I use Tiangang and Earth to prove my immortality

Chapter 93 Wangtian 3rd Cultivation, East China Sea Dragon Palace Order

Chapter 93 The Three Cultivations of Looking at the Sky, the Order of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea
Gu Changsheng did not go directly to Wangtian Peak, but went to the vicinity of the Demon Suppression Hall.

The mind unites with the heaven and the earth, and senses the Demon Suppressing Palace.

In the Demon Suppressing Hall, Prince Fengtian had just sent away the envoy from Beimang and was roaring incompetently in the room.

After paying so much, he was tricked by Emperor Daqian.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth swarmed in and condensed into the appearance of Gu Changsheng.

"Your Majesty, I'm here." Gu Changsheng said calmly.

Prince Fengtian calmed down and said, "Let the Taoist Master laugh."

"Prince, let's talk about the promise to Pindao." Gu Changsheng said.

Prince Fengtian sighed softly and said, "Gu Qingfeng followed an expert to the imperial capital. I don't know whether he is in the imperial capital now."

"Huh?" Gu Changsheng frowned.

"I did not lie to you. Qing Yuanzi also knows that master, who likes to travel."

The Prince of Fengtian County said: "You can go to Qing Yuanzi to find out whether the man who left Juntian City took a young Taoist with him."

"Pindao will go." Gu Changsheng said calmly.

"The second condition is an ordinary identity."

Prince Fengtian said: "The things have been sent to the mortal wine shop. There are five identities in it, including mortals, monks, and officials. You can use them as you like."

"Did he die on the road?" Gu Changsheng frowned.

"Don't worry, it's not my fault."

Prince Fengtian said coldly: "I will not take action against the people. The world is now in chaos, bandits are rampant, and people are dying every day."

"Thank you so much, Prince." Gu Changsheng thanked him.

With his current cultivation level, although there is no way to change, he can still do it by simply changing his appearance.

Coupled with the upright shadowless masking and simulation, no one can detect it.

"I asked a few criminals to do this. After their identities were sorted out, they silenced them.

I promise that no one knows who those five identities are, including me. "

The king of Fengtian County said.

"Thank you, Prince." Gu Changsheng was very satisfied.

"It's me, Xie You, who is responsible. This time, my information was wrong, and I made you face a veteran evil spirit." Prince Fengtian sincerely apologized: "What compensation do you need, I will fully compensate you."

"No need, we are clear between you and me." After Gu Changsheng finished speaking, he was about to leave.

"Wait a minute."

Prince Fengtian said: "Taoist Priest, don't you have anything to say?"

"What do you want to say? What?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"With the general trend of the world, the Taoist priest has amazing magical powers. If he is willing to join forces with me, he will definitely be able to help us in a few decades."

Prince Fengtian invited: "When the time comes, I will definitely report to the Holy Master and confer the title of Daqian Imperial Master."

Gu Changsheng smiled and looked at Prince Fengtian with piercing eyes: "My lord, I have to admit that you are talented and resourceful, but you should also admit your stupidity."

Prince Fengtian looked ugly, knowing what he meant: "I will compensate you from other places, as long as I have it."

"You don't, you don't have anything." Gu Changsheng shook his head and said: "The old emperor made you lose everything with one word. If there is another incident in the north, no one involved this time will help you anymore. "

After saying that, Gu Changsheng's aura dissipated and he didn't want to talk more.

Prince Fengtian sighed deeply and had no intention of looking for Gu Changsheng.

Gu Changsheng was right. The old emperor's words of ceding territory and paying compensation chilled the hearts of all those involved in the northern border this time.

This time word spreads that not only Gu Changsheng but also the people invited by Prince Fengtian with great efforts are gone, and all his allies will be dispersed.

For example, Dragon King Ao Xue, she will no longer trust Da Gan.

Unless, this Fengtian County Prince can truly take charge.

Otherwise, if you help again, will you sell them like today?

Gu Changsheng returned to Fanchen Wine Shop.

"Shopkeeper, this is from the Demon Suppressing Guard, saying it's for you." Lin San took a storage bag and handed it to Gu Changsheng.

Gu Changsheng opened the storage bag and found five pieces of jade and five human faces inside.

This human leather face is not made of human skin, but made of various materials.

Prince Fengtian has really taken a lot of trouble.

"Lin San, Pindao is leaving. Something is going to happen in Juntian City. Take your family with you and make a living on your own." Gu Changsheng said.

"Shopkeeper, you..." Lin San was stunned. Although he knew this day would come, it still felt a little sudden.

Gu Changsheng smiled and pointed between his eyebrows: "I will teach you a great magical power. Although it is incomplete, it will be enough for you to use for life."

"Thank you, shopkeeper. Where can I find you, little one..." Lin San's eyes were wet and her voice was choked with sobs.

"You don't have to come to seek Taoism. You can take your family and go to Tongtian River to find the Dragon King. Just say that you are Taoist Taiping and let her take care of you."

Gu Changsheng said: "This magical power is called Heaven and Earth Yuanyang. It can cooperate with the innate skills I teach you to constantly reincarnate yourself. Okay, I'm leaving."

He entered the backyard and took away three jars of wine and Baihua Nong.

Everything in Fanchen Winery was left to Lin San.

Taking the wine jar with him, he ascended to the sky and set foot on Wangtian Peak again.

Qing Yuanzi and Mu Yulin were sitting among the flowers, explaining their respective ways.

"You two are really leisurely. Once you come back, you will close the door and live your own life." Gu Changsheng said.

"Ha, don't you know that fellow Taoist is still tired and can't bear to disturb you?" Mu Yulin chuckled.

"So, you just watch this poor man work hard?" Gu Changsheng said dissatisfied.

"Fellow Taoist, please take a seat quickly. We have heard that Taoist Friend almost killed the Sky-Qing Divine Ape in Tongtian River." Qing Yuanzi said.

"People's words are scary." Gu Changsheng sighed: "Pintao tried his best and was almost beheaded by the divine ape."

"Fellow Taoist, you are being humbled. After all, you are just the Orb of the Origin. If you are promoted to Yin God, the Heaven-Qing Ape will definitely be killed in the Tongtian River."

Mu Yulin said.

"Do you know, fellow Taoist, about the cession of Juntian City?" Gu Changsheng asked.

Qing Yuanzi looked indifferent, nodded and said: "I know."

"I've heard about it a long time ago." Mu Yulin also nodded.

"Seeing that the two of you are so calm, I feel relieved. The Heavenly Dragon King was almost angry to death."

Gu Changsheng smiled and said: "The princess was so angry that she vomited blood and fainted."

"It's useless to be angry. We don't have the ability. We killed the old emperor when he entered the emperor."

Mu Yulin said: "Anyway, we have tried our best. From today on, wouldn't it be nice to close the door and live our own lives?"

"From today on, we will just look at the sky and practice cultivation without caring about worldly affairs. We will wait for the general trend of heaven and earth before considering joining the world."

Qing Yuanzi said.

"When I come here this time, I also want to ask my friend, the expert I mentioned before."

Gu Changsheng said: "He likes traveling around mountains and rivers, but he is from the demon-suppressing lineage."

"He." Qing Yuanzi muttered: "Taoist Fu Sheng only likes to travel around mountains and rivers. Demons in the road area will also take action, but when monks fight, he hides as far away as possible and rarely interferes."

"Did he take away someone in Juntian City?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"Yes, a Taoist named Qingfeng was taken away. I don't know the specific Taoist priest." Qing Yuanzi shook his head.

"Then where is he now?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"I only know that I went to the imperial capital, and I don't know if I have gone to the imperial capital now." Qing Yuanzi said: "Of course, it is possible that he will not go. He has no direction and may change his route at any time because of the beautiful scenery. Fellow Taoist Ask him what he is doing?"

"I have some connections with Taoist Qingfeng, so I want to find him." Gu Changsheng said.

"I see." Qing Yuanzi nodded and said, "Do you want to go to the Imperial Capital, fellow Taoist?" "Yes, you are going to the Imperial Capital for a walk. You two don't really intend to stay here at Wangtian Peak to hide from the world, right?"

Gu Changsheng said: "Once Beimang is ceded, the demon kingdom comes, and Wangtian Peak will not be able to live in peace."

"Who told fellow Taoists that the poor Taoist Wangtian Peak can't be taken away?" Qing Yuanzi said with a smile.

Gu Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and he sensed carefully, but found nothing unusual: "Fellow Taoist, are you going to use the method of moving mountains and move the entire Wangtian Peak?"

"Of course, starting from today, I will retreat from the world and practice cultivation. Fellow Taoist, please come over after your busy work."

Qing Yuanzi said: "When the time comes, we will go to Taishang Demon-Conquering Cliff together."

"How will we find our two Taoist friends then?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"This jade pendant can sense the location of Wangtian Peak. Fellow Taoists can find it when the time comes." Qing Yuanzi said.

Mu Yulin said: "Brother Taoist, you must come. Look at the sky and practice three things. Without one of them, it would be incomplete."

"You guys, it's done." Gu Changsheng shook his head and smiled, taking out the Baihua Brew: "Try the Baihua Brew and drink together."

"Pindao has been waiting for a long time."

Qing Yuanzi couldn't wait and got the wine glass.

The fragrance of flowers was pleasant, and the three of them were immersed in the flowers.

It seems that I saw flowers blooming and vying for beauty.

The spiritual power is released and nourishes the whole body.

This intoxication lasts only one day.

Qing Yuanzi looked at him with fiery eyes: "Fellow Taoist, how do you brew it? Why are the same materials so different in your hands?"

"Why don't you mention it? Your Baihua Brew is a waste of materials." Mu Yulin said.

Gu Changsheng smiled and handed the Baihua wine recipe to Qing Yuanzi.

Mu Yulin turned his right hand and took out a blue fruit: "Fellow Taoist, please pass this thing to the Dragon King on my behalf."

"Are you willing to give it to her just like this?" Gu Changsheng asked in surprise.

This is the flower and fruit cultivated by Mu Yulin.

"If we continue to cultivate, these flowers and fruits should allow the Dragon King to take a further step. She has sacrificed too much. As a monk in Juntian City, I always feel a little guilty." Mu Yulin said.

"The reason you feel guilty is probably because of Prince Fengtian." Gu Changsheng sighed softly and said, "Forget it, I will hand it over to you on my behalf. I wonder what you two went through in the north?"

The two of them did not hide it. They were blocking Beimang and the demon country's army in the northern border.

Although there were many casualties, more were defeated, leading the armies of the two countries to penetrate deeper.

Only if they go deep can they not escape from the North.

The Yan masters have already determined the spiritual veins, and they are responsible for leading the enemy troops to the vicinity of the spiritual veins.

Mu Yulin originally thought that he too would be sacrificed, but he was sent out by the Yan Masters.

Many soldiers from Yanshi and the north died in this war.

In order to deceive the armies of the two countries, they had to sacrifice their lives.

When the two learned about the cession and compensation, they were also very angry. They were disheartened and did not want to participate in anything anymore.

Mu Yulin once approached Prince Fengtian and had a big quarrel, but what was the use of approaching the Prince?
After all, he was just a county king, not the emperor of Daqian.

Prince Fengtian spent almost everything to compensate everyone who had contributed.

But after all, there is no compensation, because there are too many people who are not here for any compensation.

Gu Changsheng took out three jars of wine: "Pindao heard about Changqing Guan Qingxin, discussed Taoism with Qingxin, and brewed three jars of wine, one jar of Qingxin, one jar of Taixuan, and one jar of us, Wangtian San fixed."

"Haha, this wine is very good. Taoist priest Qingxin, Pindao and Yulin have all heard of him for a long time and want to make friends with him, but they have no chance."

The two of them were very surprised: "I didn't expect that fellow Taoist Taoist fellow Taoist Taoist Qingxin would actually discuss the matter. Let's talk about it quickly."

"It's all in this wine."

Gu Changsheng smiled lightly and divided the wine into three parts.

The three of them drank again, and Gu Changsheng was immersed in fantasy.

Scenes from the past emerged, showing the days when he had the chance to become a disciple of Chang Qing Guan, plant elixirs, and live with his senior brothers.

Incarnated as Xuan Xin, he protected his master during his last journey, and received the inheritance of the Sutra of Subduing Demons from the Supreme Master.

The second altar is about Taixuan. The Dragon King of Yanbeicheng transforms into a dragon, cures cold poison, and cleans the door.

In the third forum, he came to Juntian City, met Zhao Donglai, the others, and Qing Yuanzi, discussed Tao together, and went about their business separately.

The three of them were intoxicated for half a month before they woke up from Gu Changsheng's half-life.

"After drinking Taoist friend's wine, I'm afraid it won't taste good if I drink other wine in the future." Qing Yuanzi sighed.

"It's a pity, I don't know when I can drink it in the future." Mu Yulin said.

"The Baihua Brew has been given to me. When Qing Yuanzi brews it, Pindao will come and taste it." Gu Changsheng said.

Qing Yuanzi smiled and said, "Okay, don't make us wait too long."

"Pindao went to see the Dragon King and left. Where are you two?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"Leave now, Juntian City is already in a state of smog."

Qing Yuanzi said: "Fellow Taoist, how about seeing us off?"


Gu Changsheng stood up and left, standing high in the sky.

Qing Yuanzi smiled slightly and looked at Mu Yulin: "It's your turn."

"You always want to make me tired." Mu Yulin snorted, raised his hand, and the azure sword flew out.

A huge sword of a hundred feet fell from the sky, and cut off Wang Tianfeng in the middle.

Qing Yuanzi stood on the top of the mountain and held his hands in the distance: "Goodbye, fellow Taoist."

The magic sword flew back, and the two of them drove Wangtian Peak and disappeared into the clouds.

Gu Changsheng bowed his hands and turned towards Tongtian River.

Juntian City is already in chaos, and people from Beimang and Demon Kingdom have already entered.

When Gu Changsheng came out of the Dragon Palace, Ao Xue looked extremely gloomy.

"Dragon King." Gu Changsheng called.

Ao Xue raised her hand and Wangqing flew out and fell into Gu Changsheng's hands: "Are you leaving?"

"Well, I have news about Senior Brother Qingfeng, and I plan to go find him." Gu Changsheng said.

"It's okay to leave." Ao Xue said: "When you have time, go to the imperial capital and help me kill that faint king with a sword."

"Hey, Pindao won't be involved in this kind of thing. Pindao was just invited by the prince and has already got everything."

Gu Changsheng didn't want to do such a thing.

Although he also wanted to kill Hun Jun, he knew that Hun Jun was not so easy to kill.

If he were easy to kill, he wouldn't be able to reign for a thousand years.

"If there is a chance, would you like to strike out with a sword?" Ao Xue's eyes glowed fiercely.

"Prince Fengtian has figured it out?" Gu Changsheng asked.

"I have figured it out." Ao Xue said: "The demon country took the initiative to find me and eased the relationship."

"Donghai Dragon Palace is so proud." Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

"See you later, I am already Da Gan's enemy." Ao Xue said coldly.

"Give the common people a way to survive." Gu Changsheng took out the Youlan Fruit and said, "I will give the Heavenly Sword Mu Yulin to you, Pindao."

"She? She's a good person." Ao Xue accepted the fruit, took out a token, and said, "Take this token with you. This is the friendship of the East China Sea. If there is a need, no water tribe in the world would dare not to obey."

"Thank you very much." Gu Changsheng accepted the sign.

The Dragon Palace of the East China Sea is a powerful force that the demon kingdom wants to give face to, so naturally they will not reject their friendship.

(End of this chapter)

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