I use Tiangang and Earth to prove my immortality

Chapter 50 Taishang Sutra of Conquering Demons

Chapter 50 Taishang Sutra of Conquering Demons


In Changqing Courtyard, Gu Changsheng searched the entire pond, but found nothing.

There is a mud pit, which is different from the surrounding mud and has been turned over.

"It seems that someone took the first step and took away the things. Could it be Elder Changyun?"

Gu Changsheng thought.

Perhaps Elder Changyun also wanted to leave something for the Su family and took it away in advance.

He didn't think much about it. The income he got this time was already very rich and he should be satisfied.

After leaving Changqing Temple, Gu Changsheng didn't know where to go for a while, so he simply stayed away and found a place nearby to practice cultivation.

Let’s digest this harvest first.

Behind Baiyun Mountain, there are dense forests and mountains as far as the eye can see. It is really easy to hide someone.

Gu Changsheng entered the mountains and forests, looking for a place to retreat.

After taking out the Bodhi seed and holding it in my hand, my mind became much clearer and my thinking became more active.

The teachings taught by the master of Changqing Temple are also slowly accepted.

He also glanced at the Wanling Skin. It was a magical weapon from the Demonic Soul Refining Sect. It had no offensive power, but it could change people's appearance.

Ten Thousand Spirits Skin, as the name suggests, is made from the skins of all living beings.

This Ten Thousand Spirit Skin was not successfully refined and was severely damaged. Now there are only nearly a hundred faces left, most of which are demons.

The other half, and the other half, have female faces.

Temple Master Changqing used these Ten Thousand Spirit Skins to change his appearance. He had used more than a dozen of them, which Gu Changsheng could no longer use for the time being.

All in all, there are only five faces he can use.

Taoist Xuanming also left a piece of skin for the other disciples so that they could change their appearance. If they were close, Gu Changsheng could sense it with this Ten Thousand Spirit Skin. After all, they all came from his Ten Thousand Spirit Skin.

This genius of the Soul Refining Sect is also a classy person with a handsome face.

"The devil's methods are really cruel. They even stripped off the skin of living creatures and refined them into magic weapons."

Gu Changsheng once again realized the cruelty of the world of immortality.

For a magic weapon, tens of thousands of people can be killed!
Gu Changsheng looked at these two treasures and thought about what Taoist Xuanming must have known in the Snow Mountain back then.

Otherwise, these two treasures would not fall into his hands.

These two items are commonly used by Xuan Ming, so they carry them with him.

The things that were taken away from the bottom of the pond should also be related to the genius of that year.

Unfortunately, Taoist Xuanming did not tell him and did not allow him to go to the Snow Mountain.

With a slight sigh, Gu Changsheng accepted the method.

Taishang Sutra of Conquering Demons, cultivating pure Qi.

According to legend, at the beginning of the creation, the pure air rose to become the sky, and the turbid air sank to become the earth.

Pure Qi is the heaven and contains all things. Taiqing Patriarch pioneered the method of Qing Qi cultivation and created two methods, Taishang Wangqinglu and Taishang Sutra of Conquering Demons.

Taishang's Sutra of Conquering Demons also contains other methods. Master Changqing Guan uses the Sutra of Conquering Demons to include the three sword techniques of Changqing Guan, which gathers the power of wind and rain, Gengjin, and Nine Yangs.

The Three Thousand Demon-Subduing Sword Techniques are the magical sword techniques that Master obtained at the Taishang Demon-Subduing Cliff.

Cultivating the righteousness of heaven and earth is called Haoran Qi by Confucians.

Righteous Qi is derived from heaven and earth, just like the Buddha Qi of the Buddhas. It is not weak and pure, and can also accommodate other attributes.

The two top Dharma schools, even if Xuan Ming had Bodhisattva, could not be integrated.

In addition to these two magic techniques, there are also wind and rain magic and thunder magic, wind and thunder, Gengjin thunder, pure Yang thunder...

"First go into seclusion, practice the Supreme Demon-Conquering Sutra and the Three Thousand Demon-Conquering Sword Techniques, and then understand the spells."

Gu Changsheng thought to himself.

He didn't plan to read the next volume of the medicine book for the time being because the information was too huge and he couldn't digest it in a while.

Gu Changsheng held the Bodhi seed in his hand, and his master's cultivation insights came to mind.

In just a moment, Gu Changsheng's mind sank into heaven and earth.

He felt the clear air, the endless clear air between heaven and earth, which contained the power of wind, rain, Geng Metal, and Nine Yangs.

A trace of pure Qi sank into the body, turning into the Supreme Demon-Suppressing Qi.The true energy in the body has not dispelled this true energy, but has a kind of intimacy and dependence.

Gu Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief and settled down to practice.

After one day of practice, he began to practice the Three Thousand Demon-Conquering Sword Technique and felt the righteousness of heaven and earth.

Upright, upright, and upright!
The pure Qi of the Supreme Being focuses on tolerance. It is as vast as the sky and can accommodate thousands.

The righteousness of heaven and earth is completely different. It is a kind of fair judgment that is superior to all spirits.

Gu Changsheng had the blessing of Bodhisattva, so he practiced very quickly, and his experience value increased almost geometrically.

It's a pity that there is no corresponding elixir, otherwise he could practice faster.

As Gu Changsheng practiced two methods, these two methods were also integrated into various magical powers.

Mediating good fortune also adds to the good fortune of heaven and earth, and the good fortune of righteousness!

And his true energy capacity is also increasing, and his purity level is far superior to the previous two sword arts.

At this moment, he realized what the top method was.

[Tai Shang Demon Sutra +50, +40, +40...]

[Three Thousand Demon Sword Techniques +40, +30, +40, +40]

Under the Bodhisattva, after entering samadhi, Gu Changsheng was immersed in the world, and his experience value was also rising rapidly, but he couldn't notice it.


After Gu Changsheng left, Master Changqing went to see his eldest disciple, Taoist Qingping.

I don't know what happened, only Liu Qingxuan knew, and sent Taoist Qingping away overnight.

The Su family also sent people to pick up Su Liuyun and the other two.

Some of the remaining disciples of Changqing Temple joined the Demon Suppressing Hall, while others left Sifang City and went their separate ways.

No one knows the whereabouts of these disciples, and the Demon Suppressing Palace has also sealed the file. The confidentiality level of this file is even stricter.

The Demon Palace in Sifang Town also erased the records about these disciples, as if they had never appeared.

The major forces did not give up, even the Demon Suppressing Palace, they still held on to their thoughts.

Half a month later, the major forces dispatched Master Jin Dan.

Now, the real battle begins.

Zhang Xuanling from the county town came and took charge of Sifang City.

Another half month passed. Master Changqing Temple and Elder Changyun returned to Evergreen Temple, and all the major forces gathered in Baiyun Mountain.

Under the gaze of nearly a thousand monks, the temple master and the elders transformed into Taoism, and their bodies turned into crystal light spots, returning to heaven and earth.

After they transformed into Taoism, they left behind two jade bones with mysterious lines on them.

The major forces competed frantically, and Zhang Xuanling, the governor, could not suppress him.

A chaotic fight broke out in Changqing Temple, the Taoist temple was shattered, and Baiyun Mountain was cracked.

This is still the reason why they are all fighting at high altitude, it is just the aftermath.

If they fight on the mountain, they will probably level Baiyun Mountain.

This battle was fought in darkness, with no light from the sun or the moon, and it was extremely tragic.

Zhang Xuanling was seriously injured. Even if he was stronger than him, half of his body was broken. Fortunately, his cultivation was so advanced that his life was not affected.

Dozens of Jindan masters have died, and hundreds of foundation-building monks have died.

Of the two jade bones, one was captured by Zhang Xuanling.

As for the other jade bone, it disappeared out of thin air and its whereabouts are unknown. No one knows who took it away.

Zhang Xuanling did not stay, dragging his body back to the county town.

The major forces also left, leaving a mess on the ground.

This battle was much more tragic than the original disaster.

Liu Qingxuan also left, Mu Chenfeng was promoted, and the new master of the Demon Suppressing Hall was taken over by someone from below.

And no one in Sifang City was seen again. The former disciples of Changqing Temple seemed to have disappeared from the world.

(End of this chapter)

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