Chapter 314 Bukit Disaster

After the notice was posted, contrary to King Wen's expectation, countless people came in droves to help him build a platform.

King Wen ordered San Yisheng to give wages to the people according to market conditions.

The people expressed their gratitude to Ji Chang's kindness and expressed their willingness to contribute.

King Wen chose an auspicious day to break ground.

The people worked together and within a few days, the platform was built.

King Wen was overjoyed and took his officials to see the newly built platform.

King Zhou looked at the newly built platform and liked it very much, but he was a little regretful that there was a pond missing under the platform.

It is impossible to form a "water and fire" pattern.

After San Yisheng learned about it, he said to King Wen: "The project of Lingtai is so huge and it was completed so quickly. How long will it take to build a pond?"

Immediately, San Yisheng passed down the decree, saying that the king also wanted a pond to form a pattern of "water and fire complementing each other".

When the people heard this, they immediately took out their tools and started digging.

King Zhou was very pleased to see that the people were working in full swing. He greeted the ministers and drank to celebrate.

Because he drank too late and it was inconvenient to return to the palace, he slept on the mourning platform.

In his dream, King Wen saw a white tiger with wings on its ribs, flying toward him.

King Wen was so frightened that he woke up immediately.

Because he didn't know whether it would be good or bad, King Wen was uneasy and wanted to ask all the officials when he went to court the next day.

When he went to court the next day, King Wen asked the senior official San Yisheng to go out.

San Yisheng came out, and King Wen told San Yisheng about last night's dream.

San Yisheng heard this and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, this is a sign of good fortune."

"The king is about to get a pillar of talent to make him even more powerful."

After hearing this, King Wen was doubtful: "Doctor San, why do you say this?"

San Yisheng quoted from the classics: "In the past, Emperor Gaozong of Shang Dynasty dreamed of a flying bear and received advice from the wise minister Fu."

"Now the king dreamed that the tiger had wings, it was almost the same."

When King Wen heard this, he was also very happy and wanted to visit the wise man.

After Jiang Ziya left Chaoge City, he lived in seclusion on the edge of the Wei River.

Fishing on the edge of the Wei River every day.

That day, a man who looked like a woodcutter passed by Jiang Ziya and put down the firewood on his shoulder.

"Old man, are you bored fishing here every day?"

"Shall I chat with you for a while?"

Jiang Ziya fished every day and was very bored, so he agreed.

After the two exchanged names, Jiang Ziya knew that the woodcutter's name was Wu Ji.

Wu Ji walked to Jiang Ziya, looked at Jiang Ziya's hook, and found that it was actually a needle, and he burst into laughter.

"Old man, your hook is a needle, how can you catch fish?"

"Here, let me teach you. Use a fire to burn this needle red, hang the bait on it, and when the fish comes to eat the bait, you just pick it up and catch it."

"With your original fishing method, you won't be able to catch anything in three years!"

Jiang Ziya shook his head and said, "You don't know something. Although I say I am fishing, in fact, I am not fishing for fish, I am fishing for princes."

After hearing this, Wu Ji burst into laughter.

"Do you think you want to become a prince?"

"Looking at you, you don't look like a prince, you look more like a monkey."

Jiang Ziya shook his head when he heard Wu Ji mocking him.

"My face is not good, how about your face?" "I see your left eye is blue and your right eye is red. If you go to the city today, you might beat someone to death!"

After Wu Ji heard this, he immediately felt unlucky. I was joking with you, but you actually cursed me?

Suddenly, Wuji was no longer in the mood to chat, picked up firewood, and walked towards Xiqi City.

When I walked to the south gate, I happened to meet King Wen Jichang's chariot and walked out of the city gate.

The road is narrow, Wu Ji thought, shifting the burden from his right shoulder to his left shoulder.

Little did they know that this change would cause trouble.

The carrying pole was released and hit Wang Xiang, the officer guarding the gate, on the ear, and Wang Xiang was killed immediately.

People on both sides immediately surrounded Wuji and asked Wuji to pay for his life.

When King Wen saw this, he ordered people to draw a circle on the ground, imprisoned Wu Ji inside, and left by himself.

Only Xiqi can do this.

Because King Wen Ji Chang was proficient in fortune-telling, even if you escaped, Ji Chang would know where you were by just doing a fortune-telling. If you were caught, you would be severely punished.

Therefore, no one dares to escape.

Wuji was imprisoned in the pen. He missed his mother at home and did not dare to escape, so he could only cry loudly.

San Yisheng was passing by and heard Wu Ji crying, so he asked why.

Wu Jijiang still had his mother at home. If he couldn't go back, his mother might starve to death. He told San Yisheng everything.

Xiqi governs the country with the most emphasis on benevolence and filial piety.

After hearing what happened to Wu Ji, San Yisheng thought that Wu Ji's death of Wang Xiang was just an accident and not intentional, so he agreed and went to King Wen to plead for Wu Ji.

After San Yisheng entered the palace, he told King Wen about Wu Ji's affairs. After hearing this, King Wen thought that what San Yisheng said was reasonable, so he ordered Wu Ji to be released and asked Wu Ji to go home to deal with his mother's affairs first, and wait until the autumn. Do processing.

After Wu Ji was released, he hurried home and told his mother that he had to pay for the firewood seller by beating him to death.

Wuji's mother burst into tears after hearing this.

"Oh my god, my son is loyal and honest, and there is nothing wrong with him. How come he has encountered such a disaster!"

"If my son dies, how can I survive?"

When Wu Ji saw his mother crying, he suddenly softened and remembered the conversation he had with Jiang Ziya on the edge of the Wei River.

"Mom, when I was passing by the Weishui River that day, there was an old man fishing there with a straight hook. I laughed at him, and he said he was fishing for princes."

"I said you are fishing for a prince, but I think you look like a live monkey."

"He said that my left eye is red and my right eye is red. I will definitely kill someone today."

"I thought he was venomous, so he left. Unexpectedly, he really beat someone to death that day."

When Wuji's mother heard this, she immediately realized that her son might have met an expert.

If this expert was willing to help, his son's life might be saved.

Wuji’s mother immediately asked Wuji who the old man’s name was and where he lived.

Wuji hurriedly said everything one by one.

After a while, Wuji's mother told Wuji: "Son, this old man may be an expert in the world. He told you that you didn't look good and would beat people to death. He was actually trying to remind you."

"It's a pity that you didn't realize it, and that's what happened later."

"Now, since King Wen asked you to come back and take care of the housework first, you might as well go to the place where you saw him and look for this old man. Maybe, he can save you."

After Wu Ji heard this, he also realized that he might have wrongly blamed Jiang Ziya. He quickly packed his luggage and went to the Weishui River to look for Jiang Ziya.

Wu Ji came to the river, and Jiang Ziya was indeed fishing.

Seeing Wu Ji, Jiang Ziya immediately asked: "Did you kill anyone that day?"

(End of this chapter)

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