I use Tiangang and Earth to prove my immortality

Chapter 126 Little bald donkey, I can’t cure you anymore.

Chapter 126 Little bald donkey, I can’t cure you anymore.
Those that are not preserved from the initial time are naturally filled with intruding creatures.

Creatures from all ages explore and are trapped inside, and only the strong remain after the survival of the fittest.

Even if he is as powerful as the Immortal Demon King, he cannot escape with just one clone.

If he hadn't escaped into the void and had a superb ability to conceal his breath, he wouldn't have been able to come out of the time fragment.

It is outrageous to be immortal and resurrected all the time.

As for being eroded by time and becoming a part of it, it can only exist inside and can never leave.

What is the difference between this situation and a life sentence?
Therefore, in comparison, the initial time danger is smaller, and the possibility of coming out alive is greater.

"The time fragment is indeed terrifying." Gu Changsheng sighed.

"Of course, there are also some time segments that are suitable for training."

The Immortal Demon Emperor said: "After I came out of the fragment of time, I left it behind and created it into a secret realm."

"Secret realm?" Gu Changsheng raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, sending clones to train and fight against many masters can hone your strength even more."

When the Immortal Demon King said this, he paused and said, "You even asked about time. It shows that you know something about the starry sky and are ready to go to the starry sky."

"Ahem, just a casual understanding." Gu Changsheng said: "Sooner or later, I will go to the starry sky and learn about it in advance."

"Then when will you set off? You don't have to wait for Yang Shen, I will be alone by your side and no one will touch you." The Immortal Demon King said proudly.

Gu Changsheng pondered: "When will the Demon Emperor have time?"

If you cultivate your own body, your avatar will be idle, and you can also wander around in the starry sky.

In the future, as the strength increases, the clone will also need to be improved. You cannot always use Taoist materials.

The higher the quality of the material, the more precious it is. If you keep taking it for nothing, even the most indifferent person will have objections.

"When will the Taoist Master go, when will I have time?" the Immortal Demon Emperor said.

"Then let's set off now." Gu Changsheng said thoughtfully: "Can Donghai inform the Demon King himself first?"

"Guhui sent a message. When you arrive at the East China Sea, Gu's body will almost arrive." The Immortal Demon Emperor said.

Gu Changsheng nodded, released his clone, and headed for the East China Sea.

Ao Xue also got the news and immediately went to Donghai to see him off.

Today, Ao Xue is the Dragon King of Daning, in charge of the entire Daning water system.

With the blessing of many resources, she has reached the Yin Shen realm and has become a top existence in the world of mortals.

People like Zhang Shouzheng, Fa Ming, Liu Qingxuan and Su Liuyun have also made great progress.

Qing Yuanzi has also reached Yinshen, and Mu Yulin is almost here too.

Hearing that he was going to the starry sky, Qing Yuanzi and Mu Yulin came, as did Su Meng, the Demon King.

Deep in the East China Sea.

In a huge submarine canyon, formation lines are densely covered, blocking the atmosphere inside.

Entering the formation, the sacred and vast dragon power filled every drop of sea water.

Ao Xue took them to the depths of the canyon.

A golden cave entrance connects to the ancestral land of the Dragon Clan.

Ao Xue led them through the golden cave entrance, which contained a series of crystal palaces.

A middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe was sitting in the palace. When he saw them arriving, he stood up to greet them: "Taoist Priest Taixuan."

"This is my Dragon Clan senior, Nine Dragons King, Ao Xuan."

Ao Xue introduced.

Gu Changsheng cupped his hands and said, "I have met Senior Ao Xuan."

"You don't have to be so polite. I only have a few more years to live. With my Taoist talent, I will be promoted to Yangshen in a short time." Ao Xuan said with a smile.

"I've seen the Nine Dragon King." The others handed over.

Ao Xuan nodded in response and said: "The Demon Emperor has already told me that he will open a passage for the Taoist Priest later. I wonder if the Priest can lend me a step to speak."

"Please." Gu Changsheng nodded and followed Ao Xuan away.

The two left the palace and walked through the long corridor to a coral forest.

A clam spirit brought tea and spiritual fruits.

"Did the Dragon King want to talk about the Immortal Demon Emperor?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"Taoist Priest Dharma Eye." The Nine Dragon King smiled bitterly, cupped his hands and said, "After Taoist Priest goes to the starry sky, can you let the Demon Emperor leave?"

"What's the point of leaving?" Gu Changsheng frowned and said, "Did Buddhism find Donghai?"

"Although Buddhism is powerful, our Donghai Dragon Clan is not afraid of him."

Ao Xuan shook his head and said: "It's the Immortal Demon Emperor, sitting in the Three Stars of the East China Sea."

"Three stars of the East China Sea?" Gu Changsheng raised his eyebrows.

"Those are the stars that I use to train disciples in the East China Sea. There are four stars in total, and they are named after numbers."

Ao Xuan sighed: "Originally, I, Donghai, didn't want to help her, but when she broke into Donghai Samsung, she could only think about the younger generations inside."

"Could it be that Donghai still can't drive her away?" Gu Changsheng frowned.

Ao Xuan said with an ugly face: "It's not like we didn't do anything. We in Donghai killed him thirteen times, all of them were clones."

Gu Changsheng: "..."

This is very much in line with the behavior of the Immortal Demon King!
"Moreover, her clone is extremely weird. After death, she turned into a dry branch. We can't catch anything from the East China Sea. Instead, she replaced several ancestors." Ao Xuan said seriously.

Gu Changsheng frowned and said, "Is there no one who has found the body of the Immortal Demon King?"

"No." Ao Xuan looked complicated: "No one knows how many clones she has. Over the years, she has been killed not a thousand times but hundreds of times, but they are all clones."

"The most irritating thing is that she makes clones, as if they won't damage the main body. Killing one will make two, killing two will make four, and the more she kills, the more."

"Besides, this still didn't make her anxious."

"What will happen if we make her anxious?" Gu Changsheng asked. He was curious about what it would be like if the Immortal Demon King became anxious.

"You don't want to see it." Ao Xuan took a deep breath: "In the past, there was a Yin-Yang family in hundreds of schools of thought, but it made her anxious. Now the Yin-Yang family is gone."

"Does she have the strength to destroy a sect?" Gu Changsheng asked in shock: "Is she so strong?"

No matter how many clones you have, they are still ants when faced with high-level experts.

"Does Taoist Taixuan know the time fragment?" Ao Xuan asked again.

"I know, the Immortal Demon Emperor and Pindao told it." Gu Changsheng said: "Did the Immortal Demon Emperor use time fragments?"

"Yes, she adopted the simplest and most expensive method. She used her clones to display her magical powers in space. She continued the relay and spent 1000 years transferring the time fragments to the starry sky ancestral land of the Yin Yang Family."

Gu Changsheng: "..."

How cruel!
If you can't defeat him, just pull the time fragments over. Only the Immortal Demon King can use 1000 years to continuously create clones to bury his enemies.

Regarding hatred, the Immortal Demon King has reached a morbid state.

No matter what, we must destroy those who have hatred!
This bitch cannot be offended!

Because I was offended, I couldn’t find the real body at all, and I couldn’t eradicate it!

"Then you discuss it with her in a nice manner, but she won't want to leave?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"She obviously plans to use the space channel for a long time. Our Dragon Clan doesn't care about this, but she lives in our Dragon Clan's territory. No dragon in our Dragon Clan can sleep peacefully."

Ao Xuan sighed bitterly: "Those juniors, no matter how big or small, are afraid of offending her one day."

Gu Changsheng thought deeply: "Pindao can only mention one thing, but whether it will succeed or not, Pindao cannot guarantee."

"It's natural. The Demon Emperor values ​​the Taoist priest very much. As long as the Taoist priest opens his mouth, it will definitely happen." Ao Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Of course, I won't let Taoist Changbai help. This Pearl of the Four Seas is what the Dragon Clan is preparing to do." A gift, congratulations to the Taoist Priest for setting foot in the starry sky." "No need to be so polite." Gu Changsheng declined.

"Taoist Master, accept it. If you don't accept it, I will not be at ease." Ao Xuan said.

"That poor Taoist would be disrespectful." Gu Changsheng stopped being polite.

If he didn't accept it, Ao Xuan would still be worried that he wouldn't persuade the Immortal Demon Emperor.

The two chatted for a few more words before leaving.

Returning to the palace, he took Su Meng with him and followed Ao Xuan to the passage.

This time Su Meng went with him, and the others came to see him off.

The void twisted, the passage appeared, and a golden light enveloped the two people.

The golden light took the two people into the sky, along the passage, and flew into the starry sky.

Gu Changsheng sighed, in comparison, his own Netherworld Passage was rubbish.

Look, the Dragon Clan Passage does not need to be flown by oneself at all, it can directly take them up.

Half a day later, they had reached the end of the passage.

A golden star, all a golden ocean. This is the holy land of the Dragon Clan and is named the Ancestral Star of the East China Sea.

In the open field, formation lines were crisscrossed.

As the passage opened, two figures appeared.

The Immortal Demon King in a green dragon robe has been waiting for a long time: "Tai Xuan."

"Demon Emperor." Gu Changsheng bowed.

"See the Demon King." Su Meng said respectfully.

"How is the handling of the demon kingdom in the human world?" asked the Immortal Demon King.

Su Mengdao: "It has been arranged, and my subordinates have passed on the throne."

"Well, from now on, follow Gu and stay in the starry sky. Gu will help you become the Yang God as soon as possible." The Immortal Demon Emperor said.

"Thank you Demon King." Su Meng said excitedly.

A middle-aged man came up, cupped his hands and said, "I, Ao Qin, the Eight Dragon Kings of the East China Sea, have met Taoist Taixuan. When the Taoist comes to our East China Sea, I will show him around the East China Sea."

"Thank you, Dragon King." Gu Changsheng said with cupped hands.

As the Eight Dragon King left, Gu Changsheng and the Immortal Demon King walked side by side, with the Eight Dragon King leading the way.

There are crystal palaces and magnificent crystal cities everywhere.

Gu Changsheng followed the Eight Dragon Kings to the Crystal City.

As soon as he entered the city, he felt the aura of Taoist disciples, as well as Confucianism and Buddhism.

"Are all the monks from all sects here?" Gu Changsheng asked in surprise.

"Of course." Ao Qin said with a smile: "Each faction has its own strengths, and each faction and tribe has its own trading market in its ancestral land to exchange what they have."

Gu Changsheng nodded. There were many shops in the city, no different from the human world.

There are also monks below Yang Shen here, and there are even Qi practitioners.

However, the shops here are all allocated according to the streets.

There are elixir streets, material streets, weapon refining streets, specialty streets of various factions, etc.

In addition to these streets, there is also a star street dedicated to trading treasures obtained from star exploration.

Ao Qin introduced as he walked: "Here, you can buy anything you want. Occasionally, valuables will appear on the Starry Sky Street, but you may also buy fakes."

“Once sold, items on Starry Sky Street cannot be returned or exchanged.

If something goes wrong with other items on the streets, you can return them or even compensate them. "

Starry sky streets are the result of exploration. If you buy fakes, you have poor eyesight.

After all, no one can guarantee that all the treasures obtained by exploring the stars will be of the best quality.

Gu Changsheng nodded and watched as he walked.

The Immortal Demon Emperor said: "I will take Su Meng with me to exchange for some cultivation resources."

"The Demon Emperor can do as he pleases." Ao Qin wished she would go further away.

Gu Changsheng looked at the stalls on the ground. They were all bartering, some needed elixirs, and some needed to exchange magic weapons.

The products on the stalls are also diverse, ranging from broken magic weapons to mineral pills.

It's just that most of the elixirs have no names, because the sellers themselves don't know what these elixirs do, and they don't dare to eat them randomly.

Usually those who buy this kind of elixir are doctors, who buy it and study it.

Gu Changsheng walked around and came to the stall of a young monk who was closing his eyes to meditate. He didn't look much at it, but the voice of the Immortal Demon Emperor came to his mind: "Take down the broken tower."

On the stall, there is a broken small tower, which has lost its upper half and has only two floors.

The small tower is covered with dense lines, and I don’t know what formation the brand is.

"Why don't you get it yourself?" Gu Changsheng sent a message back. The Immortal Demon Emperor and Su Meng had returned, but they were not close.

"I have a grudge against Buddhism, and I'm still blocking the door." The Immortal Demon Emperor said.

"Do you think Pindao has no enmity with Buddhism?" Gu Changsheng twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Why don't you let the Dragon Clan buy it?"

"Gu and the Dragon Clan also have a grudge." The Immortal Demon Emperor said.

Gu Changsheng: "..."

You are right, I am speechless.

Who do you have no grudge against?
In the entire starry sky, with one slap, there is probably no one except Pindao who is not your enemy.

However, the Immortal Demon King has lived for so long and has experienced extraordinary things. This small tower should be a valuable treasure.

He glanced at the small tower and marked the price. He only needed one top Yin Shen magic weapon.

However, he did not ask for the small tower directly. Instead, he looked next to the small tower and saw a bottle of unnamed elixir, which also required a magic weapon.

Gu Changsheng knelt down and said, "What Yin Shen magic weapon is needed for this bottle of elixir? A bowl or a magic wand?"

"Amitabha." The young monk clasped his hands together, opened his eyes, and his pupils suddenly shrank: "Taoist Master Taixuan?"

"No, Pindao, you admitted your mistake." Gu Changsheng quickly denied.

A little monk in the starry sky, does he know Pindao?
Is Pindao's reputation so great?
However, the young monk sneered and said: "The poor monk has already remembered your portrait of the devil. Even if you turn into ashes, the poor monk will still recognize you!"

Gu Changsheng's face darkened: "I am a poor man who came to do business, do you want to sell it?"

"No selling!" The young monk snorted coldly: "Not only poor monks, but also all Buddhist disciples will not sell anything to you!"

"Why not sell it to poor Taoists?" Gu Changsheng said coldly: "Is this how you practice Buddhism?"

"Hmph, you are a demon, causing trouble in the world, and even allowing the Immortal Demon King to block the ancestral land. The Buddha would have been furious. If he hadn't given the Taoist sect face, he would have helped the Taoist sect clean up the door!" the young monk said through gritted teeth.

Gu Changsheng's expression was ugly: "What does the Immortal Demon Emperor blocking the door have to do with Pindao? Can Pindao order the Immortal Demon Emperor? What a big joke!"

The young monk's face turned red and full of anger: "Demon Dao, leave quickly and don't disturb the poor monk's business."

Ao Qin on the side coughed slightly and said: "Don't bring the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism to the dragon city."

Gu Changsheng stood up and said: "I will not embarrass the Dragon King, nor will I argue with a little Yin God."

With that said, he turned around and left, and the Dragon King quickly followed.

After leaving, Gu Changsheng looked angry and angry: "Dragon King, help Pindao buy all the things. Pindao will set up a stall in front of him afterwards. Little bald donkey, Pindao can't cure you."

Ao Qin: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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