I use Tiangang and Earth to prove my immortality

Chapter 112 The sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, the year is Jiazi, the world will

Chapter 112 The sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, the year is Jiazi, the world will be auspicious

"Six-tailed sky fox, Su Meng?"

Qingtian Divine Ape was stunned and said angrily: "You traitor, when are you going to see the Demon Emperor? If you retreat, will the Demon Emperor let you come?"

"My Demon Emperor is not your Demon Emperor." Su Meng said indifferently: "God Ape, retreat. The Demon Emperor has given us a favor and allowed you to retreat to save your lives."

"Tsk, it seems that your demon country has two demon kings." Luo Wulin's voice sounded, with a bit of yin and yang in his voice: "Why didn't you inform me so that you could give me a small gift?"

Beimang's Xing Wudao was also a little confused: "You have two demon emperors? Why haven't you heard of them?"

Is it possible that the demon clan is also experiencing civil strife?

They, Beimang, had just changed the emperor in power. Which of the demon clan followed suit?

Qingtian Divine Ape's eyes were cold: "The traitor Su Meng dared to rebel and proclaim himself emperor. I will take you and send you to see His Majesty the Demon Emperor!"

In anger, the Qingtian Divine Ape directly inspired the Dharma. The power of the Dharma that penetrated the sky and the earth caused the void to twist, and the ancient sacred blood filled the air.

"You are no match for me." Su Meng said scornfully: "Even if you activate your bloodline, you can only compete against the Yin Shen in the later stage."

"Then what about me?"

With an angry shout, a man in green stepped up into the air. High in the sky, a green stripe of a hundred feet stretched across the sky.

"Green Snake King? I didn't expect you to come too." Su Meng looked calm, without any panic.

"I'll take him, you lead the army and destroy this city!"

The Green Snake King snorted coldly, tearing the void apart with his majestic magic power: "The Way of the Heavenly Snake!"

Su Meng looked calm and jumped up, not entangled like before. The pink aura filled the void and turned into three thousand chains: "The world of mortals is three thousand feet!"

Three thousand chains whizzed down, piercing the void and shattering the Heavenly Serpent's magic power. The terrifying air waves covered the sky and the earth like a tide.

The Green Snake King's expression changed, and he flew out, looking at Su Meng in disbelief: "How is this possible? How can you be so strong?"


In the past, the path of illusion could only be entangled by illusion, or strangled by illusion.

But now, Su Meng's strength is actually still higher than him!

Qingtian Divine Ape was also shocked and looked at this scene in disbelief.

Luo Wulin thought thoughtfully, Su Meng should have been promoted by the tree demon king now.

"Even if there is no demon kingdom, I can still defeat your army!"

Xing Wudao gave a cold shout, and the ancient barbaric aura came out loudly, and the Yin Shen Dharma shook the void.


High in the sky, another burly Yin God flew out. Although his aura was not at the peak, he still had the late cultivation level of the Yin God.

Without Luo Wulin, the remaining army really can't stop Yin Shen in the later stage!

The void fluctuated, and a sword light fell from the sky, slashing towards the Yin Shen late-stage monk.

Beimang Yin Shen's expression changed, he pulled away and shouted: "Where is Xiaoxiao?"

The sword energy fell, tearing apart the earth and sinking hundreds of feet into the ground.

"Beimang, these mountains and rivers are thousands of miles away, but you can't get your hands on them. If we retreat now, there is still hope."

Gu Changsheng rode the clouds down and looked at the Qingtian Divine Ape: "Monkey, do you still remember the Taiping Taoist who hurt you on the Tongtian River?"

"It's you?!"

Qingtian Divine Ape's eyes widened and a fierce light flashed in his eyes: "If there is no Yanshi today, I will kill you!"


"My sons, break through the border, rush into Daqian, and don't seal your sword for ten days!"

Beimang Yin Shen shouted loudly.

"Kill! Don't seal the sword for ten days!"

The killings shook the sky, and the Beimang soldiers looked in the direction of Daqian in surprise.

If you don't seal the sword for ten days, let them kill and loot!
Luo Wulin was about to speak, but was stopped by Gu Changsheng. He shook the storage bag and countless soybeans flew out.

The soybeans poured down like a torrent, but when they were about to touch the ground, every soybean turned into a yellow scarf warrior, holding a spear and killing the Beimang army.

"Sprinkle beans into a soldier?"

"The Way of Yanshi?"

At this moment, everyone's expressions changed drastically. They did not expect that Gu Changsheng had prepared so many yellow scarf warriors.

The overwhelming soybeans all turned into yellow turban warriors, and it was difficult to see the edge at a glance.

"Kill!" Beimang Yin God and Qingtian Divine Ape took action at the same time.

Their target is naturally the yellow scarf warrior.

A rough sweep revealed that there were at least one hundred thousand of these yellow scarf warriors. Even if they only replaced fifty thousand Beimang troops, it would be a huge loss.

As for Gu Changsheng, he only lost [-] soybeans!

"You two, I'm a little anxious."

Gu Changsheng met them calmly, swept away the dust, followed by wind and rain, and the terrifying wind and rain sword energy blocked the two Yin gods.

There was a crash, and the two Yin gods stepped back at the same time, looking at him in surprise.

"You actually have such a level of cultivation?" Qingtian Divine Ape said in disbelief.

Only a short time later, the cultivation level of the person in front of me has actually reached the realm of Yin God, and he can even block him and Beimang Yin God!

This speed of improvement is simply incredible!

Gu Changsheng's expression was indifferent. Of course he would not say that he had the basic cultivation ability to mediate fate!
Three thousand fly whisks are crisscrossing the sky, like three thousand Taoist training, connecting the nine heavens.


The sound of thunder, streaks of thunder, lit up in the sky, thousands of thunders hovering on the whisk silk.

Master the Five Thunders!

"The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand, the age is in Jiazi, and the world will be prosperous!"

The sound of the Tao resounded through the void and reached the ears of every soldier. Gu Changsheng controlled the thunder, as if a god came to the dust: "Today, in Beimang, the demon country will sacrifice its flag, and the peaceful and prosperous era will begin again!"


Three thousand whisks fell down, like a sword of thunder, covering the two Yin gods.


The Qingtian Divine Ape roared, Beimang Yin God's mana was pushed to the extreme, and the Yin God's law shook the void.

The ancient sacred aura and wild power came out without any reservation.


The thunder fell, and the sound of broken bones was heard. Qingtian Divine Ape was the first to bear the brunt, and his body was cracking and collapsing like a mountain.

The Yin God of Beimang roared and held up the sky with his arms, but the Yin God's Dharma was unable to resist the thunder.

Scarlet blood spilled into the void, crushing the earth and leaving pits.

The two Yin gods quickly emerged from their bodies and faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yin Shen Night Tour!

Under the blue sky and white sun, under the thunder, I forcibly abandoned my body and could only find a body to rely on.


The next moment, there were strong winds and heavy rain in the sky.

Wind and rain are like swords, but they change the pressure and buoyancy of the void.

Call the wind and call the rain!

Dragon method!
Under everyone's shocked gaze, tens of thousands of meters turned into a blue color, like a windy and rainy ocean.

Use heaven and earth as sea and control the power of heaven and earth!
The two Yin spirits that escaped had no time to find their bodies. Instead, they were pulled back and flew into the wind and rain without control.

Waves of wind and rain sword energy tore apart the soul, and shrill screams resounded high in the sky.

"Soldiers come!"

Gu Changsheng shook his storage bag again, and soybeans scattered all over the sky, directly entering the Beimang army.The howls of terror resounded, Beimang's army panicked, and some sergeants began to flee.


The defenders came to the sky and led the army out of the city to kill Beimang's army.

"Yao Dao, you deserve to die!"

High in the sky, Xing Wudao roared repeatedly, but he was tightly entangled by Luo Wulin.

On the other side, Su Meng's moves became stronger and stronger, and the Green Snake King was defeated step by step.

Behind her is a seventh fox tail!

Although the seventh fox tail is weak, it is still a seven-tailed celestial fox!
This means that her own bloodline substitute and her qualifications have improved to a higher level!
"Seven-tailed Sky Fox!"

The Green Snake King was shocked and angry: "Withdraw your troops, withdraw your troops immediately!"

Now Su Meng is no longer something he can compete with.

On the other hand, Su Meng still had the strength to stop the demon army.

Don't let a demon clan cross into Daqian territory!

Beimang has been defeated. They can't get through. If they continue to fight, they will only stay here.

Gu Changsheng ignored Su Meng and stepped up into the air. He turned his emotions into a sword and displayed the mighty power of heaven.

It's like a sword struck by an immortal god from above the nine heavens!
Scarlet blood spilled, and a ray of light lit up on Xing Wudao's body, and he quickly fled into the distance.

"He's not dead yet?" Gu Changsheng frowned.

Luo Wulin came from the air: "He has a treasure on him and blocked your sword. That's fine. This time he was hit hard. He will remember this lesson and dare not go south."


A shrill scream came, and the seven fox tails were like chains, wrapping around the Green Snake King and dragging it away into the distance.

The monster army fled like crazy, only wishing they had lost two legs.

"This Su Meng is a blessing in disguise, growing a seventh tail." Luo Wulin said enviously: "The road to Yangshen will be smooth from now on."

"Beimang, the demon kingdom has been defeated. Are the remaining ones going to be killed?" Gu Changsheng asked.

Luo Wulin shook his head and said: "Let them go back. Once they are all here, Beimang will be finished. Beimang's senior officials will definitely come with the determination to die together."

Gu Changsheng nodded: "Then let them go back."

With his right palm raised slightly, each of the yellow turban warriors turned into soybeans and lost their luster.

"Now that Beimang has suffered heavy losses and is unable to move south in a short time, I can go and support the other borders." Luo Wulin said.

"It's work."

Gu Changsheng left the matter to him and left in the clouds.

The north is already stable, and Su Meng and the Tree Demon King are also controlling the demon country.

Return to Wangtian Peak.

Ao Xue did not leave. When she saw him coming back, she said, "What's the matter?"

"A great victory." Gu Changsheng said: "Beheaded the Qingtian Divine Ape and a Beimang Yin God, severely damaged Beimang Xing Wudao, and beheaded the Green Snake King of the Demon Kingdom."

"it is good!"

Ao Xue was overjoyed: "After this time, the two countries are unable to go south. The next step is to deal with the Western Emperor, the Soul Refining Sect and Donglai."

"They are the biggest enemies." Gu Changsheng said solemnly.

"They should also be paying attention to this great victory in the north." Ao Xue muttered: "However, what they should consider now is the Netherworld Imperial Capital."

"Is there any action there?" Gu Changsheng frowned.

"The imperial capital has been opened. There are Yin soldiers going out. Under the blue sky and white sun, they massacre the nearby creatures and take away the souls." Ao Xue said in a deep voice.

Gu Changsheng's expression changed slightly: "I didn't expect them to come out."

"According to the news, the corpses of the Nine Princes, Vajra Monk, Sword Immortal from the East, and Xu Tianwei are hung on the city wall."

Ao Xue said: "Based on their location, they correspond to four city gates."

"Miaoyin is really crazy, humiliating them like this." Gu Changsheng looked solemn: "It seems that Miaoyin wants to lure the strong ones forward."

"Now all the major forces and monks in the world are rushing to the Netherworld Emperor's Capital. Even if they don't go in, they still have to resist the underworld soldiers of the Emperor's Capital."

Ao Xue pondered: "I am wondering whether those Yin soldiers can be resurrected outside the formation?"

"This..." Gu Changsheng was startled and said: "If they can be resurrected outside the town, then these evil soldiers cannot be wiped out, and they will only increase in number."

"We are still investigating the details, but it is probably unlikely."

Ao Xue thought: "What are you going to do next?"

"Of course we will send the Yellow Turban warriors out to minimize casualties."

Gu Changsheng thought deeply: "Let the Yellow Turban Warriors fight with the Yin soldiers, even if he can be resurrected, the poor Taoist can be reborn!"

As long as he has enough seeds, he can continuously create yellow scarf warriors.

Without souls to replenish the Yin soldiers, he did not believe that Miaoyin could consume more energy than him.

Is it possible that every time she resurrects the Yin soldiers, there is no loss?
"I will help you transport the Yellow Turban Warriors there." Ao Xue said.

Gu Changsheng nodded and muttered: "Prioritize our people, and the other sects should have their own methods."

"This is natural." Ao Xue said with a smile: "No matter how kind-hearted I am, I can't use my generosity to strengthen the enemy."

"Well, let Taoist friend Qing Yuanzi and the others do the rest. I can just focus on making the Yellow Turban Warriors." Gu Changsheng said.

"Okay, then I will leave with these yellow scarf warriors."

Ao Xue held the storage bag, paused, and said, "You really don't think about supporting an emperor?"

"Huh?" Gu Changsheng raised his eyebrows: "Do you have the right person?"

"Do you still remember your waiter, Lin San?" Ao Xue said.

"Him?" Gu Changsheng was stunned for a moment: "How is his family?"

"As soon as he heard that you were pushing behind it, he immediately participated in the entry. Now he has tens of thousands of generals, and he also has foundation building skills." Ao Xueyao said.

"You must have worked hard," Gu Changsheng said with a faint smile.

Without Ao Xue's help, Lin San would not have been able to build the foundation so quickly.

"I gave him a name, Lin Wudi." Ao Xue smiled.

"Lin Wudi?" Gu Changsheng smiled upon hearing this: "If it is really possible, why not push him up?"

"He must be very happy when he hears this." Ao Xue said.

Gu Changsheng sighed softly: "It depends on how well you are trained, whether you can have a stable position."

"He is a nice person, willing to learn everything, and he speaks out from the poor, so he understands the sufferings of the people better."

Ao Xue said: "His favorite thing is actually farming, because I heard that you like to grow elixirs and study medicine."

Gu Changsheng was speechless. He didn't expect that he would become Lin San's role model.

"Let's go, I will tell him." Ao Xue took the storage bag and walked away.

Gu Changsheng watched him leave and started working on it again.

Buddhism and Confucianism want to launch an emperor, but they are not suitable for this land.

If Lin San could, he would naturally push forward with all his strength.

As for these sects?

If the Yang Shen doesn't come out, just do it once!
Gu Changsheng sat high and looked at Tianfeng, practicing and making the Yellow Turban Warrior, waiting for news.

Time passed, and half a month later, what happened at the northern border spread throughout Daqian.

For a time, people all over Daqian shouted: The sky is dead, the yellow sky is standing, the year is Jiazi, and the world is good.

Qing Yuanzi, Mu Yulin and others gathered many people because of this news.

On the other side of Buddhism, news also came out that Buddhism was guarding the west and blocked the Western Emperor's army. According to destiny, Ziweixing was coming from the west.

The Confucianist Haoran Academy is also building momentum for itself. The Confucianist Haoran is so righteous that Ziwei comes to the world to set the right path.

(End of this chapter)

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