I use Tiangang and Earth to prove my immortality

Chapter 124 Manzhu Shahua, a strange space

Chapter 124 Manzhu Shahua, a strange space
The flowers on the other side were in full bloom, and Gu Changsheng's eyes were filled with horror.

Along the Santu River, flowers are blooming on the other bank, stretching as far as the eye can see.

And among the flowers on the other side, tall buildings emerged.

Vehicles were racing and there were countless tourists. Among the tall buildings, a young man was walking slowly.

And the young man's face was exactly the same as his.

"How is it possible..."

Gu Changsheng murmured, what happened in the past life is actually manifested in this flower of the other side?

Could it be that this flower on the other side can also reflect the past and present life?

"No, try closing your eyes."

Gu Changsheng thought of the words of the skeleton in black and closed his eyes.

But even if he closed his eyes, the surrounding scenes still appeared in his mind.

Skeletons punted boats to ferry across the Santu River, and the flowers on the other side were as red as blood, reflecting the past.

He studied under the tutelage of Evergreen Monastery, and all the past events emerged, including his acquisition of the Netherworld Starry Sky Map!

"There are really no secrets here."

Gu Changsheng's heart was solemn.

Fortunately, he didn't come with the Immortal Demon Emperor, otherwise, the Immortal Demon Emperor would have been furious.

You worked so hard to capture the Netherworld Starry Sky Map, but in the end, he got it. How can you not be angry?
Closing his eyes, Gu Changsheng felt a wisp of netherworld energy envelope the ferrying skeleton.

But what surprised him was that the energy of the netherworld passed through the ferrying skeleton.

"Illusion? Or, have I fallen into an illusion from the beginning?" Gu Changsheng frowned.

The ghostly energy spread out and swept in all directions.


The river was surging, but it did not affect the ferry boat at all.

All the water flow passed through the ferry boat and passed through the skeleton.

The flowers on the other shore in the distance have not changed at all.

"If the ferry boat is also fake, how can it carry me?" Gu Changsheng couldn't understand.

The ferry boat passed through the waves, and a hole appeared in front of it.

Gu Changsheng suppressed his thoughts, calmed down, and let the ferry boat take him forward.

As the ferry boat entered the cave entrance, the aura of the netherworld as black as ink rushed towards the face.

Gu Changsheng closed his eyes and felt the energy of the netherworld adding to his body, and the movement of the Yama Sutra became a little more active.

The next moment, Gu Changsheng's expression changed, and he felt the frightening feeling again. Just as he was about to move, the feeling disappeared again.

During the induction of the soul, a silver-white light flashed past, and the light bloomed in front of his eyes, and he had already left the Netherworld River.

A terrifying breath came in an instant, and cold fingers fell on his face: "The cautious little guy is actually a clone."

Gu Changsheng opened his eyes and saw a woman in red with a charming appearance, standing barefoot.

Here is a beach with flowers blooming all around.

Gu Changsheng bowed and said, "I am a poor Taoist, I have met my senior."

"You are quite polite, and you are much more pleasing to the eye than the last Taoist priest."

The woman in red turned around and walked forward.

Gu Changsheng pondered for a moment and followed up: "Senior, has anyone been here before?"

"Many people have come here." The woman in red said calmly: "There are also many, like you, who possess the Yama and the Purana Sutra."

"Is the last one a female monk?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"It seems that you know her." The woman in red said.

Gu Changsheng frowned: "How did they get here?"

"It's not a secret here. All three sects have been here." The woman in red raised her hand, and an inn appeared out of thin air.

Gu Changsheng: "..."

Have you been here before?
Thinking about it carefully, this place is not far from the Netherworld Ancestral Land.

After the Netherworld collapses, the major sects will definitely explore the nearby stars.

Then, if you want the Netherworld treasure, you can only look for it in the stars farther away.

Only in the distance, the three sects did not find it, or in other words, they did not know about the stars related to the netherworld.

"Senior, how should I leave?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"Leave?" The woman in red chuckled: "Why are you thinking of leaving? Aren't you here for the treasure of the netherworld?"

"Every sect of the three religions has been here, so what treasures are there?" Gu Changsheng shook his head and said, "It's just a poor Taoist who is naive."

"If you come here, you may not be able to take it away."

The woman in red chuckled lightly, led him into the inn, found a table and chairs and sat down.

A Taoist priest in green clothes came over and offered tea.

"Have a try, your Taoist sect's spiritual tea, I would be reluctant to drink it on weekdays." The woman in red said.

Gu Changsheng did not go to drink, but cupped his hands and said, "I haven't asked yet, how do you call me senior?"

The woman in red smiled softly, and a flower from the other side appeared in her hand: "This is my name."

"Biangan flower?" Gu Changsheng looked at the flower and frowned: "How come someone calls it... Manzhu Shahua?"

In the legend of Bana Flower, the flower demon Manzhu and the leaf demon Shahua have been in love for many years, but they were punished by the Buddha and sent to hell. The flowers and leaves will never be seen again.

It's called Bianhua, and it's a woman, so it's Manzhu.

"Isn't this Bana flower beautiful?"

The woman in red placed the flower on the other side of the river in front of Gu Changsheng: "Is the scene of the flowers blooming on the Santu River the most beautiful scene in the world?"

"It's very beautiful." Gu Changsheng nodded: "Whether it is the best in the world, I don't know, but this kind of beauty is not what you should see."

"But you saw it." Manzhu said with a smile: "Whether it is the world of the sun or the underworld, when you see the beautiful scenery, you want to see it, and you want to walk into the beautiful scenery. Now, you have walked into it."

"Pindao doesn't want to go into the beautiful scenery, he just comes to take a chance." Gu Changsheng sighed.

"Why don't you want to?" Manzhu asked.

"Because when you enter the beautiful scenery, it means that outsiders look at the poor way. It becomes the meaning of the beautiful scenery. You can only appreciate the plants and trees that make up the beautiful scenery, but instead destroy the beautiful scenery."

Gu Changsheng said softly: "So, senior, let's tell Pindao how to leave."

A stream of netherworld energy spread out.

The flowers of the other shore spread from the ground, but they arrived quickly without any pause.

"It's a pity that you have already walked in." Manzhu's soft voice turned cold: "Once you come, you have to stay."

"You also have people from the three sects and sects staying?"

Gu Changsheng frowned.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay." The Qingyi Taoist said: "The outside world is complicated and full of intrigues, but it is peaceful and comfortable here. How good would it be to stay here?"

"I still have important things to do, so I won't stay."

Gu Changsheng stood up, turned into a stream of light, and rushed out.

However, he saw that in the void, the flowers of the other side were blooming all over the sky. The flowers had a pleasant fragrance. A green figure emerged from the flowers and slapped Gu Changsheng with a palm.

"The Immortal Demon King?"

Gu Changsheng's expression changed and he raised his palm to respond.

His palms separated at the first touch, and Gu Changsheng retreated, only to see the Taoist man in green approaching with a sword. The clear air flowed around him, and it turned out to be the Supreme Sword Technique.

The power of heaven is mighty, and the evil spirit is billowing.

The two masters, one behind the other, came at the same time.Gu Changsheng's expression was solemn, his palms moved together, his sword energy was like a tide, and the lines of heaven and earth gathered together.

Two figures flew out at the same time, and before Gu Changsheng could take a breath, another figure arrived, but it was a monk.

Wonderful sound!

A big seal came to suppress it, and the darkness and Buddha's light bloomed.

Seal of the Past!

The magic power in Gu Changsheng's body was pushed to the extreme, and a majestic force came out.

The Great Seal of Rebirth flew out directly, the wonderful sound shook, and a sword light penetrated the heart.

But under Gu Changsheng's shocked gaze, the wound healed quickly.

"No, they are all the cultivation of Yang Shen in the early stage, they are not the original body..."

Gu Changsheng pulled away and looked towards the inn. Unexpectedly, the inn had disappeared.

In the sea of ​​​​flowers, Manzhu, dressed in red, stepped on the flowers of the other side and ignored Gu Changsheng: "If you are a clone, then stay and be their companion."

Gu Changsheng's eyes flickered and he looked at everyone: "You are all experts, but you actually listen to her?"

There was no response, and several more figures walked out of the void. He had never seen them before, but he could sense them from their breath.

Confucian Yang God!

There was also a murderous aura that he couldn't recognize.

"You are the first one who can block the Demon Emperor and fight against them." Manzhu praised: "An incarnation can have such strength, I don't know what state your body has reached."

"It seems that you are not going to let Pindao go."

Gu Changsheng sighed softly: "I wonder how many times you can restore them?"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Changsheng's figure disappeared instantly. In an instant, he came behind Manzhu, only to see a flower from the other side appear out of thin air.

Gu Changsheng's expression changed, and the other shore flower bloomed with dazzling power, forcing him to retreat.

One by one, the monks rose into the sky and surrounded and killed them.

Gu Changsheng's heart sank, the magic power in his body changed, and the divine energy of creation came out in a mighty way.

The terrifying aura of creation overwhelmed the sky and the earth, and the people rushing towards him flew backwards at the same time. Even the immortal demon king had to avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

The body of Miao Yin, who took great care of her, even exploded, but healed in an instant without losing any breath.

"Huh? Fortune?"

Manzhu looked surprised and held a ray of creation energy in her palm: "With the pure creation energy, you can actually learn the magical power of creation."

"Senior, they are strong, but recovery will always take a while. How about letting Pindao leave and Pindao never come here again?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"Ha." Manzhu chuckled: "You are wrong. What happens to them has nothing to do with me. As for loss, how can we talk about loss of something that no longer exists?"

"Something that doesn't exist?"

Gu Changsheng's expression changed. Could it be that the clones of the Immortal Demon Emperor and his companions had ceased to exist long ago?
But if he doesn't exist, why can he fight him?
In confusion, everyone came to kill him again.

Gu Changsheng frowned and escaped directly into the void, covering his aura.


Seeing Gu Changsheng suddenly disappearing, everyone lost their focus at the same time.

Manzhu's eyes narrowed slightly: "Space magic power."

However, he saw that the body of the Immortal Demon King was filled with bright light, and countless green leaves were floating in the void.

The void was twisted, but no figure could be seen.

Gu Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this clone of the Immortal Demon King was only in the early stage of Yang Shen, so he couldn't see through his upright shadow.

Manzhu frowned, but didn't take action.

Unable to find Gu Changsheng, the Immortal Demon King also stopped and said coldly: "Can't find him, his breath is gone."

"Is there anyone left here?" Miaoyin frowned.

"Whether he can leave or not depends on opportunity." Manzhu said softly: "If he can find her, that's his business."

Everyone looked at each other, and the body slowly dissipated, leaving nothing behind.

The inn appears again, Manzhu enters the inn and disappears with the inn.

Gu Changsheng pondered for a moment and escaped into the inn.

In the inn, everything was as usual. Manzhu found a room to rest and fell into a deep sleep.

The young Taoist was resting at the counter.

Then came the rest of the group, all showing up at the inn and resting in different rooms.

Gu Changsheng came to the door of the inn and was shocked to find a silvery white light in front of the door.

I sensed the silver light before, which made my heart tremble!

He came to the window again, and it was also shrouded in silver light.

After thinking for a moment, Gu Changsheng tore off his Taoist robe and threw it towards the door.

However, they saw that as soon as the Taoist robe touched the silvery white light, it quickly turned yellow, then decayed, decomposed, and disappeared without a trace.

Gu Changsheng fell into silence. It seemed like countless hours had passed?
"If you can't get out, then the situation here cannot be transmitted to the main body." Gu Changsheng frowned and said: "If this is really the power of time, there is no way to mediate creation."

After countless time, I am afraid that only the eternal immortals can withstand the ravages of time.

"Didn't they ever think about leaving?"

Gu Changsheng thought of the Immortal Demon Emperor and others. With the Immortal Demon Emperor's temperament, he would never sit still and wait for death.

The same goes for Miaoyin and others, they are all strong men from different sects!
If you are trapped here, you will definitely find a way to get out.

Combined with what Manzhu said, it is possible that their attempt failed.

After the failure... they may no longer be normal clones, so they besieged him.

Thinking of this, Gu Changsheng's mind spread out, searching every corner of the inn, but his soul spread very hard and was blocked by a powerful force.

Gu Changsheng sighed and could only search slowly.

After searching a little bit, there was nothing unusual in the lobby of the inn, neither the windows nor the door.

Come to the rafters...

I don't know how long it had been, but Gu Changsheng had searched everywhere except their room, but couldn't find anything unusual.

He could only enter these people's rooms to search. Since taking a break, these people fell into a deep sleep and became silent.

I don't know how much time passed, but after checking each room, Gu Changsheng finally discovered something different in the Immortal Demon Emperor's room.

The silver-white light in the Immortal Demon King's room was extremely weak, as if it could be pierced with just a little force.

But Gu Changsheng knew that this thin layer was an insurmountable barrier for him!
If he could get out, the Immortal Demon King would not stay here.

He gave up trying and continued searching in Manzhu's room.

But there was nothing unusual in Manzhu's room.

Gu Changsheng's face looked ugly, could he just stay here?
He was hesitating whether to go to the Immortal Demon King's room to have a fight.

When making the decision, a stream of light came from Manzhu's room.

Gu Changsheng quickly entered her room, only to see a new face appear on the back of Manzhu's head.

The face of a handsome young man, and two mirrors appeared on the bed.

"Manzhu (Shahua), I finally see you."

Two voices sounded, full of longing, and at this moment, Gu Changsheng saw a crack in the void above the two people, endless ghostly air floating around, and the sound of the river.

Santu River!

Unfortunately, this crack was too short-lived and disappeared almost instantly. Gu Changsheng did not even react.

And Manzhu also disappeared, dressed in red, and turned into Shahua in green.

(End of this chapter)

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