Siheyuan: Xu Damao wakes up in the world

Chapter 205 Factory Director Yang scolded Yi Zhonghai, who committed suicide and defrauded work inju

Chapter 205 Factory Director Yang scolded Yi Zhonghai, who committed suicide and defrauded work injury

"Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while." Xu Damao said calmly.

Then, Xu Damao took He Yuyu to Quanjude. After a delicious meal of a duck, Xu Damao took He Yuyu to the drugstore to buy tangerine peel, angelica and other products. He also bought pestles and sieves for pounding and sifting medicine, etc. series of household items;

Later, Xu Damao took He Yuyu around again and bought a lot of star anise, hawthorn, fennel, mint and other items.

"Brother Damao, what are you doing?" He Yuyu asked in confusion.

"You have your position and your job. I am the director of the cafeteria and you are the chef of the cafeteria. We can fish in the class, but we must do it with ease. I am making thirteen incense. With this thing, It can save us a lot of trouble." Xu Damao said, and then he and He Yuyu openly skipped work and made thirteen incense at home.

Anyway, Xu Damao was in his own hospital, and no one found out what Xu Damao was doing.

Xu Damao and He Yuyu were living happily. In the steel rolling mill, Director Yang slapped the table righteously.

"Who asked the newspaper to report these bad things? This is simply putting our steel rolling mill in trouble!" Director Yang pointed at the newspaper on the table and shouted angrily.

"Lao Yang, did you get the priorities wrong? Instead of holding Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu accountable, you blamed the newspaper for reporting the matter. If Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu weren't so morally low and did all the evil things, they would Even if the newspaper wants to report on it, it has no subject matter." Director Li said calmly.

Director Li's words made Director Yang even more angry, but there was nothing he could do about Director Li. If he was facing his subordinates, Director Yang would scold him if he should. Unfortunately, Director Li was only one level lower than him in name. In terms of actual power, he has already competed with Factory Director Yang.

"Call Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu over here!" Director Yang said sharply.

Since I can't be angry with Director Li, I can only be angry with Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu.

"Si Zhu has taken sick leave and is still recuperating at home. Yi Zhonghai is in the workshop. I'll call Yi Zhonghai first," the secretary said.

"Hmph, what a bullshit recuperation. You have to hit Xu Damao but the protective gear made by Xu Damao hurt him." Director Li sneered, and then Director Li told the story of the grievances between Silly Zhu and Xu Damao and the experience of Silly Zhu being injured. Now.

What Director Li said not only made Director Yang even more angry, but also made Director Yang feel like he had been cheated. The impressions of Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu in Director Yang's mind fell again and again, almost to the freezing point.

Director Li continued to contradict Director Yang, which made Director Yang's anger come out again and again. The more Director Yang became livid, the happier Director Li became.

Yi Zhonghai was preparing to have a work-related injury in the workshop. Before the plan could be implemented, he was called to the office by Director Yang's secretary.

Director Li saw that the anger in Director Yang's heart was about to erupt like a volcano, so he wisely left.

"Director Yang, what do you want from me?" Yi Zhonghai asked with hope.

Yi Zhonghai thought there was something good going on, but suddenly he realized that Director Yang's face looked wrong.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Director Yang suddenly grabbed the newspaper and threw it on Yi Zhonghai's face, then cursed for nearly an hour.

Yi Zhonghai was scolded bloody. In the past, Yi Zhonghai would not have dared to stand up for a few words. Now, Yi Zhonghai is guilty and would not dare to stand up to the angry Director Yang, nor would he dare to refute.

"Xu Damao, it must be Xu Damao who did it. Xu Damao is not a human being. Xu Damao is simply a beast..." Yi Zhonghai waited for Director Yang to get tired of scolding before he spoke.

Yi Zhonghai began to pour dirty water on Xu Damao unscrupulously, and even told what happened in the courtyard in an exaggerated manner, trying to discredit Xu Damao as much as possible.

After scolding Yi Zhonghai, Director Yang regained some sense. At this time, Director Yang couldn't help feeling frightened when he saw Yi Zhonghai smearing Xu Damao without any bottom line.

"I actually believed and trusted a bastard like Yi Zhonghai before. Fortunately, it didn't cause a big disaster. Otherwise, I would have been tricked to death." Director Yang thought to himself.

Director Yang was just about to punish Yi Zhonghai angrily, but suddenly thought that Yi Zhonghai could not be punished, so he asked disheartenedly: "Where is Silly Zhu?"

"Recuperate at home, Director Yang, you have to take care of this matter. Silly Zhu was injured by Xu Damao." Yi Zhonghai added more details about the experience of Silly Zhu's injured feet.

Of course, during this process, Yi Zhonghai tried his best to beautify Si Zhu and smear Xu Damao. If Director Yang hadn't learned the truth of the matter in advance, he would have been deceived by the sincere Yi Zhonghai again.

"Let Silly Zhu come to work in the factory tomorrow. If you don't come tomorrow, don't come here again. And you, get out of here! Before you go to work tomorrow, write a three thousand word inspection and give it to me, and then in the broadcast room The big radio broadcast to all employees of the steel rolling mill." Director Yang shouted angrily.

Since Yi Zhonghai cannot be punished materially, he must be punished mentally.

"What?" When Yi Zhonghai heard Director Yang's punishment on him, his head buzzed, as if a bomb exploded in his mind. Yi Zhonghai thought that Factory Director Yang was trying to peel off what was left of his face. Unfortunately, this is just what Yi Zhonghai thinks. In the eyes of Factory Director Yang, Yi Zhonghai is simply a shameless bastard.

Yi Zhonghai left Director Yang's office like a zombie. As soon as he left the office building, Yi Zhonghai said "Wow~", spit out a large mouthful of blood, and then collapsed on the ground.

Director Yang snorted coldly when he saw this. He didn't care about Yi Zhonghai's life or death. As long as Yi Zhonghai didn't die in his office, this matter had nothing to do with him.

It’s not that Director Yang is ruthless, but that Yi Zhonghai has made Director Yang so disappointed and even desperate. In any case, Director Yang is also from the army, and people in the army are the most disgusted by Yi Zhonghai, who looks like a villain and hides another thing. .

In this period, birth is first, character is second, and technology is third. No matter how good your skills are, if your background is not good and your character is not good, no one will use it, and no one or unit will dare to use it.

In the end, Director Li sent someone to send Yi Zhonghai to the infirmary. In any case, Yi Zhonghai is also a useful tool. As soon as the technical training class is established, he can be used as a tool to teach workers.

As for whether Yi Zhonghai lives or dies, Director Li also doesn't care.

After Yi Zhonghai was sent to the infirmary, the doctor saw at a glance that Yi Zhonghai's anger was extremely irritating and hurting his body, so he pinched Renzhong directly, and soon, he woke up Yi Zhonghai.

After being pinched awake, Yi Zhonghai lay upright in the ward of the infirmary and lay there for three hours before regaining some consciousness.

Yi Zhonghai originally wanted to go back to the workshop to continue working in order to create a work-related injury, but he suddenly thought that creating a work-related injury is also a delicate job. It must be invisible to others and ensure that it does not hurt his vitals. In his current state , doing such delicate work is courting death.

However, if you don’t do this, you won’t be able to pass the level tomorrow.

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, deciding to harm himself first.

After Yi Zhonghai washed his face with cold water, Shi Shiran returned to his workstation in the workshop. While Yi Zhonghai was pretending to be working on the workpiece, he looked around and realized that everyone was concentrating on their work, so he started a self-mutilation plan.

"Ah!" Yi Zhonghai let out a hysterical scream, and then took the opportunity to turn off the machine.

Everyone was frightened by Yi Zhonghai's screams, and many workpieces were instantly scrapped. When everyone was looking for Yi Zhonghai to settle accounts, they saw Yi Zhonghai rolling on the ground holding his left foot.

Yi Zhonghai knew that his hands were the foundation of his life and he could not hurt his hands anywhere, so he decided to hurt his feet. Even if he was lame, it would not affect his survival.

Yi Zhonghai planned to hurt his foot, or hit his toe to be exact. After a while, blood seeped out from Yi Zhonghai's cotton shoes.

"Ah, it's bleeding, hurry to the infirmary." Someone shouted.

No matter how much people annoyed Yi Zhonghai, they couldn't just watch Yi Zhonghai being injured and ignore it. Everyone directly carried Yi Zhonghai to the infirmary.

Upon seeing this, the doctor immediately used scissors to smash up Yi Zhonghai's cotton shoes and socks, and then exposed the injured area. After simple hemostasis, he sent Yi Zhonghai to the hospital.

The doctors at the steel rolling mill can only do this, and the rest depends on the hospital.

Yi Zhonghai saw that he was being carried to the hospital by everyone, and the hanging person relaxed, and then fell into a deep sleep. As for Silly Zhu, Yi Zhonghai was now thinking about how to escape punishment, so he naturally forgot about Silly Zhu.

Naturally, someone informed Yi Zhonghai about his injury. Although Yi Zhonghai knew that this was a scene directed and acted by Yi Zhonghai, she still couldn't help but worry and quickly came to the hospital.

After seeing that Yi Zhonghai was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Honey, don't worry, this is just a trick. It looks serious, but it's not serious in reality." Yi Zhonghai said unhurriedly.

"That's good, that's good." The eldest mother said.

"You go back to the deaf old lady now and ask for two yuan to buy a chicken to stew. It's a good opportunity to test whether the old lady is interested in me. The deaf old lady can't always be drained of her money by stupid people. Let's You have to fight for what you have to fight for." Yi Zhonghai said coldly.

"Okay, I'll go back to the deaf old lady and ask for money." The eldest mother said.

(End of this chapter)

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