Siheyuan: Xu Damao wakes up in the world

Chapter 17 Xu Damao, you didn’t sign

Chapter 17 Xu Damao, you didn’t sign

In ancient times, Zhao Gao referred to a deer as a horse, but today, Xu Damao refers to two thousand, two hundred yuan as 200 yuan. Director Yang instinctively hated this kind of thing, but he couldn't stand the deaf old lady's pleading, so he could only bite the bullet and sign.

"Yang Dewang, his handwriting is far worse than Director Li." Xu Damao complained in his heart.Director Yang's handwriting is very sloppy, and you can tell he is in a bad mood at a glance.

Finally, it was Yi Zhonghai who signed.At Xu Damao's strong request, Yi Zhonghai was forced to press his fingerprints, and the deaf old lady also pressed her fingerprints.

There are four copies of this repayment note, one each for Xu Damao, Director Yang, Director Li and Yi Zhonghai.

"I said a few words to Director Yang and then went to catch the fool." Xu Damao said to Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady then asked Yi Zhonghai to carry her back to the courtyard. With Director Yang here, the deaf old lady believed that Xu Damao did not dare to play tricks.

"Xu Damao, what's the matter?" Director Yang looked at Xu Damao with disgust and said.

"These two yuan are for your witness fee." Xu Damao took out the 200 yuan that he had already counted, put it on Director Yang's table, and then walked away with Director Li.

Director Yang was confused.

Factory Director Yang has seen people giving gifts before, but he has never seen someone like Xu Damao give him a gift in front of his mortal enemy.

Director Yang was angry and his face was ashen. Is this a gift for himself?This is a slap in the face!Just like on the battlefield, the opponent has won the battle and is still showing off his power proudly.

Director Yang was furious. Just as he was about to grab the money and throw it hard at Xu Damao's face, he found that Xu Damao had already left.

"Damn it!" Director Yang couldn't help but yell, angrily sitting on the chair and staring at the money in front of him.

This money was like Xu Damao's face, mocking him fiercely.Director Yang could no longer contain his anger, so he grabbed 200 yuan and threw it forward.

200 yuan fell slowly like rain from the sky. Director Yang looked at the scattered money and was suddenly stunned.

Director Yang saw the banner hanging on the wall. This was the banner given to the steel rolling mill by the Five-Star Commune to express its gratitude. It was embroidered stitch by stitch by the people of the Five-Star Commune. It was different from those machine-made banners. language.

This is an absolute honor. For this reason, Director Yang deliberately placed this banner in the center of his office to highlight his appearance.

The key is that Xu Damao earned this.

Inexplicably, the anger in Director Yang's heart subsided, and then he smiled dumbly.

"I am really stunned. I am an upright department-level cadre, in charge of a steel rolling mill with tens of thousands of people."

"In the past, if I could dominate a country without saying that I was a feudal official, would I be able to vent my anger on a projectionist who is not even a cadre?"

"Besides, no matter what Xu Damao does inside the factory, it is an internal matter of the factory. At least outside, he also knows how to win glory for the steel rolling mill, which is much better than those two bastards Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai. Those two bastards are typical It’s a mess.” Director Yang immediately opened the drawer, looked at the thank-you letters sent by the rural commune in the past two days, and secretly thought it was a pity.

"Xu Damao is a talented person, but it's a pity that he was intercepted by Lao Li. However, what if Xu Damao is Lao Li's person?"

"He has always been from the steel rolling mill. As long as Xu Damao can produce results, my share of the credit will never go away." Director Yang felt much better when he thought about this.

Factory worker Yang looked at the money scattered on the ground, and finally slowly collected it. "The retouching fee is just the refinishing fee, but it's a lot of refinishing fees." Director Yang picked up the money and casually glanced at the 200 yuan and the repayment note.

Suddenly, Director Yang's eyes widened and he looked at the repayment note in front of him in disbelief.

On the repayment note, Xu Damao did not sign his name at all.This shows that when necessary, Xu Damao can completely turn his back and deny the matter.

"This bastard is really slippery. Even if I use this matter as an excuse to pinch him, I still can't handle it. It's a pity that such a smart person, why did he marry Lou Xiao'e? If he married a person with a clean family background, he wouldn't be able to handle it. There is a place for Xu Damao in the leadership." Director Yang said secretly in his heart.

Director Yang was still a little aggrieved, but Director Li was extremely happy.

"Da Mao, you are awesome. You dare to give a gift to Lao Yang in such a grand manner, and Lao Yang has to accept it." Director Li laughed.

"I'm not overdoing it. If I really go too far, I will pay Director Yang for refining the pen in front of the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai." Xu Damao said nonchalantly.

Director Li couldn't help but widen his eyes and said: "You are cruel! The deaf old lady is quite sensible and understands that this is a counter-intuitive plan. Yi Zhonghai's big head may not be able to see it."

"Haha, so what if you understand, this is money. Director Yang may not care about the money, but Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady definitely do. With the urine of these two people, they may blackmail them severely when they get the opportunity. Director Yang."

"Director Yang is used to being aloof and doesn't understand the nastiness among the people at the bottom, which is often the most insidious and vicious. After all, Director Yang is just a middleman, and he can't help himself. There is no need to trick him like this." Xu Damao said.

"Da Mao, aren't you afraid that Director Yang will use this as an excuse to punish you?" Director Li asked.

"Don't be afraid! Why does Director Yang deal with me?" Xu Damao took out his repayment note, flicked it with his fingers, and said slowly: "There is no signature of mine on it, so what does it have to do with me? This is all yours. It’s a matter between four people.”

Director Li's eyes widened again, and he quickly took out his repayment note. When he looked carefully, he saw that it did not have Xu Damao's signature on it.

"Just now you clearly...wasn't right. It was a mess. It was all a mess. Don't say anything for now. I'll sort it out first. It was really a mess just now. Not only were Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady led by your nose, but also Lao Yang and I They've all fallen into your trap." Director Li said in shock.

"Director Li, you are overthinking this. You and Director Yang are not parties involved, and the matter has nothing to do with it. It is not worthy of your investment of so much energy, so naturally you don't care."

"If it concerns oneself, I believe that both Director Yang and Director Li will be very cautious and will not make such a low-level mistake."

"To put it bluntly, the success of my unflattering little plan is all thanks to Director Yang and you. If you and Director Yang weren't here, with the shrewdness of the deaf old lady and the cunning of Yi Zhonghai, they would have been able to see through it at a glance. ." Xu Damao explained quickly.

But you can't leave the impression in Director Li's mind that you are too capable and out of control. When the time comes, you will be the one who suffers.

Factory Manager Li thought about it. If he and Factory Manager Yang were replaced by workers in the factory, Xu Damao would really not be able to take advantage of the loopholes.

"Director Li, please give me a call. I'm small and can't bear the pressure there." Xu Damao took out 1000 yuan and put it on Director Li's desk.

Then, Xu Damao thought for a while, took out another 200 yuan and put it on Director Li's desk.

"Da Mao, what are you doing? Stop calling, I'll go with you." Director Li pushed the 200 yuan back and collected the 1000 yuan.

Another advantage of Director Li is that he keeps his word and gets what he says he will get. He doesn’t take away any extra money.

(End of this chapter)

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