Chapter 242 Inventor Huang Di

Upon hearing Huang Di's question, many ministers hurriedly racked their brains to think.

"Huang Di, my little son, after eating for the first few days, his stomach hurt so much that he was rolling on the ground. I can't figure out the reason. I think other people may also have this problem. Can you solve it? "

A minister looked at Huang Di expectantly.

If Huang Di can solve this problem, in the future, fewer and fewer people will have stomachaches due to eating.

Huang Di thought for a while, Shennong had tasted all the herbs, so the possibility of food poisoning was almost impossible.

So, what is the reason that causes the minister's youngest son to have severe stomach pain?

Huang Di couldn't think of an answer for a while, so he could only put it aside for the time being.

"Don't worry, this problem is probably not just yours. I'll tell you the results after I study it."

After Huang Di finished speaking, he looked at the other ministers.

"You guys, aren't there any problems that need to be solved?"

Hearing what Huang Di said, many ministers felt a little ashamed. Why could others come up with good ideas but not themselves?

"Huang Di, I have an idea."

A minister raised his hand and asked.

"Now, we no longer rely entirely on gathering wild fruits and hunting. Under your leadership, Huangdi, we have begun to plant grains."

"However, this will also lead to a problem, that is, the ownership of the fields used to grow grains."

"Some people have big fields, and some people have small fields. This can easily lead to conflicts."

"Is there any way to solve it?"

"If this problem can be solved, the human race's food source will be more abundant."

Huang Di thought for a while and realized that this was indeed a problem that needed to be solved.

People who are allocated poor land, or have relatively few land, may not have much enthusiasm.

No matter how hard you work, the food you grow will be less than what others grow, so why bother trying so hard?

"We can consider re-planning the farmland and dividing a large farmland into several small plots and giving them to those who need farming."

"In this way, we can try to ensure that the quality of the land allocated to everyone is about the same, and conflicts and disputes will be much less."

After Huang Di finished speaking, there was a burst of applause from the scene.

Although this idea has not yet been implemented, these human ministers are not fools if they can become ministers. Just listening to it, you know that this idea will greatly increase the enthusiasm of the human race to grow crops.

"Huang Emperor, you are really amazing. You actually figured out a solution to such a complicated matter so quickly?"

"Yes, if you divide a large piece of land into several small pieces, you don't have to worry about other people's land being bigger than yours."

"In this case, the enthusiasm of the human race to grow grains can come back again. Emperor, you are really amazing!"

Many ministers praised Huang Di in unison.

"This matter should be implemented as soon as possible. Starting from tomorrow, I will work with you to measure the land and redistribute it equally to the planting humans."

As the emperor spoke, he began to think about what a better name should be given to this method of redistributing fields.

"Everyone, does this method of dividing land need a name?"

"What do you think is a better name?"

Before many ministers could wake up from their surprise at this way of dividing land, they were a little surprised when they heard Huang Di open his mouth to ask again.

After a long time, a gray-haired minister slowly spoke. "Huang Emperor, I have a suggestion. We can dig a well in the center of this land for everyone to use."

"This saves every household the trouble of digging wells, and everyone can still use water. Only with water can the grains grow well."

Huang Di nodded. The minister was right. What he was most afraid of when planting grains was bad weather.

Some years there are droughts, and all the grain dies in the ground, and no food grows at all.

There are floods in some years, and it is easy to lose the harvest.

If these problems can be solved through the human race's own methods, then the expansion speed of the human race can be increased a little further.

"You are right, there should be a well."

"Since there is a well between the fields, let's call it a well."

Huang Di casually gave this new way of dividing fields a name.

"Everyone, do you have any more questions?"

After solving a big problem, Huang Di was in a good mood and wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

"Huang Emperor, where I live, there is a big river."

“Whenever it rains and the water level in the river rises, it’s difficult for me to go out.”

Seeing that Huangdi had successfully solved the land problem, a minister hurriedly told him about his difficulties.

"Hahahaha, since it's difficult to go out, why don't you move? Can Huang Di make it stop raining?"

"Yes, since you think the rain will affect your going out, wouldn't it be better to move?"

Before Huang Di could speak, several ministers began to laugh at the minister who had just asked the question.

The minister was ridiculed so much that he couldn't stand down, but he still insisted on his point of view.

"The river doesn't rise every day. Besides, when the water rises, there are still fish in the river to eat. Why should I move away?"

The minister's words immediately caused a burst of laughter.

"Co-author, you can't bear to leave the fish in the river!"

"Then what else are you talking about? How can you take all the good things by yourself?"

Huangdi did not stop the debate among the ministers. He was thinking about how to solve this problem in the best of both worlds.

You can have fish to eat, and travel will not be difficult due to rising river water.

At this time, a flash flood broke out and the scene of large logs floating on the water gave Huang Di a great inspiration.

"That's it for today's meeting. I think I have a solution to the minister's problem just now. Let me test it first. If it succeeds, I will tell you."

After saying that, Huang Di stood up from his chair and hurried out of the hall.

Seeing Huang Di leaving so anxiously, many ministers also slowly left the hall while wondering what Huang Di was doing.

Huang Di came to the wild and found the largest tree. With a slight wave of Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, the tree fell to the ground.

Huang Di waved the long sword in his hand, and pieces of sawdust flew up along with the sword's edge.

Huang Di looked at the large piece of wood that had been neatly repaired by himself, touched his beard, and began to think.

Such logs can indeed float on the water easily, but there is no place to sit. Is it possible to cross the river standing?

(End of this chapter)

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