Chapter 245 The virtuous Leizu

While Huang Di was working on the boat and oars, Huang Di's wife, Lei Zu, was not idle either.

This Leizu was said to be the daughter of the Xiling clan. The Yellow Emperor married Leizu as his royal concubine.

After the Yellow Emperor became the human princess, Leizu felt that as the concubine of the human princess Huangdi, she could not pamper herself and wait for Tian Tianyi to come to her and open her mouth.

So, when Huangdi led the tribesmen to plant grains and hunt for food every day, Leizu and the wives of these people also began to get busy.

Huang Di felt that the main difference between humans and animals was that humans had to wear clothes and could not run around naked.

Ever since, Huangdi ordered that humans must wear clothes, and humans who don't wear clothes will be punished.

For a time, there was a craze for making clothes among the entire tribe.

Huang Di took matters into his own hands and designed several simple clothing patterns.

However, what happened next stumped Huang Di.

At that time, the main material for making clothes was animal skins.

When people in the tribe go hunting, after hunting wild animals, they peel off the skins of the wild animals and use the meat to eat.

After the fur is dried, it is tied up with string and worn as clothing.

This kind of clothing solved people's initial need to no longer walk naked, but it still caused many problems.

The first is that it is relatively difficult to obtain.

To get clothes made of animal skins, you need to kill the beast first and then peel off the skin.

However, most of the wild beasts in the prehistoric period were relatively ferocious. Every time you hunted wild beasts, you had to pay a price of blood.

Even though Huangdi taught his people and learned how to use various tools, the humans were still at a disadvantage when facing ferocious beasts. Every time they hunted wild beasts, they would be accompanied by casualties among the clansmen.

If it's to get food, then that's it. After all, without food, the tribesmen will die.

However, after Huangdi taught everyone to grow grains, people's demand for food weakened a lot, and they no longer lacked food as before.

In this case, the number of hunting becomes less and less.

And if you have to hunt in order to obtain materials for making clothes, this will result in the death of many tribesmen who obviously could not die.

For this reason, Huang Di was very worried.

Leizu, who had always been virtuous, noticed Huangdi's worries and was determined to find a way to change this situation.

Secondly, clothes made of animal skins can meet people's needs for covering the body, but animal skins are relatively thick and warm.

It is naturally a rare good thing to wear in winter.

Wearing it in summer is not necessary.

On this day, someone came to Huangdi and said that his father had fainted.

Upon hearing this, Huang Di immediately got up and rushed to the tribe's fields.

After arriving at this tribe's home, Huang Di found that an old man had fallen to the ground, breathless.

Huang Di was very anxious and hurriedly knelt down to check the old man's condition.

After diagnosing the old man's pulse, Huang Di found that there was nothing wrong with the old man's body. After asking the old man's son, Huang Di found out that the old man suddenly fainted while working in the fields.

Huang Di thought about it carefully, maybe he was exposed to the sun. Looking again, there are indeed many traces of sweat on the old man's body.

Wherever he sweated, white salt lumps formed.

Looking at the old man's clothes again, Huang Di suddenly realized.

This thick animal skin probably affected the old man's heat dissipation, causing the heat inside the old man's body to not dissipate when he was working.

Thinking of this, Huang Di immediately arranged for the old man's son to help the old man up, find a cool place to sit down, and then brought some water for the old man to drink slowly.

Sure enough, it was as expected by Huang Di. After drinking some water, the old man's physical condition gradually improved and his face returned to rosy.

Huang Di bid farewell to the old man, returned to his home, and told his wife Leizu what happened today.

"Lei Zu, there was an old man who fainted today while working in the fields because the weather was too hot and the animal skins he wore were too thick."

"I really don't know whether it is right or wrong to order people to wear clothes."

Huang Di blamed himself a little. If he hadn't forced his tribe to wear clothes, the old man might have taken off the animal skins on his body, so that he wouldn't have fainted because of the heat.

Lei Zu, who had always been virtuous, was also very worried when he heard Huang Di's words.

On the one hand, Lei Zu was worried that the weather was getting hotter and the tribesmen wearing animal skins might not be able to bear the temperature.

Secondly, Leizu was worried that Huangdi, who always put the safety of his people first, would become anxious because of this matter.

Lei Zu, who was always virtuous, quickly persuaded Huang Di.

"Huang Emperor, you made the right decision by letting everyone wear clothes."

"We are humans, not beasts. Without the furs given by God, we can only make our own clothes."

"The real problem is not that you ordered us to wear clothes, but that we have no other materials to make clothes except thick animal skins."

After hearing this, Huang Di sighed deeply.

How could he not know what Lei Zu said?

But besides animal skins, what else can be used to make clothes?

After talking to Lei Zu, Huang Di's worries did not ease at all.

Leizu looked at Huangdi who was sighing, and his heart was full of distress.

The men of their own family not only have to guide their tribesmen in fighting and resisting foreign aggression, but also help them grow food, raise livestock, and enrich the variety of food.

One after another, they all pressed on Huang Di's body. Lei Zu was very worried that Huang Di would drag down his body because of these things.

Lei Zu wondered if he could think of a way to help Huang Di solve this problem.

However, Leizu was just an ordinary woman after all. How could she know what she could use to make clothes?

Lei Zu was worried every day, sighed every day, and had no desire to eat.

After going back and forth, he actually got sick.

Huang Di was very worried about Leizu's illness. He personally diagnosed and treated Leizu and found that Leizu was just too worried and had no real disease.

Huang Di had no good way to solve this problem. He could only watch Leizu lose weight day by day, but there was nothing he could do.

Lei Zu had many good friends on weekdays, all of whom were women in the tribe. These women, seeing Lei Zu getting thinner and thinner, were also very anxious and wanted to immediately think of ways to help Lei Zu recover as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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