Chapter 310 Ji Chang sheds tears and returns to Xiqi


When Boyikao was cut into pieces by King Zhou, Ji Chang, who was imprisoned in Youli, felt distressed and upset.

Ji Chang quickly took out the money and divined for himself.

It doesn't matter if it's not a divination. After this divination, Ji Chang burst into tears immediately.

"My son, you didn't listen to your father's words and had to come to Chaoge City to cause this murderous disaster!"

"Now, if I don't eat your meat, I will be killed. If I do, how can I bear it?"

Ji Chang's heart was as sharp as a knife, and after a while, he fainted.

When Ji Chang woke up, an official arrived and read the imperial edict to Ji Chang.

Ji Chang, dressed in plain white, knelt down to receive the order.

The mission officer placed the lunch box in front of Ji Chang and said, "The Holy Master couldn't bear to see you imprisoned in Youli. Yesterday, he hunted a deer and made it into meat cakes for you to eat."

Ji Chang quickly kowtowed and ate three meat pies in a row.

When the mission officer saw Ji Chang eating three meatloaf in a row, he thought that Ji Chang was nothing more than that. Others said that he could pinch and do calculations, which was extremely efficacious. Now it seems that they are all Cui Niu's.

If he doesn't even know that what he is eating is his own son's flesh, how can he be called a saint?

Ji Chang endured great pain and could only cry secretly after sending the mission officer away.

The mission officer returned to Chaoge City, met King Zhou, and told Ji Chang about eating three meat pies in a row.

After hearing this, King Zhou said to Fei Zhong and You Hun: "It is said that Ji Chang can pinch and count, and is extremely efficacious. Today, it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

"He didn't even know that what he was eating was his own son's flesh."

"Otherwise, just put Ji Chang back to Xiqi."

After hearing this, Fei Zhong rolled his eyes and said: "Your Majesty, if Ji Chang's fortune telling is correct, he must have known that it was his son's meat. He was afraid that if he didn't eat it, he would be beheaded by your majesty, so he ate it reluctantly. I hope your majesty will let him go." he."

"Your Majesty, keep your eyes open and don't be deceived by Ji Chang. Ji Chang is loyal on the surface but cunning on the inside. You must be on your guard."

King Zhou disagreed. Ji Chang was a great sage. How could he bear to eat his own son's flesh?

Fei Zhong added: "Your Majesty, two of the princes in the world have rebelled. If Jichang is put back, what should we do if Jichang rebels?"

"It's better to be imprisoned all the time, and there will be less trouble."

Poor Xibo Hou Jichang, the seven years of disaster have not been completed, so he met Fei Zhong, a treacherous official, who slandered him.

Boyikao's servants, after learning that Boyikao had been chopped into pieces, disguised themselves overnight and fled back to Xiqi.

After arriving at Xiqi, he hurriedly went to see the second young master Ji Fa.

I told Ji Fa about Boyikao being chopped into meat paste.

When Ji Fa heard that his eldest brother had been chopped into pieces, he burst into tears and fainted to the ground.

When Ji Fa woke up and asked Boyi why he was taking the exam, he was told that he didn't know.

General Nangong Shi heard that the young master Boyikao was chopped into meat paste, and he was furious: "Your Highness, the young master is the young master of Xiqi. He went to pay tribute to Song City, but he was killed by King Zhou. The master was imprisoned in Youli, why not rebel!"

Suddenly, many civil and military ministers stood up and expressed that they would do the opposite.

At this moment, San Yisheng stood up.

San Yisheng glanced at the ministers and said sternly: "Before Xibohou went to Chaoge City, he had deduced that this disaster would take seven years."

"Now, the seven years are not up yet, why not bribe Fei Zhong and You Hun with a lot of money first, and when the seven years are up, raise an army to kill the tyrant."

After hearing this, Ji Fa felt that what San Yisheng said was very reasonable, and immediately ordered San Yisheng to be responsible for paying bribes. San Yisheng and Ji Fa asked for some gold, silver and jewelry to be separated and given to Fei Zhong and You Hun.

After Fei Zhong and You Hun received the gifts, they were overjoyed and expressed their willingness to contribute.

On this day, King Zhou, Fei Zhong and You Hun were playing chess in Zhaixing Tower.

King Zhou was so happy that he won two games in a row, so he called the palace servants, held a banquet, and invited Fei Zhong and You Hun to drink together.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, King Zhou put down his wine glass and sighed softly: "It is said that Ji Chang was a wise man, but he ate the flesh of his own son."

"There is no fixed answer for everything in the world."

When Fei Zhong saw the opportunity, he hurriedly said: "Wei Chen has always suspected that Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, has the intention of treason, and has been on guard against it."

"A while ago, Wei Chen sent his confidants to Youli to seek confirmation. They found that the people in Youli said that Ji Chang was truly loyal. They would burn incense on every festival and pray for His Majesty's longevity and the prosperity of the country."

"Your Majesty imprisoned Ji Chang for seven years, and Ji Chang had no complaints."

"Now it seems that Ji Chang is a truly loyal minister!"

King Zhou was a little surprised after hearing this, because Fei Zhong had always felt that Ji Chang had the intention of treason. Why did the conversation suddenly change today?

So King Zhou asked Fei Zhong: "Ai Qing, didn't you say before that Ji Chang was loyal on the outside but treacherous on the inside? How come it's the other way around today?"

Fei Zhong had experience in being a traitor. He could turn black into white and dead into living. He quickly knelt down and explained to King Zhou.

"Your Majesty, it's hard to tell the difference between a loyal minister and a treacherous minister, so Wei Chen sent his confidants to sneak into Youli to find out the truth, and only then did he know that Ji Chang was truly a loyal minister."

"It is said that Lu Yao knows that Ma Li's power has gradually improved people's hearts. Now, Wei has surrendered."

Seeing that Fei Zhong was acting uncharacteristically, King Zhou was also a little confused, so he asked You Hun what he thought.

You Hun accepted San Yisheng's generous gift, how could he not say a few nice words?

"Your Majesty, I have heard that Ji Chang has had a hard time in the past few years, but he still helps your Majesty and teaches the people in Youli. The people are grateful for his kindness and praise Ji Chang."

"Now, the people in Youli call Ji Chang a saint."

After hearing this, King Zhou believed that Ji Chang was a good person and thought of pardoning Ji Chang.

So, I continued to ask Fei Zhong and You Hun for their opinions.

Fei Zhong and You Hun both saw at this time that the other party had taken Ji Chang's gifts and money. How could they be willing to let the other party make the first contribution?

All of a sudden, Fei Zhong and You Hun tried their best to praise Ji Chang, saying that there was nothing in the sky or on the earth. After hearing this, King Zhou was overjoyed and ordered Ji Chang to be released.

When Ji Chang was in Youli, he felt a strange wind blowing down two tiles. He quickly took out his money and did a fortune telling.

After this calculation, Ji Chang was overjoyed and ordered his servants to pack their bags. His Majesty's letter of pardon was about to arrive.

Of course the followers didn't believe it, and they all laughed at Ji Chang, saying he was old and confused.

Not long after, the herald came in and read out the pardon.

Ji Chang burst into tears, and the people of Youli came to see Ji Chang off.

Ji Chang shed tears and returned to Xiqi.


(End of this chapter)

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