I use Tiangang and Earth to prove my immortality

Chapter 29: Poison does not invade, a drop of blood detoxifies!

Chapter 29: Invulnerable to all poisons, a drop of blood can cure all poisons!
Gu Changsheng's cultivation is not slow to improve, even if it is just a revealed cultivation.

Maybe it's because his medical skills are so good that his cultivation seems too weak.

After all, although his cultivation level is at the Qi Training Realm, his medical skills have reached the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Now Sifang City is in dire straits, and the people, businessmen, and families are all developing again.

Changqing Temple is deserted, with no pilgrims.

After Gu Changsheng finished his work, he went to clean the Taoist temple to prevent it from getting dusty.

With wind attribute essence, it is still very easy to clean the dust.

Occasionally, Li Qingyu would go up the mountain. If he didn't have time, he would send people up the mountain to burn incense and inform Gu Changsheng about things in the city.

The people have begun to grow food, and Li Qingyu also transported the food in exchange for some money.

After the blood sea demon sect made such a fuss, all the surrounding cities were short of food.

Li Qingyu was guarding the Li family in the city, while Li Fugui was running around outside.

Because of this evil disaster, they received a lot of good things and made a small fortune.

If you want to make a fortune, it's not the turn of businessmen like them who don't have a big background.

The road to the county town was opened. As the evil disasters in each city were resolved, the merchants in each city and those cities that did not encounter the evil disasters all began to operate.

The evil disaster caused a lot of losses and left a mess on the ground, but these messy places were also full of business opportunities.

Food, as well as other daily necessities and medicinal materials, all need to be replenished.

In the disaster, although they lost their money, some of the items they retained could still be sold.

The Blood Sea Demon Sect has killed so many people. After the Demon Suppression Hall has compiled statistics, those unowned assets are the foundation for the city's vitality.

There are also monks from the Demon Suppression Hall who are also helping to grow food and elixirs.

Sifang City is booming, and Gu Changsheng occasionally asks the Li family if there is any news about the Taoist people of Changqing Temple.

Li Qingyu sent a message that after Changqing Temple Master solved the road to the county town, he united with many demon-suppressing halls and some cultivation forces to divert to other cities.

There is no way to come back in a short time.

Gu Changsheng could only burn incense and pray for his master and senior brothers, hoping that Dao Ancestor would bless them and allow them to return safely.

The eleventh level of mediation has a strong birth-promoting effect. The Qinglian has matured and been replaced by a new Qinglian.

He also obtained the seeds of the Qi-Refining Realm elixir from Elder Changyun and planted the Qi-Refining Realm elixir.

Unfortunately, these Qi Realm elixirs cannot provide him with experience points.

January has passed.

Gu Changsheng's medical skills increased rapidly, and Ye Xiao's medical books helped him a lot, making up for his shortcomings in the field of poisons.

It has to be said that Ye Xiao is very knowledgeable about poisons, and his knowledge of poisons far exceeds his knowledge of elixirs.

If he hadn't perfected his medical skills, he wouldn't have been able to cure the night owl's poison.

This Night Owl is indeed dishonest. Half of the medical books he gave him are wrong, and the corresponding antidote is naturally fake.

The other half also has some problems. It's not fake, it can only be said that it's not comprehensive.

Half truth and half lie, this devil will want to trick them until his death.

Fortunately, this is not a problem for Gu Changsheng. He has sorted out most of it. In a few days, he will complete it and send it to the Demon Suppression Hall.

As a result, the medical skill has been transformed to level [-], and the experience value from level [-] has also increased by more than half.

And because of this poison medicine book, his mediation ability has been raised to the limit, and he can practice it to the twelfth level.

Poison, when used well, is also a blessing!

His cultivation also progressed further, and he was promoted to the middle stage of foundation building with the Wind and Rain Sword Technique.

The improvement of the Qiankun Breath Condensing Technique is relatively slow. It has not been completed in a month, but it has promoted Zhengli Wuying to the eighth level.

Gu Changsheng's realm: middle stage of foundation building

Talent: Tiangang Earth Evil Dao Fruit




Spell: Qiankun Breath Condensation Technique [lv1/lv4: 276/300]

Original Creation: 0
As he advanced to the middle stage of foundation building, the experience points of the Wind and Rain Sword Jue became even less, and the Qi Training Pill was completely useless, and the power of the medicine was not as good as his own practice.

There are no elixirs, no original creation, and only two experience points every day. If you practice the Wind and Rain Sword Art with all your heart, you can get three points.

But he obviously couldn't practice the Wind and Rain Sword Art with all his heart. He also wanted to practice the Gengjin Sword Art, improve his medical skills, practice swordsmanship, etc.

He plans to start shifting his focus to Gengjin Sword Jue and work together.

Maintaining a balance between the two methods can maximize the power of mediating creation.

Because Fengyu Sword Jue was promoted to the middle stage of foundation establishment, his swordsmanship experience also increased dramatically. When Gengjin Sword Jue was promoted to the middle stage of foundation establishment, his swordsmanship should be improved to the twelfth level.

Although the experience value of summoning wind and rain has not increased dramatically, the improvement of Wind and Rain Sword Technique can allow the cultivation of summoning wind and rain to reach the eleventh level.

However, what surprised him was the changes in medical skills brought about by Ye Xiao's medical book.

[Medical skills: lv12: In the late stage of foundation building, you can understand the properties of medicines, understand the pathology, clear away evil spirits and eliminate demons, make elixirs to cure diseases, be immune to all poisons, and detoxify all poisons with a drop of blood! 】

Hundreds of poisons do not invade!

In the later stage of foundation building and below, you can be immune to any poison, including blood lotus and yin flower.

Even the top foundation-building poison will have a greatly reduced effect on him.

However, that drop of blood can detoxify hundreds of poisons, which can be regarded as a good magical effect. Of course, he cannot release his own blood to save others unless necessary.

"Old Taoist Changyun, worship with a pure heart."

The voice of the palace master Mu Chenfeng came. He did not enter the backyard, but just shouted outside the door.

Elder Changyun walked out, and Gu Changsheng also left the backyard, bowing and saying, "I've met the palace master."

"The master of the palace is busy with affairs. Did you get a reward for coming this time?" Elder Changyun asked.

Mu Chenfeng nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, the rewards this time will be distributed uniformly by the Demon Suppressing Palace in the county. Our Sifang City is well-known in Fengtian County, and Changqing Temple is also famous."

"Hey, if it weren't for the devil's disaster, Changqing Temple wouldn't want to have this name."

Elder Changyun sighed.

Mu Chenfeng's expression darkened and he sighed: "The evil disaster came suddenly. This is something that no one expected. We are sorry for the master of the temple..."

"Ahem." Elder Changyun coughed lightly and said, "Let's talk about the reward."

Mu Chenfeng glanced at Gu Changsheng who was standing aside, and said quickly: "Yes, let's talk about the reward."

Gu Changsheng frowned, wondering in his heart. Being famous, shouldn't it be a good thing for Changqingguan?
Why are you sorry for the viewer?
Elder Changyun's cough just now was obviously caused by Mu Chenfeng's spill.

"In the main hall of Fengtian County's Demon Suppression Hall, Governor Zhang Xuanling has given credit for Sifang City's efforts in resisting demon disasters. He has captured the demon Night Owl, worshiped him with a pure heart at Changqing Temple, and researched the antidote. His merits are immeasurable."

Mu Chenfeng smiled and said: "I have given you the top-level foundation-building treasure armor, a top-level foundation-building magic sword, and thirty bottles of true essence pills. They have been placed in the main hall outside."

"Thank you, Master." Gu Changsheng bowed.

"Okay, take your things and go back to the backyard." Elder Changyun said: "Master of the Hall, please come inside."

"Yes, disciple, please leave." Gu Changsheng took the things and turned to leave.

He didn't rush to check, but just put it in the backyard, gathered his breath, and quietly came to Elder Changyun's meditation room.

He wanted to know what Elder Changyun and Mu Chenfeng were hiding and how they could offend the temple master.

(End of this chapter)

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