I use Tiangang and Earth to prove my immortality

Chapter 108 Recasting the Netherworld!

Chapter 108 Recasting the Netherworld!

The army buried pots to make rice and set up camp.

Within the battalion commander, Zhou Ruoxi and two Yanshi were analyzing the Netherworld Imperial Capital.

In the void, spiritual energy fluctuated abnormally.

A middle-aged Yanshi frowned: "Here he comes."

The other Yanshi didn't say anything and didn't look surprised at all.

Four figures appeared at the entrance of the camp at the same time, and the Ninth Prince entered the camp directly: "Niece Fengtian, I am here."

"Amitabha." The Vajra Monk recited the Buddha's name and followed him inside.

Then came Xu Tian Cry, Donglai Sword Immortal.

Just as the two Yan masters were about to speak, Zhou Ruoxi stood up, clasped his fists and said, "Since the four seniors are here, let's take a seat together."

The four of them looked at each other, but they didn't expect Zhou Ruoxi to be so calm without any panic.

"How is your analysis of the Netherworld Formation?" The Ninth Prince sat down directly and asked.

The other three people also sat down and looked at the two Yan Masters.

Zhou Ruoxi nodded, and the two Master Yans looked at each other. The middle-aged Master Yan said, "It is better to say it is a Netherworld formation than a Netherworld formation."

"A Netherworld?" The faces of the four people changed at the same time: "Is it possible that the wonderful sound has merged the Netherworld with the imperial capital?"

"Yes, the entire imperial capital has been completely transformed into the underworld. If what is expected is true, she plans to establish Fengdu." The middle-aged Yanshi said.

"Establish Fengdu? Is she crazy? Does she want to turn the world into hell?"

Xu Tian cried and his face changed drastically: "Once she does this, are she really not afraid of provoking those old people? Can Buddhism really be able to fight against all forces?"

"Of course it won't turn the world into hell."

The middle-aged Yanshi said in a low voice: "Don't forget, what exactly is there in the Snow Mountain? It is the ancestral land of the Netherworld!"

Netherworld Ancestral Land!

After hearing this, the four of them looked solemn and their breathing became depressed.

"No one knows why the Netherworld Ancestral Land collapsed back then, but we all know that the Ancestral Land is not so easy to destroy."

The middle-aged Yanshi said slowly: "The things Miaoyin brought out from the Snow Mountain should be the things to rebuild the Netherworld Ancestral Land!"

"Once she succeeds, she will be promoted to the Lord of Netherworld and control the Netherworld Ancestral Land. With the support of Buddhism, Buddhism will have two ancestral lands."

Xu Tian cried and said with an ugly face: "It turns out that her purpose is not just the Eternal Sun God."

"If it was just for Yang Shen, with her talent, she would have done it long ago."

The middle-aged Yanshi said: "Besides, why did he have to plan for so many years and drag the entire Daqian into it?"

The four of them looked at each other and thought: "The reconstruction of Netherworld also requires manpower, and it is impossible for her, Miaoyin, to manage Netherworld...she wants to hide in the ground?"

At this moment, the four of them suddenly understood!
Why Lao Qianhuang? Because Miaoyin cannot be the master on the surface.

She wants to rebuild the ancestral land of the Netherworld, and to master the Netherworld, she does not need to step into the light, and the way she follows the Ksitigarbha method is to reenact the Ksitigarbha method!

"What a wonderful voice, what a ruthless method!"

Xu Tian cried with cold sweat on his forehead: "If this is the case, if all my souls go in, will they be taken away by her?"

Although Wanhun is strong, it will naturally be suppressed against the orthodox Nether.

"We must enter the netherworld and extinguish the wonderful sound!" The Vajra Monk clasped his hands together and glared angrily: "It is a waste of time to be an eminent monk by harming the common people. I want to clean up the family for the Buddha."

"I am willing to work for Buddha." Prince Ninth smiled.

"I am here to save all the souls, enter my Ten Thousand Souls Banner, and enjoy the bliss." Xu Tian cried and laughed.

Donglai Sword Immortal chuckled and said: "I am not as shameless as you. I just want eternal opportunities."

Why clean up the door for Buddha and save all souls is all nonsense.

The middle-aged Yanshi made this analysis, not only the opportunity of the eternal Yang God, but also the Netherworld Ancestral Land!

If they could win the Netherworld Ancestral Land, Miaoyin would have been making wedding clothes for them for so many years!

"With your two methods, how should we take action?" The Ninth Prince said: "Princess, we are not lying, we only seek the opportunity of the imperial capital."

"Yes, as long as we get the opportunity, we will retreat immediately. Whoever decides the country has nothing to do with us." Donglai Sword Immortal and Vajra Monk said at the same time.

Xu Tian cried and grinned: "Our Soul Refining Sect is originally within the territory of Daqian. I can guarantee that we will not participate in the struggle for hegemony."

"Okay." Zhou Ruoxi agreed: "But we can't guarantee that you will get the opportunity."

"This is natural." Xu Tian said with a smile, "We each rely on our abilities. Afterwards, I, the Soul Refining Sect, can also support the princess and win the world."

"Beimang, I am willing to return the northern territory." Prince Ninth said.

"Return Donglai as well." Donglai Sword Immortal said.

The Vajra Monk said: "The Western Emperor can guarantee that the West will be worry-free for a hundred years."

"Then Ruoxi would like to thank you all." Zhou Ruoxi bowed.

Of course she would not believe such nonsense. No matter who gets the opportunity and is promoted to the Yang God, he will leave the world of mortals. How can he care about what is happening in this world?

When the time comes, the emperors of various countries will all push her away, can she still go to Yang Shen?

She didn't care either, she came here to settle everything and compete in the world, that was the Taoist priest's business.

"Tomorrow Yanshi will travel to the sky, stir up the underworld, and open an entrance."

The middle-aged Yanshi said: "But this entrance can only last for three days. If you don't come out after three days, there will be nothing we can do."

"Three days? Yes." The Ninth Prince nodded and said, "But you have to go in with us."

"This is natural." Zhou Ruoxi nodded and said: "I still count on four people to help me ascend to the throne."

After the negotiation is completed, it is time to discuss tomorrow's actions.

Naturally, Yanshi is in front and the Three Kingdoms is behind.

After discussing until late at night, the four people left and went back to prepare.

The void fluctuated, and Zhou Ruoxi and the two Yan Masters disappeared into the void at the same time.

"Taoist Master." Zhou Ruoxi bowed and said, "You also want to enter the Netherworld to see the opportunity of the eternal Yang God?"

"I have this idea." Gu Changsheng said: "Now that you also know the identity of Pindao, naturally you can't let Taoist Qingping and Miaoyin go."

"The time is not yet ripe." The middle-aged Yanshi shook his head and said: "If you go in this time, you will die but not live."

"What?" Gu Changsheng's expression changed slightly: "You are not even sure you can come out?"

"No, we suspect that Miaoyin has already been promoted to Yangshen. She hid her strength before taking action, or she was just a clone."

The middle-aged Yanshi said in a deep voice: "Rebuilding the Netherworld Ancestral Land cannot be accomplished by the Yin Shen Peak."

Gu Changsheng's expression changed: "Then what can they really do? If she is Yang Shen, how can she stay in this earthly world?"

The eternal Yang God will usually leave the world of mortals. The destructive power of the Yang God is too terrifying.

The major forces will not tolerate Yang Shen to stay in this mortal world.

"If no one knows that she has become a Yang Shen, then she can naturally stay. In other words, if she just leaves the clone in advance, she can naturally stay."

The middle-aged Yanshi said: "No matter which one you choose, you will face a false Yang God."

Gu Changsheng fell into deep thought. If this was the case, he would have to pull the guy from the Demon Locking Tower out and have a fight with Miaoyin.

"Don't worry, this Netherworld Ancestral Land will not be easily rebuilt, and it will be difficult for Miaoyin to succeed."

The middle-aged Yanshi said: "We will try our best to convey the situation inside."

Gu Changsheng pondered: "It doesn't matter if it can't be delivered. Just send the message to the Demon Locking Tower and don't attract anyone's attention."

The nine-level demon king must also be interested in these.

They chatted for a few more words, and Gu Changsheng disappeared into the void and left.

The next morning.

Zhou Ruoxi led [-] soldiers to the imperial capital.Gu Changsheng had seen his [-] soldiers, and most of them were puppets created by Yanshi to look like the real ones.

The few remaining people are those who accompany them and die together.

Three Kingdoms and One Sect, all arrived.

In addition to the four Yin God Peaks, there are also several Yin God Peaks accompanying them.

Several Yin Shen peaks came from the Three Kingdoms, and so did the Soul Refining Sect.

For the opportunity of the Netherworld Ancestral Land and the Eternal Yang God, although they could not be said to have gone out in full force, they were almost there.

"Please." The Ninth Prince said.

As soon as he finished speaking, ripples appeared in the void, and Yanshi in black appeared one by one.

"Yanshi walks in the sky and opens the underworld!"

Zhou Ruoxi jumped up and took the lead towards the Netherworld Imperial Capital.

The magic swords crisscrossed and turned into thousands of sword lights.

"The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law, the formation opens up the underworld, and leads to the underworld..."

The middle-aged Yanshi's magic power was pushed to the extreme, the wind and clouds in the heaven and earth surged, and the two qi of yin and yang manifested.

One by one, Yan masters activated their magic power and activated the patterns of heaven and earth.


In the sky above the imperial capital, the air of the netherworld surged, and a dark hole slowly opened.

"Kill, the court is unjust, subverting the great cadres, and then establishing a new heaven!"

Zhou Ruoxi pointed his sword at the sky, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses roared and rushed into the sky at the same time.

"Everyone, the Netherworld has opened, it's time to take action."

The middle-aged Yanshi shouted loudly and merged into the void, and the dark hole suddenly expanded.

The Three Kingdoms Sect followed closely behind and led the army into the city.

Of course, they didn't bring all of them in, only one-third, all of whom were elites.

Seeing all the forces entering, a leaf appeared in Gu Changsheng's hand in the void: "I am here to find you, split soul!"

This is the leaf that he used to communicate with the Nine-Level Demon King, and this is the only one he has on his body.

The soul attached to it, carrying a soybean with it, disappeared into the void and escaped into the netherworld.

He wanted to see for himself what was inside.

The Netherworld Imperial Capital has long since turned into a ghost town.

The streets were empty and all the buildings were dyed black.

Infected by the spirit of the netherworld, the entire city turned into a dead city.

As the army entered, the ghostly energy surged, and the sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling could be heard.

The ground cracked, and pale palms stretched out from the ground.

In the void, groups of Yin soldiers wearing armor appeared.

"In accordance with Emperor Qian's decree, we will suppress and kill the intruders!"

A cold shout echoed through the void.

Zhou Ruoxi suddenly raised her head and looked at the familiar figure in the sky: "Father..."

"Princess, the prince is no longer the prince." The middle-aged Yanshi said in a deep voice.

"I know." Zhou Ruoxi took a deep breath and said, "Are you ready?"

"It has been prepared for a long time." Middle-aged Yanshi said in a low voice.

"The whole army listens to the order, kill You Ming, and save the father!"

Zhou Ruoxi gave an order, and a hundred thousand troops rushed towards Prince Fengtian high in the sky like a torrent.

The army of the Three Kingdoms Sect dispersed immediately and began to strangle the Yin soldiers.

In the distance, a soybean escaped into the void and quickly arrived at the Demon Locking Tower.

Huang Dou turned into a yellow turban warrior. There was no trace of life in his body, and he did not attract the attention of the Yin soldiers.

"Demon King, Pindao is back."

The yellow scarf warrior climbed to the ninth floor and pinched the leaves with his hands.

The Demon Suppressing Palace is empty, and there is no living creature in the Demon Locking Tower, including the Demon King on the ninth floor!

The Yin Shen Demon King is dead, but this tree demon is definitely not dead!

"You are so bold, you dare to come back at this time."

The voice of the nine-level demon king sounded, with a hint of surprise in the coldness: "Spreading beans and making soldiers? You are so stupid, you are really dishonest, you have a lot of great magical powers."

"It's just a little trick I learned from Master Yan." Gu Changsheng said calmly: "While the passage is still open, tell Pindao how the situation is here?"

"What else could happen? Of course they all turned into evil soldiers and created a small ghost town."

The ninth-level demon king said coldly: "Do you also want to get a share of the pie?"

"Pindao wants to clean up his family, so naturally he can't just sit back and watch." Gu Changsheng said.

"It's not yet time. Once we kill this batch in a trap, it should be almost done." The ninth-level demon king said.

"It's not time yet? What exactly is Miaoyin going to do, and what are you going to do?" Gu Changsheng asked.

The ninth-level demon king said coldly: "Calf Nose, if you know too much, you will not be able to control it."

Gu Changsheng frowned: "You don't want anyone to know about hiding here, right?"

"Ha, you've got your future, you dare to threaten me." The nine-level demon king chuckled, without a hint of displeasure in his voice: "I will tell you that this matter is related to reincarnation, and Miaoyin wants to restore reincarnation."

"Repairing reincarnation?" Gu Changsheng frowned: "Is this possible? Although Yang Shen is very strong, he is far from becoming an immortal. Can reincarnation be repaired by Yang Shen?"

"Of course not, but it's just a incomplete reincarnation, and it's also a treasure. Do you understand?"

The nine-level demon king said coldly: "If you want to participate, be prepared to die."

"I have another question, has the wonderful sound already become the Yang God? Is the wonderful sound here the original body?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"Why do you ask this?" asked the Nine-Level Demon King.

"Yanshi's analysis." Gu Changsheng told it without hiding anything.

The ninth-level demon king was silent for a moment and said: "It is the true body, but it is not the true body."

"What do you mean?" Gu Changsheng was confused.

"The moment she came out of the Snowy Mountains, there was more than one wonderful voice in the world."

The ninth-level demon king said faintly: "The wonderful sound of Yang Shen, the wonderful sound of reincarnation."

"The Wonderful Sound of Yangshen? The Wonderful Sound of Samsara?" Gu Changsheng whispered: "Then the wonderful sound here is the Wonderful Sound of Samsara?"

"Okay, I can only tell you so much. I can't act at will. It will be very troublesome to avoid those old people."

The nine-level demon king said: "Now you have to think about how to be orphaned."

"What do you mean?" Gu Changsheng was confused.

"The passage has been closed. The Yan Masters have sealed the entrance passage. You can't get out." The ninth-level demon king said coldly: "I can help you get out."

"It's okay if you don't want a ray of soul." Gu Changsheng said calmly.

"But you can't see the situation inside." The nine-level demon king said: "I promise Gu that I will send you out."

"What do you want Pindao to do?" Gu Changsheng said calmly: "Pindao will not do a deal that is not cost-effective."

(End of this chapter)

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