Chapter 301 Nezha died at Chentangguan

Seeing that Li Jing was really angry, Nezha hurriedly knelt down and told Li Jing the whole story of his birth.

"I came to help protect Lord Ming in accordance with the decree of Yuxu Palace."

"Even if we beat all the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, it might not be a big deal."

"If something happens, it will be borne by the master. Father doesn't have to worry."

Li Jing was also a Taoist in his early years. He had heard about Nezha's method of beating Ao Guang, so he didn't say much and waved his hand to signal Nezha to leave.

After Nezha left, he felt bored and walked towards the tower of Chentangguan.

It is summer now, the weather is hot, Nezha thought, go to the tower to enjoy the cool air.

Unexpectedly, this time I took advantage of the cool air, but once again, I caused trouble.

Let us say that when Nezha came to the city tower, he saw on the weapons shelf a bow called Qiankun Bow and three arrows called Sky-shattering Arrows.

When Nezha saw that the bow and arrow were very beautifully made, he also wanted to have fun. He picked up the bow and arrow and shot it.

I saw a red light, flying far away, and disappeared.

Thousands of miles away are the Skull Mountain and the entrance to the Bone Cave.

A little boy, holding a flower basket in his hand, was collecting herbs.

An arrow flew from the sky and hit the boy's throat, killing him immediately.

The boy who was with this boy suddenly became frightened and ran towards the cave.

"Empress Shiji, Biyun was shot to death by an arrow for some reason."

After hearing this, Shi Ji walked out of the cave and took off the arrow from the boy's neck. He saw a few small words written on the arrow: "Li Jing, the general of Chentangguan."

When Shi Ji saw it, he was furious.

It turned out that Shi Ji knew Li Jing. When Li Jing was practicing Taoism in the West Kunlun Mountains, he was unable to become an immortal.

It was Shi Ji who told Li Jing's master to let Li Jing go down the mountain to assist King Zhou and seek wealth in the world.

As a result, after Li Jing became the commander-in-chief, he actually shot Shi Ji's apprentice to death.

How could Shi Ji endure this?

Immediately, Shi Ji flew directly towards Chentangguan.

After arriving at Chentangguan, Shi Ji stood in mid-air and shouted towards the General Military Mansion: "Li Jing, come out and see me."

Li Jing heard someone calling him and hurried out.

When he went out, he saw that it was Shiji, and he hurriedly saluted respectfully: "Li Jing didn't know that your Majesty was coming, so he didn't greet you from afar. Please forgive me."

Shi Ji gritted his silver teeth and was filled with resentment: "Li Jing, look at the good things you have done!"

After that, Shi Ji threw down the Bagua Yunguang handkerchief, wrapped Li Jing in it, and returned to the White Bone Cave.

After Shi Ji released Li Jing, he asked: "Li Jing, you have failed in your quest for immortality, but you have exhausted all your wealth and wealth. Why did you kill my apprentice instead of repaying your kindness?"

Li Jing looked confused and had no idea what was going on.

Shi Ji was furious and threw the Sky-shaking Arrow directly in front of Li Jing.

Li Jing looked down and recognized the Sky-shattering Arrow. He was so surprised that he quickly explained it to Shi Ji.

"My Lady, this Qiankun Bow and this Sky-shattering Arrow are all treasures handed down from the Yellow Emperor. They are placed in Chentangguan as a treasure to control the pass. No one can pick them up!"

"How about I go back and find out who did it, and then bring him to apologize to the queen?"

Shi Ji thought for a moment, and since it was a treasure left by Emperor Xuanyuan, Li Jing might not be able to use it, so he agreed.

Li Jing returned to Chentangguan with the arrow.

Along the way, Li Jing racked his brains and couldn't figure out who could use the Qiankun Bow and Sky-shattering Arrow.

When Li Jing returned to the house, Mrs. Yin was already waiting there.

She had been worried when she saw Li Jing being taken away. Now she was very happy to see Li Jing back and hurriedly asked Li Jing what happened. After Li Jing explained everything in detail, he said in confusion: "No one can pick up the Qiankun Bow. Could it be Nezha?"

Mrs. Yin thought about it and realized that Nezha was the only one in the house who might have this ability.

So, he hurriedly called someone to fetch Nezha.

Nezha came to the front hall and saw Li Jing and Mrs. Yin sitting on chairs with very ugly faces, so he asked them what was wrong.

Li Jing thought for a while and asked directly. He was afraid that Nezha would not admit it, so he prepared to use clichés.

"Nezha, Master Qi asked you to assist Mingjun. Should you learn archery and horse riding?"

"After all, you will have to lead troops to fight in the future."

When Nezha heard this, he immediately became energetic and said, "I shot an arrow on the city wall just now. After a red light, the arrow disappeared."

When Li Jing heard that it was indeed his traitorous son who had done it, he gritted his teeth angrily and cursed: "Traitorous son, you haven't finished beating the third prince of Donghai to death, and now you are causing trouble again?"

"The arrow you just shot killed Empress Shiji's apprentice. Empress Shiji captured me and asked me to pay for it with my life."

When Nezha heard this, although she felt strange, since the other party said that she shot her apprentice to death, it would be better to confront him face to face.

Li Jing and Nezha immediately arrived at the White Bone Cave. Li Jing went in first and explained what happened to Shi Ji, while Nezha waited outside.

When he heard that it was Li Jing's son who shot his apprentice to death, Shi Ji immediately asked Caiyun boy to bring Nezha in.

Nezha thought that since the other party was falsely accusing him, it would be better to strike first.

He took out the Qiankun Circle and knocked Caiyun Boy to the ground.

Shi Ji heard a noise outside and hurried out to check, only to find that Nezha had knocked down his boy.

Shiji was furious and rushed out of the cave.

Nezha looked up and saw Shi Ji wearing red Bagua clothes and holding a long sword in his hand.

Nezha picked up the circle of heaven and earth, which was a circle.

Unexpectedly, Shi Ji was quite capable, and he caught the Qiankun Circle with one hand.

Nezha was quite surprised, but he reacted quickly. He pulled out Hun Tian Ling and tried to cover Shi Ji.

Shi Ji stretched out his hand and grabbed Hun Tianling.

The defenseless Nezha had no choice but to run away.

Nezha ran and Shiji chased him until they reached the Golden Light Cave in Qianyuan Mountain.

Master Taiyi saw Nezha running towards him in a hurry and asked why.

Nezha told everything about what happened.

After hearing this, Master Taiyi walked out of the cave with his long sword in hand.

After he came out, he saw Shi Ji holding a long sword and chasing after him angrily.

When Shiji saw Taiyi Zhenren, he asked for Nezha.

Taiyi Zhenren said: "My disciple was ordered to assist Ming Jun and overthrow Cheng Tang. How can I give it to you casually?"

"If you want, beat me first and then talk."

When Shi Ji saw that Master Taiyi refused to give it, he was really angry. He picked up his sword and chopped it down at Master Taiyi.

Taiyi Zhenren put his hands in his hands and threw out an object, which was the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield.

The Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield continued to expand, wrapping Shi Ji inside. Master Taiyi stretched out his hand and patted it, and the Samadhi True Fire suddenly ignited inside the shield.

After a while, Shiji turned into a big rock.

Master Taiyi told Nezha: "The Dragon King of the Four Seas has gone to Chentangguan to arrest your parents. You go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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