Chapter 290 Huang Feihu gives Jue a gift

Brothers Chao Tian and Chao Lei were shocked when they heard that Brother Fang Bi had rebelled.

However, the two brothers did not have the courage to pursue him.

Fang Bi is three feet six feet tall, and his younger brother Fang Xiang, although shorter, is also three feet four feet tall. Brothers Chao Tian and Chao Lei know that they are no match for the Fang brothers, so how can they dare to cause trouble for the Fang brothers?

Chao Tian shook his head secretly, knowing that Huang Feihu was setting a trap for him. Once he chased him, he would definitely die in the hands of the Fang brothers.

The best way at the moment is to go back and report to King Zhou. This will not only relieve yourself of responsibility, but also deceive Huang Feihu.

Thinking of this, the two brothers Chao Tian and Chao Lei hurriedly said goodbye to the ministers and returned to Shouxian Palace to report to King Zhou.

King Zhou heard that the Fang brothers had rebelled and had taken his two sons away. He was furious and ordered Chao Tian and Chao Lei to quickly capture the Fang brothers and behead them in public.

After hearing this, Chao Lei shook his head repeatedly and said, "Your Majesty, Fang Bi and Fang Xiang are extremely powerful, and neither Wei Chen nor my younger brother are their opponents."

"Your Majesty, why don't you order Wucheng King Huang Feihu to go and arrest him? We will definitely be able to capture the Fang brothers and our two highnesses."

After hearing this, King Zhou felt that it made sense, and immediately wrote a handwritten note, ordering Huang Feihu to capture Fang Bi and Fang Xiang, and by the way, cut off the heads of Yin Jiao and Yin Hong and bring them back.

Huang Feihu accepted the order and had no choice but to go out, ride on the five-color sacred bull, and chase the Fang brothers and the two highnesses.

This five-colored sacred bull is an extremely powerful horse. According to legend, it can run eight hundred miles in one day.

Not long after, Huang Feihu saw Fang Bi and Fang Xiang running hard from a distance.

No matter how fast a person's legs run, he can't outrun the five-color sacred cow. Soon, Huang Feihu caught up.

Fang Xiang and Fang Bi looked ashen.

Just now in the main hall, the two brothers snatched Yin Jiao and Yin Hong away out of righteous indignation and left Chaoge City.

But after snatching it out, I had no idea where to go or what to do.

Now that Huang Feihu is chasing after him, the two brothers are definitely no match for Huang Feihu. They both feel bitter in their mouths and have done bad things with good intentions.

After Huang Feihu caught up, he strangled the five-color sacred cow and blocked the way of the Fang brothers.

Yin Jiao looked at Huang Feihu and asked, "General Huang is here to capture our two brothers?"

When Huang Feihu saw Yin Jiao talking, he quickly jumped off the five-color sacred bull, knelt on the ground, and told him exactly what happened when King Zhou sent him to capture the two Fang brothers, and how he beheaded Yin Jiao and Yin Hong and brought them back.

After hearing this, Yin Jiao and Yin Hong burst into tears and said, "General, you also know that my mother was unjustly accused. My mother's injustice has not been avenged. If our two brothers die, there will be no one to avenge my mother's justice."

"Please general, please let us both live. If you have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely repay you."

Huang Feihu looked up to the sky and sighed. How could he not know that Empress Jiang was wronged?

However, if King Zhou's order is not followed, it will be a serious crime of deceiving the king, and the whole family will not be able to survive.

Yin Jiao knew that King Zhou would not be at ease unless the two brothers died, so he came up with an idea.

"General Huang, take my head back to Hunjun and spare my brother's life so that he can go and rescue the troops. If you can avenge my mother's injustice in the future, I, Yin Jiao, will be under Jiuquan and I will also thank the general for his great kindness." .”

Seeing that his brother was about to take his life in exchange for his own, Yin Hong quickly stopped him.

"General Huang, my brother is the prince, and I am the county king. It is better to take my head back and let my brother borrow troops to avenge me and my mother."

Huang Feihu, the two brothers, had a deep sense of loyalty and was very moved. When he saw that brothers Fang Bi and Fang Xiang had already burst into tears, he couldn't bear it.

"Your Highnesses, Fang Bi and Fang Xiang, I will let you go today, but only the five of us know about this matter, and no one else can know about it."

"Otherwise, the lives of my whole family will be lost." "Fang Bi, you will take your two highnesses to Donglu to find Jiang Hengchu. Prime Minister Fang, you go to Nanbohou E Chongyu and say that I am the one who ordered you to do so." He sent troops to eradicate traitors and clear the grievances of the Queen."

When they heard that Huang Feihu was willing to let them go, Fang Bi and Fang Xiang were immediately overjoyed.

Not that he was happy that his two lives were saved, but that he was happy that Yin Jiao and Yin Hong's lives were saved.

Fang Bi scratched his head and looked at Huang Feihu with some embarrassment.

"King Wu Cheng, my brother and I went to the morning court today. We didn't expect that something like this would happen. We two brothers didn't bring any traveling expenses."

"What if I really go to Donglu and there is no toll on the way?"

Huang Feihu was also helpless. If you don’t bring money to court, I should bring money?

In desperation, Huang Feihu took out the Bao Jue he carried with him.

"Fang Bi, Prime Minister Fang, this is the treasure I have with me. It's worth a hundred gold. You can sell it and use it as travel expenses."

After that, Huang Feihu threw down Bao Jue and rode the five-color sacred bull back to Chaoge City to deliver his orders to King Zhou.

When Huang Feihu returned to Chaoge City, none of the civil and military officials left. They were waiting for Huang Feihu at the Meridian Gate.

Seeing Huang Feihu come back by himself, he quickly asked: "King Wu Cheng, how is it?"

Huang Feihu pretended to be annoyed and said: "I didn't catch up, so I had to come back first."

Upon hearing this, all the civil and military officials were overjoyed.

Huang Feihu returned to the palace and saw King Zhou. King Zhou asked directly: "Have all the traitors and traitors been caught?"

Huang Feihu's expression remained unchanged and he replied calmly: "I chased him for seventy miles and arrived at a fork in the road."

"After asking all the passers-by, they all said they didn't see the two highnesses or the Fang brothers."

"I was afraid of delaying His Majesty's affairs, so I hurried back to deliver the order."

King Zhou was a little displeased when he heard that he had not been caught. He asked Huang Feihu to go back to rest first and go to court tomorrow. He returned to Shouxian Palace alone and unhappy.

When Daji heard that Huang Feihu had failed, she hurriedly slandered King Zhou.

"Your Majesty, Yin Jiao and Yin Hong ran away. If they go to Jiang Hengchu and tell them about the situation, Jiang Hengchu will definitely send troops to attack, and then there will be trouble."

"I heard that the Grand Master is not in the capital yet, and the water from far away cannot quench the thirst that is close by."

"According to my concubine's wish, it is better to let Yin Pobai and Lei Kai lead three thousand cavalry to capture Yin Jiao, Yin Hong and the Fang brothers to prevent future troubles."

After hearing this, King Zhou felt that it was very reasonable, and immediately asked the palace people to pass the order, asking Yin Pobai and Lei Kai to order three thousand cavalry to capture Yin Jiao and Yin Hong.

After Yin Pobai and Lei Kai received their orders, they hurried to Huang Feihu's house to receive military talismans so that they could easily deploy troops.

When Huang Feihu saw the two men coming to mobilize troops, he knew they were going to capture Yin Jiao and Yin Hong.

I couldn't help but hesitate in my heart.

"Should I give you this military talisman or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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