I use Tiangang and Earth to prove my immortality

Chapter 32 A trace of blood is difficult to cure

Chapter 32 A trace of blood is difficult to cure
Demon Suppression Hall, backyard.

The window was ajar, and a pink and white arm stuck out.

Gu Changsheng stood outside the window, diagnosing his pulse. There was a window between him. He was also wearing Demon Suppressing Palace clothes, so his identity would not be revealed.

[Blood gas entering the body will damage the five internal organs and affect the mind. You can use the top-grade Five Elements elixir to slowly regulate the five internal organs. The above-grade Jingxin Pill can suppress the blood gas and stick to the mind. It can suppress March, or use mediation to replace it. 】

Gu Changsheng withdrew his hand and said in a low voice, "Please, Master, please talk to me."

With that said, turn around and leave.

"Sir, can't it be cured?" A cold voice sounded from inside the house.

Gu Changsheng didn't answer and left quickly.

He was thinking about the blood in the other person's body.

With his artistic attainments and foundation-building realm, most injuries can be easily treated.

Even if it involves top-level foundation-building elixirs, he can find treatment methods from the elixir scriptures and medicine books.

But in his mind, he searched through the medicine books and alchemy scriptures, but there was no way to completely cure him.

It can only be suppressed!

Now, Sifang City has only just recovered, and it is unknown whether the elixir will be available.

Whether to use elixir to treat this person depends on Mu Chenfeng's intention.

If he directly prescribed the prescription and Mu Chenfeng was unwilling to give it, wouldn't he have done something bad?

Although this person's status was noble, he didn't know how noble he was.

Mu Chenfeng had arrived at the small courtyard, sat in the courtyard, and asked, "Qingxin, can't you even cure me?"

"It can't be cured and can only be suppressed, but the elixir consumed is probably something the Demon Suppression Palace cannot afford."

Gu Changsheng said: "This is also the reason why Xiaodao wants to discuss with the palace master."

"Tell me about it," Mu Chenfeng said.

"There are two kinds of treatments in the small way. This person's blood and gas have entered the body, all the five internal organs have been damaged, and the mind and body are cholera. The first one is to use the foundation-building high-grade elixir to regulate the five internal organs, and the high-grade Jingxin Pill to suppress the blood and Qi."

Gu Changsheng said: "Three months of recuperation is gentle and stable. It can suppress injuries and repair the five internal organs, but it cannot eradicate the blood energy. Only by removing the blood energy can it be done."

"Unexpectedly, she was actually eroded by blood energy."

Mu Chenfeng's face became heavy.

"The evil disaster in Sifang City has long been lifted. Where did this noble man come from? Why is he stained with blood?" Gu Changsheng asked doubtfully.

"Coming from the border." Mu Chenfeng said solemnly.

"Border?" Gu Changsheng was shocked and said, "But that sealed Blood Demon? This nobleman was injured in the battle with the Blood Demon?"

"You really praise her." Mu Chenfeng said with a bitter smile: "She only went to the border to kill those demons and fish in troubled waters. However, the blood demon attacked the seal and the blood leaked. She was unlucky and got a trace of it. .”

Gu Changsheng looked at Mu Chenfeng in shock and lost his voice: "It's just a wisp of blood that leaked out? What is the realm of that blood demon?"

"The unattainable realm."

Mu Chenfeng sighed: "Tell me about the second kind."

"The second treatment is a combination of Five Elements elixirs, a large dose, Xiaodao can stimulate her body's potential, and she will be worry-free within three months.

As long as within three months, you can find an expert to remove the blood and recuperate for another three to five years, you can be cured. "

Gu Changsheng said.

This is a strong medicine. Although it is harmful to the body, it uses less elixir and puts less burden on the Demon Suppression Palace.

Mu Chenfeng frowned and said, "Tell me in detail, these two treatments have their drawbacks."

"Both treatments require an expert to remove the blood energy. The first method is a heavy burden on the Demon Suppressing Palace. After three months, you can be cured by simply removing the blood energy.

The second type is the loss of her own potential. Even if the vitality is removed, it will still take three to five years to recuperate. Gu Changsheng said: "No matter which way, Xiaodao can only suppress Yue Yue." "

Three months later, unless he has another breakthrough in his medical skills and mediating with creation, he will have no choice but to mediate with creation to hold his breath.

This blood energy is too terrifying and cannot be relieved by him at all.

"The first type." Mu Chenfeng said with great pain. This was the elixir that he had just been given and was reluctant to use.

But in order to treat this noble man's illness, he had to use it no matter how painful his body was.

"It seems that this person's status is really noble and worthy of the palace master's fortune." Gu Changsheng said.

"Hey, I'm going to trouble you again." Mu Chenfeng didn't want to say more and said, "In recent times, many monks will come back from the border, and most of them are injured."

"It seems that the most restless people are in the Demonic Palace of Qi Zhen." Gu Changsheng sighed softly.

"You are a worshiper of my Demon Suppressing Palace, so you should be of some help."

Mu Chenfeng smiled lightly and said, "Besides, many people come here because of your reputation."

"Aiming at the trail?" Gu Changsheng was stunned.

"The miracle doctor who can detoxify the Blood Sea Demon Sect, they naturally want to come and ask for your diagnosis and treatment." Mu Chenfeng said: "From the border to the county town, Sifang City is not a must-go place, but it will not waste too much time to divert. More time.”

"No wonder you are so active and go to meet the trail halfway. It turns out you are waiting here." Gu Changsheng understood.

Mu Chenfeng wished he could come to the Demon Suppression Hall to treat these people's illnesses and injuries.

Gu Changsheng was not angry either. These were demon slayers, and they were all on the same journey as the senior brothers from Changqing Temple.

"Thank you very much." Mu Chenfeng bowed and said, "The master of this palace will report your contribution. You can also keep the Five Elements elixir and every bit of it. It will also be useful to you."

"Palace Master, you should hurry up and contact the experts. After three months, there will be nothing you can do." Gu Changsheng said.

Mu Chenfeng nodded, stood up and left.

Not long after, someone brought the elixir. He did not need to refine the Jingxin Pill. The headquarters of the Demon Suppressing Hall gave some.

Gu Changsheng began to boil the medicine. These elixirs really did not require any scraps, so he did not waste them and left them to prepare the medicinal soup for his own cultivation.

He was worried about the slow improvement of Gengjin Sword Technique. Now with these little things, the experience value can be increased faster.

Of course, the experience value of the Wind and Rain Sword Art can also be increased.

An hour later, the soup was boiled and asked to be delivered by Zhang Babai.

【Medical Skill +100】

The experience value has increased a lot. Gu Changsheng sighed slightly. Now he still needs to practice in order to quickly upgrade his medical skills to level thirteen.

The job in the Demon Suppressing Hall is not bad, just brush up your medical skills here.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Babai came back, and Gu Changsheng was still making medicinal soup, which was used for his cultivation.

"My little master is really amazing. After taking the medicinal decoction, your complexion is rosy and you can already perform your kung fu normally, just like ordinary people." Zhang Babai said in surprise.

"It's better to exercise less, just suppress it. If the exercise is too intense, it may aggravate the injury." Gu Changsheng frowned.

He didn't want to use his good offices to give this man a sigh of relief when the time came.

Zhang Babai smiled and said: "Don't worry, little master. I have already told you that the noble man will stay here for three months, but I will trouble you."

"Isn't she going to find an expert?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"The matter at the border is almost over. The master will come back then, and the noble man will be waiting here." Zhang Babai explained.

Gu Changsheng nodded and said: "Come here, I will teach you how to make medicine. If you are not busy, you can make medicine for the noble man."

"Yes, thank you very much, little master." Zhang Babai said respectfully. This was also to teach him his treatment methods and improve his medical skills, so he certainly wanted to thank him.

(End of this chapter)

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