonderful voice?"

(End of this chapter)

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