I use Tiangang and Earth to prove my immortality

Chapter 15: 8th level of Qi training, Qingfeng Taoist gives spells

Chapter 15: Eighth level of Qi training, Qingfeng Taoist gives spells
Evergreen View backyard.

There is no need to sit in the main hall for consultation, so Gu Changsheng can take care of Qinglian in the backyard and discuss medical skills with Zhang Babai.

Although Zhang Babai's medical skills are not as good as his, the valuable experience he has experienced in his life is not as good as Gu Changsheng's.

After this discussion, Gu Changsheng also gained a lot and benefited a lot.

In particular, Zhang Babai read more medical books than Gu Changsheng brought back.

The quality of these medical books is not very good, but the advantage lies in their large quantity.

Gu Changsheng continued to absorb Zhang Babai's medical knowledge and read medical books.

Of course, there is no delay in practicing. The two skills are improving rapidly every day.

The improvement rate of mediation is not slow either, with 37 points every day.

Occasionally, he would take Zhang Babai to the main hall to treat illnesses.

While discussing medical skills and practicing, he also did not forget to study medicine to prevent bloodthirsty insects and blood lotus.

Bloodthirsty insects and blood lotuses both devour the essence of living things to strengthen themselves.

Based on the previously prescribed medicine, Gu Changsheng wanted to find a medicine that could be taken in advance and would not be parasitized by bloodthirsty insects and blood lotus.

He has antidotes, but once these antidotes are taken, without the bloodthirsty worms and blood lotus, it will also cause harm to the body.

I have researched several times but cannot solve this problem.

Except, add the air of creation!

The energy of creation can balance the properties of the medicine, moisturize the body, and neutralize the harm of the antidote, allowing the antidote to remain in the body for about half a month.

In other words, once you take it, you don't have to worry about the harm of bloodthirsty insects and blood lotus within half a month.

But the aura of creation cannot be explained!

He wanted the Hundred Yuan Pill, but the Demon Suppressing Palace in Sifang City didn't have it, and Changqing Temple couldn't get it either.

The Hundred Yuan Pill is a pill from the Foundation Establishment Sutra. The Blood Sea Demon Sect in the west is active, so I don’t even have enough for myself, let alone distribute it to Sifang City.

In the end, Gu Changsheng could only prepare some with the energy of creation.

For self-defense, senior brother!

As for how it was made?

How can a miraculous doctor reveal his unique methods to others easily?

Let’s wait until we get the Hundred Yuan Pill in the future, or our medical skills become higher and the prescriptions can be improved.

Gu Changsheng asked Elder Changyun for a bunch of medicinal materials, which were given by the Demon Suppressing Palace anyway.

He prepared eleven bottles of elixirs and named them Qingyuan Dan, which was named after Changqing Temple and Baiyuan Dan.

He gave nine bottles to the Demon Suppressing Hall and two bottles to Taoist Qingfeng.

What surprised him was that using the mediation of good fortune to prepare elixirs, and the mediation of good fortune and medical skills, he gained some experience.

"This Qingyuan Pill is miraculous. It is dedicated to medical skills and spiritual power. I'm afraid it can't compare to the Hundred Yuan Pill." Zhang Babai's beard was trembling with excitement.

Gu Changsheng sighed slightly and said: "It's no comparison. The Hundred Yuan Pill is a foundation-building medicinal material. This Qing Yuan Pill can only kill bloodthirsty insects and blood lotus that have not yet matured."

"Preventing the Blood Sea Demon Sect's demon method from the very beginning is far better than the Hundred Yuan Pill." Zhang Babai said.

Gu Changsheng shook his head: "It is difficult to prepare the Qingyuan Pill. Pindao can only prepare eleven bottles in a month. No more will be enough."

"The Taoist master's medical skills are already very high. If the evil spell is easy to break, it will not cause a headache to the Demon Suppression Hall." Zhang Babai chuckled.

He didn't ask specifically about the prescription, knowing that Gu Changsheng wouldn't tell, and it was impossible to ask for a miracle doctor's unique prescription.

This is a way to settle down and live!
Gu Changsheng didn't say much and continued to discuss medical skills with Zhang Babai.


One month later.Gu Changsheng was successfully promoted to the eighth level of Qi training and the eighth level of mediation.

However, the biggest improvement is the Gengjin Sword Art, which has reached the seventh level of Qi training!
Gu Changsheng

Realm: Eighth level of Qi training



Master the five thunders [lv6/lv6: 301/1000]

Spells: none
Original Creation: 0
The Gengjin Sword Technique has been upgraded to the seventh level of Qi training, and the speed of cultivation has slowed down. Even with the addition of cultivation insights, there are only 22 experience points a day.

The cultivation speed of Wind and Rain Sword Technique has also slowed down, and coupled with the original creation, there are only 24 experience points in one day.

The eighth-level mediation of creation also strengthens the previous training effect, and the original creation energy is still four points.

On the other hand, he mastered the Five Thunders. As his two sword arts improved, his experience points also increased, and he could get ten experience points a day.

He doesn't care even if the Upright Shadowless Cultivation is the slowest. There is no better way to hide and he can't increase his limit.

The sixth level of upright shadowlessness is enough for him for the time being.

Neither Temple Master Changqing nor Elder Changyun could see his true cultivation, nor could the Master of the Demon Suppressing Hall.

Gu Changsheng can still enjoy the experience in the backyard of the Taoist temple with peace of mind.

It is worth mentioning that through the mediation and nourishment of nature, the green lotus has matured in advance, and new green lotus can be planted.

With the arrival of a new month, Zhang Babai's medical skills have improved greatly and he has returned to the Demon Suppression Hall.

Of course, the Demon Suppressing Palace would not let Gu Changsheng have such a free time, and sent a new doctor over.

After finally finding a miracle doctor to worship him, it was natural to upgrade all his doctors.

Gu Changsheng didn't care. Anyway, these doctors couldn't practice his magical medical skills, let alone learn to mediate.

Take care of the medicine field in the backyard as usual and nourish the elixirs.

Until evening, a call came: "Junior Brother Qingxin."

"Senior Brother Qingfeng." Taoist Qingfeng came to the backyard and bowed deeply: "Thank you so much for the Qingyuan Pill, brother, so that I can come back safely."

"Senior brother, don't be too polite. The Blood Sea Demon Sect is here again?" Gu Changsheng quickly returned the courtesy and asked.

Taoist Qingfeng's face looked terrible: "There is a big problem in the west. The Blood Sea Demon Sect sacrificed tens of thousands of lives and destroyed the whole city, including the Demon Suppression Hall. No one survived."

"What?" Gu Changsheng was shocked and said in horror: "Are they so crazy?"

"More than just madness? They sent people to our Sifang City, fearing that they want to attack our Sifang City."

Qingfeng Taoist said solemnly: "Now Daqian has sent a large army to suppress it, and even invited some Taoist temples and cultivation forces in the west."

"Are there many demons coming to our Sifang City?" Gu Changsheng looked worried.

"Not much for the time being. Our Sifang City is located in a remote location and is weak. It should not focus on us." Taoist Qingfeng said.

"That's okay." Gu Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief: "What happened to senior brother this time?"

Although he really wanted to destroy the Blood Sea Demon Sect, it would affect his experience of quiet liver magical powers.

But his strength is too weak. Even the creatures in the entire city can't stop him. The Demon Suppression Hall is gone. As a Qi-training realm monk, it's useless for him to go up there.

“Because of the problems in the west, the Blood Sea Demon Sect has made people panic, and many people have been displaced and have no choice but to flee.

When Brother Wei was settling the refugees, he discovered a demon from the Blood Sea Demon Sect hiding among the refugees. "

Qingfeng Taoist said: "Fortunately, with the Qingyuan Pill protecting me, I successfully killed the monster."

"Senior brother, it'll be fine if nothing happens." Gu Changsheng nodded slightly.

A smile suddenly appeared on Taoist Qingfeng's face, and he said with a full smile: "Guess what I brought back for you, brother?"

"Could it be that it's a medical book?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"No." Taoist Qingfeng shook his head: "But it is related to it, let's guess again."

"Senior brother, please stop playing riddles. Is it because of magic?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"Ha, junior brother is really smart." Taoist Qingfeng laughed and took out a piece of paper: "Just take a look and see if you like it."

Gu Changsheng took the paper and was extremely surprised: "Brother, where did you get it?"

(End of this chapter)

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